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function _ldapdata_user_update_content_profile in LDAP integration 6

Find out which content profile attributes should be synced back to LDAP.


$node: A content profile node being updated.

$account: A user object.

Return value

An associated array of attributes to write to LDAP.

1 call to _ldapdata_user_update_content_profile()
ldapdata_node_update in ./ldapdata.module
Drupal 7 hook_node_update. Handles the case of content profile updates being written back to ldap if needed.


./ldapdata.module, line 1141
ldapdata provides data maping against ldap server.


function _ldapdata_user_update_content_profile(&$node, &$account) {
  if (_ldapdata_ldap_info($account, 'mapping_type') != LDAPDATA_MAP_ATTRIBUTES) {
    return array();
  $ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings = _ldapdata_reverse_mappings($account->ldap_config);

  // Retrieve profile fields list.
  $content_profile_fields = _ldapdata_retrieve_content_profile_fields();

  // Compare against $edit list.
  $writeout = array();
  foreach ($content_profile_fields as $key => $field_name) {
    $field = $node->{$key};
    if (isset($field) && isset($ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings[$key])) {

      // Determine what kind of field we are dealing with
      // TODO: Handle multiple value fields
      $field_lookup = content_fields($key);
      $field_type = $field_lookup['type'];
      switch ($field_type) {
        case 'email':
          $writeout[$ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings[$key]] = $field[0]['email'];
        case 'content_taxonomy':

          // Convert tid to term name since that is what the _load_user does
          if ($term = taxonomy_get_term($field[0]['value'])) {
            $writeout[$ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings[$key]] = $term;
          $writeout[$ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings[$key]] = $field[0]['value'];
  return $writeout;