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function _ldapdata_retrieve_content_profile_fields in LDAP integration 6

Retrieve content profile fields.

Return value

An array with a field_name key and descriptive value.

3 calls to _ldapdata_retrieve_content_profile_fields()
ldapdata_admin_edit in ./
Implements the LDAP server edit page.
_ldapdata_user_load in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() load operation.
_ldapdata_user_update_content_profile in ./ldapdata.module
Find out which content profile attributes should be synced back to LDAP.


./ldapdata.module, line 399
ldapdata provides data maping against ldap server.


function _ldapdata_retrieve_content_profile_fields() {
  $fields = array();
  if (module_exists('content_profile')) {
    $cp_types = content_profile_get_types('types');
    foreach ($cp_types as $type_obj) {
      $type = $type_obj->type;
      $all_fields = content_fields(NULL, $type);
      if ($all_fields) {
        foreach ($all_fields as $field_name => $field_attributes) {

          // If it's not the type we are looking for, then skip the field.
          if ($field_attributes['type_name'] != $type) {
          $fields[$field_name] = "{$type}->{$field_name}";
  return $fields;