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function _ldapdata_user_load in LDAP integration 6

Implements hook_user() load operation.


Object $account User being loaded:

boolean $sync If true, force the user to be synced.:

Array $newentry ldapsync generated users to update info from.:

4 calls to _ldapdata_user_load()
ldapdata_user in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user().
_ldapdata_user_form in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() categories operation. Only used for editable LDAP attributes with no Drupal equivalents.
_ldapdata_user_login in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() login operation.
_ldapsync_process_entry in ./ldapsync.module
Take an ldap object entry and determine if there is an existing account or a new account needs to be created.


./ldapdata.module, line 198
ldapdata provides data maping against ldap server.


function _ldapdata_user_load(&$account, $sync = FALSE, $newentry = NULL) {
  global $user, $_ldapdata_ldap;

  // Setup the global $_ldapdata_ldap object.
  // NOTE: Other functions assume this function will always initialize this
  if (!_ldapdata_init($account)) {

  // sync not forced and sync on login set or sync on page load set and it's not the current user.
  if (!$sync && (LDAPDATA_SYNC == 0 || LDAPDATA_SYNC == 1 && $user->uid != $account->uid)) {
  static $accounts_synced = array();
  if (isset($accounts_synced[$account->uid])) {

  // See about user_node().
  // User can be edited by the user or by other authorized users.
  if (!isset($account->ldap_dn) || _ldapdata_ldap_info($account, 'mapping_type') == LDAPDATA_MAP_NOTHING) {
  $accounts_synced[$account->uid] = TRUE;
  if (is_null($newentry)) {
    $bind_info = _ldapdata_edition($account);
    if (!$_ldapdata_ldap
      ->connect($bind_info['dn'], $bind_info['pass'])) {
      watchdog('ldapdata', "User load: user %name's data could not be read in the LDAP directory", array(
        '%name' => $account->name,
    $entry = ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn($_ldapdata_ldap, $account->ldap_dn, LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT_UPDATE_DRUPAL_USER);
  else {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($newentry as $users => $info) {
      if ($account->ldap_dn == $info['dn']) {
        $entry = $info['attribs'];
  if (isset($entry)) {
    $ldap_drupal_reverse_mappings = _ldapdata_reverse_mappings($account->ldap_config);

    // Retrieve profile fields list.
    $content_profile_fields = _ldapdata_retrieve_content_profile_fields();
    $profile_fields = _ldapdata_retrieve_profile_fields();

    // Determine which profile fields are dates
    if (!empty($profile_fields)) {
      $placeholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($profile_fields), "'%s'"));
      $result = db_query("SELECT name, options from {profile_fields} WHERE name IN ({$placeholders}) AND type = 'date'", $profile_fields);
      $date_fields = array();
      while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        array_push($date_fields, $row->name);

    // If needed, get the content profile nodes
    $content_profile_nodes = array();
    if (!empty($content_profile_fields)) {
      $cp_types = content_profile_get_types('types');
      foreach ($cp_types as $type_obj) {
        $type = $type_obj->type;
        $profile = content_profile_load($type, $account->uid, '', TRUE);
        if (!$profile) {
          $profile = new stdClass();
          $profile->type = $type;
          $profile->title = isset($account->name) ? $account->name : '';
          $profile->uid = $account->uid;

          // Create node to get CCK fields
        $content_profile_nodes[] = $profile;
    $updated_nodes = array();
    $drupal_fields = array();
    foreach (_ldapdata_reverse_mappings($account->ldap_config) as $drupal_field => $ldap_attr) {
      $value = isset($entry[strtolower($ldap_attr)]) ? $entry[strtolower($ldap_attr)][0] : '';

      // Is it a profile field?
      if (!empty($profile_fields) && is_numeric($drupal_field)) {
        if (in_array($profile_fields[$drupal_field], $date_fields)) {
          $value = serialize(array(
            "month" => (int) substr($value, 4, 2),
            "day" => (int) substr($value, 6, 2),
            "year" => (int) substr($value, 0, 4),
        if ($profile_field = isset($profile_fields[$drupal_field]) ? $profile_fields[$drupal_field] : NULL) {
          if ($row = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT value FROM {profile_values} WHERE fid = '%d' AND uid = '%d'", $drupal_field, $account->uid))) {
            if ($row['value'] != $value) {
              db_query("UPDATE {profile_values} SET value = '%s' WHERE fid = '%d' AND uid = '%d'", $value, $drupal_field, $account->uid);
          else {
            db_query("INSERT INTO {profile_values} (value, fid, uid) VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d')", $value, $drupal_field, $account->uid);
          $account->{$drupal_field} = $value;
      elseif (isset($content_profile_fields[$drupal_field])) {

        // Find a matching profile node.
        foreach ($content_profile_nodes as $profile_key => $profile) {
          $node_updated = FALSE;
          if (isset($profile->{$drupal_field})) {

            // Determine what kind of field we are dealing with
            $field_lookup = content_fields($drupal_field);
            $field_type = $field_lookup['type'];
            switch ($field_type) {
              case 'email':
                if ($profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['email'] != $value) {
                  $profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['email'] = $value;
                  $node_updated = TRUE;
              case 'content_taxonomy':

                // Check to see if there are any terms that match
                if ($term = taxonomy_get_term_by_name($value)) {

                  // If so, check to make sure they match the vocabulary
                  if ($term[0]->vid == $field_lookup['vid']) {
                    if ($profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] != $term[0]->tid) {
                      $profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] = $term[0]->tid;
                      $node_updated = TRUE;
                  else {
                    $newtid = _ldapdata_add_taxonomy_term($value, $field_lookup['vid']);
                    $profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] = $newtid;
                    $node_updated = TRUE;
                else {
                  $newtid = _ldapdata_add_taxonomy_term($value, $field_lookup['vid']);
                  $profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] = $newtid;
                  $node_updated = TRUE;
                if ($profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] != $value) {
                  $profile->{$drupal_field}[0]['value'] = $value;
                  $node_updated = TRUE;

            // Only save node if something changed. Prevents node modified errors.
            if ($node_updated) {
              $updated_nodes[$profile_key] = $profile;
      elseif (isset($account->{$drupal_field}) && !in_array($drupal_field, array(
      ))) {
        $drupal_fields = array_merge($drupal_fields, array(
          $drupal_field => $value,
    if (!empty($drupal_fields)) {
      if (!empty($drupal_fields['picture'])) {
        $fname = file_directory_path() . "/" . variable_get('user_picture_path', 'pictures') . "/picture-" . $account->uid . ".jpg";
        if ($fhandle = fopen($fname, 'w')) {
          fwrite($fhandle, $drupal_fields['picture']);
          $drupal_fields['picture'] = $fname;
        else {
          watchdog('ldapdata', "Could not open user picture file for writing.  File=%file!", array(
            '%file' => $fname,
          ), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
      $account = user_save($account, $drupal_fields);
    if (!empty($updated_nodes)) {
      foreach ($updated_nodes as $profile) {

        // Flag this profile node as already synched.
        $profile->ldap_synched = TRUE;
        node_load($profile->nid, $profile->vid, TRUE);

        // Force cache refresh