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function imagecache_testsuite_generate in ImageCache Actions 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 tests/imagecache_testsuite.module \imagecache_testsuite_generate()
  2. 7 tests/imagecache_testsuite.module \imagecache_testsuite_generate()

Returns the requested image derivative.

If the image derivative generation is successful, the function does not return but exits processing using drupal_exit().

Flushes the entire test cache every time anything is done.


string $test_id: The id of the test to generate the derivative for.

string $toolkit: The toolkit to use, or empty for the default toolkit

Return value


  • The html for the page ($test_id is empty)
  • False when the image derivative could not be created.
1 string reference to 'imagecache_testsuite_generate'
imagecache_testsuite_menu in tests/imagecache_testsuite.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


tests/imagecache_testsuite.module, line 211


function imagecache_testsuite_generate($test_id = '', $toolkit = '') {
  module_load_include('inc', 'image', 'image.admin');
  module_load_include('inc', 'image', 'image.effects');
  if (empty($toolkit)) {
    $toolkit = image_get_toolkit();
  else {

    // Set the toolkit for this invocation only, so do not use variable_set.
    global $conf;
    $conf['image_toolkit'] = $toolkit;
    if ($toolkit === 'gd') {

      // This seems not to be done automatically elsewhere.
      include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/' . '';
  $target = 'module://imagecache_testsuite/sample.jpg';
  $tests = array_merge(image_styles(), imagecache_testsuite_get_tests());

  // Run the process and return the image, @see image_style_create_derivative().
  $style = $tests[$test_id];
  if (!$style) {
    trigger_error("Unknown test style preset '{$test_id}' ", E_USER_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

  // @todo: should we let the image style system do its work and just interfere on hook_init with setting the toolkit?
  // @todo: this would make the page generator easier as well and keep it working with secure image derivatives.
  // Start emulating image_style_create_derivative()
  // The main difference being I determine the toolkit I want to use.
  // SOME of this code is probably redundant, was a lot of copy&paste without true understanding of the new image.module
  if (!($image = image_load($target, $toolkit))) {
    trigger_error("Failed to open original image {$target} with toolkit {$toolkit}", E_USER_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

  // Need to save the result before returning it - to stay compatible with imagemagick
  $filename = "{$test_id}-{$toolkit}.{$image->info['extension']}";
  $derivative_uri = image_style_path($style['name'], $filename);
  $directory = dirname($derivative_uri);
  file_prepare_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
  watchdog('imagecache_testsuite', 'Checking a save dir %dir', array(
    '%dir' => dirname($derivative_uri),

  // Imagemagick is not quite right? place a file where the file is supposed to go
  // before I put the real path there? else drupal_realpath() says nuh.

  #file_save_data('touch this for imagemagick', $derivative_uri, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
  foreach ($style['effects'] as $effect) {

    // Need to load the full effect definitions, our test ones don't know all the callback info
    $effect_definition = image_effect_definition_load($effect['name']);
    if (empty($effect_definition)) {
      watchdog('imagecache_testsuite', 'I have no idea what %name is', array(
        '%name' => $effect['name'],
    $full_effect = array_merge($effect_definition, array(
      'data' => $effect['data'],

    // @todo: effects that involve other images (overlay, underlay) will load that image with the default toolkit which may differ from the toolkit tested here.
    if (!image_effect_apply($image, $full_effect)) {
      watchdog('imagecache_testsuite', 'action: %action (%callback) failed for %src', array(
        '%action' => $full_effect['label'],
        '%src' => $target,
        '%callback' => $full_effect['effect callback'],
  if (!image_save($image, $derivative_uri)) {
    watchdog('imagecache_testsuite', 'saving image %label failed for %derivative_uri', array(
      '%derivative_uri' => $derivative_uri,
      '%label' => isset($style['label']) ? $style['label'] : $style['name'],
    return FALSE;
  if ($result_image = image_load($derivative_uri)) {
    file_transfer($result_image->source, array(
      'Content-Type' => $result_image->info['mime_type'],
      'Content-Length' => $result_image->info['file_size'],
  return "Failed to load the expected result from {$derivative_uri}";