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Functions in Lingotek Translation 7.7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
assert_logged_in lib/oauth-php/example/server/core/init.php 2
assert_request_vars lib/oauth-php/example/server/core/init.php
assert_request_vars_all lib/oauth-php/example/server/core/init.php
check_entity_progress_for_download ./ 1
config_download_ready ./ 1 1
config_upload_edited ./ 1
drush_lingotek_cleanup ./ Callback function for drush command lt-cleanup
drush_lingotek_db_cleanup ./ Callback function for drush command lt-db-cleanup.
drush_lingotek_prepare_blocks ./ Callback function for drush command lt-prepare-blocks
drush_lingotek_prepare_item ./ 3
drush_lingotek_prepare_menus ./ Callback function for drush command lt-prepare-menus
drush_lingotek_prepare_vocab ./ Callback function for drush command lt-prepare-taxonomies
drush_lingotek_push ./ Callback function for drush command batch upload translatable content
empty_array_check ./ 4
fix_failed_language_specific_form ./ Form for fixing failed language-specific targets 1
fix_failed_language_specific_form_submit ./ Runs the batch to fix failed language-specific targets
flag_entity_as_empty ./ Checks if document is empty and sets or removes appropriate key in database. 1
hook_lingotek_entity_download_alter ./ Alter the xml content just after receiving a translated entity from Lingotek.
hook_lingotek_entity_pre_upload ./ Alter the Lingotek data for a translatable object prior to sending it for translation. This is called just before new documents are sent to the Lingotek Translation Management System (TMS).
hook_lingotek_entity_profiles_options_alter ./ Alter the profile options available for a given entity type.
hook_lingotek_entity_upload_alter ./ Alter the xml content just before sending to Lingotek for translation.
hook_lingotek_managed_entity_types_alter ./ Alter the support for entity types within the Lingotek module.
hook_lingotek_protect_variables_alter ./ Alter the regular expression patterns used to find and protect Drupal variables before they are uploaded to Lingotek TMS for translation.
hook_lingotek_source_URL_alter ./ Alter the source URL of an entity before upload to TMS.
is_already_uploaded ./lingotek.module 1
lingotek_access ./ Menu access callback. 2 1
lingotek_access_by_plan_type ./
lingotek_access_dev_tools ./ 1
lingotek_access_tlmi ./ 1
lingotek_add_language_for_beans ./ Adds the "language" column to the bean table 1
lingotek_add_language_for_file_entities ./ Adds the "language" column to the file_managed table if needed 1
lingotek_add_language_for_groups ./ Adds the "language" column to the group table 1
lingotek_add_language_for_paragraphs ./ Adds the "language" column to the paragraphs table 1
lingotek_add_language_specific_targets ./ Adds a languages specific target to the TMS 1
lingotek_add_language_specific_targets_batch_create ./ Batch worker function for adding language-specific targets 1
lingotek_add_language_specific_targets_finished ./ 2
lingotek_add_menu_link_form ./lingotek.module 1
lingotek_add_missing_locales ./ Fills in any missing lingotek_locale values to the languages table 4
lingotek_add_project ./ 2
lingotek_add_target_language ./ Adds the target language as being enabled. 2
lingotek_add_target_locales ./ 1
lingotek_add_untranslated_source_fields ./ 1
lingotek_add_vault ./ 2
lingotek_add_vault_to_project ./ Add the current vault to the current project. It doesn't hurt to call this more than once. 2
lingotek_admin_account_status_form ./ Form constructor for the administration form. 1
lingotek_admin_additional_translation_settings_form ./ Additional translation form 1 1
lingotek_admin_additional_translation_settings_form_submit ./ 1 1
lingotek_admin_additional_translation_settings_form_validate ./ 1
lingotek_admin_add_entity_specific_changes ./ Modify general entity-translation form to include entity-specific changes. 1
lingotek_admin_add_module_index_job ./ 1


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