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Functions in Lingotek Translation 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
lingotek_disassociate_nodes ./ Callback function to disassociate translations for multiple nodes at a time
lingotek_download_translations_form ./ Download Translations Form. 1
lingotek_download_translations_form_submit ./ Download Translations Form Submit
lingotek_do_cache ./ Returns whether caching is enabled. 1
lingotek_dump ./ 1
lingotek_edit_nodes ./ Callback function to edit settings for multiple nodes at a time 1
lingotek_enable ./lingotek.install Implements hook_enable().
lingotek_enabled_bundle ./ 3
lingotek_enabled_langcode ./ 2
lingotek_enable_language_by_code ./ Add lingotek_locale and lingotek_enable to the language table for the passed in drupal_language_code 2
lingotek_entity_changed ./ 2
lingotek_entity_delete ./lingotek.module
lingotek_entity_delete_form ./ Form constructor for the entity delete.
lingotek_entity_delete_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the lingotek_entity_delete form.
lingotek_entity_disassociate_form ./ Form constructor for the entity disassociate form. (Formerly "Reset Translations") 1
lingotek_entity_disassociate_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the lingotek_entity_disassociate form.
lingotek_entity_download ./lingotek.module 3 3
lingotek_entity_download_triggered ./lingotek.module 1
lingotek_entity_extract_ids ./ 10
lingotek_entity_info_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
lingotek_entity_insert ./lingotek.module Implements hook_entity_insert().
lingotek_entity_langcode ./ 1
lingotek_entity_load ./lingotek.module Implements hook_entity_load(). 3
lingotek_entity_load_single ./lingotek.module 17
lingotek_entity_presave ./lingotek.module Implements hook_entity_presave().
lingotek_entity_save ./lingotek.module 3
lingotek_entity_translation_edit_access ./lingotek.module Entity Translation edit access callback when enabled with Lingotek Translation module. 1
lingotek_entity_translation_node_tab_access ./lingotek.module Entity Translation access callback when enabled with Lingotek Translation module. 1
lingotek_entity_translation_save_status ./ Save a translation to the Entity Translation table with status and additional parameters 4
lingotek_entity_update ./lingotek.module Implements hook_entity_update(). 1
lingotek_entity_upload ./lingotek.module 3 2
lingotek_entity_upload_triggered ./lingotek.module 1
lingotek_entity_view_redirect ./ This is a function that redirects to the entity specified for a particular lingotek locale (e.g., en_US, de_DE, fr_FR) 1
lingotek_entity_xml_body ./ Return the xml representation of the source content for a node. 2
lingotek_extend_metadata_tables ./lingotek.install 9
lingotek_field_attach_create_bundle ./lingotek.module
lingotek_field_language_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_field_language_alter().
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_create ./ Field Language Data Cleanup Utility 1
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_finished ./ FINISHED CALLBACK: lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_create() 1
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_worker ./ Batch API processor for field data language updates. 1
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_update_entity ./ Ensures correct language-specific field data for the specified item. 1
lingotek_filters_popup ./ 1
lingotek_filters_popup_form ./ 1
lingotek_filter_placeholders ./ Wrap placeholder tags in specific tags that will be ignored by Lingotek 2
lingotek_form_bulk_sync ./ 1
lingotek_form_bulk_sync_submit ./ Submit handler for the lingotek_form_bulk_sync form. Calls the function that creates a batch job to do bulk sync. 1
lingotek_form_comment_form_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter().
lingotek_form_node_form_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
lingotek_get_all_entities_by_profile ./ 2
lingotek_get_and_update_target_progress ./ Updates the 'target_sync_status_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek table with the overall progress returned by TMS 1


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