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Functions in ImageCache Actions 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
canvasactions_aspect_dimensions canvasactions/ Image dimensions callback for the aspect switcher effect. 1
canvasactions_aspect_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the aspect switcher effect. 1
canvasactions_aspect_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the aspect switcher effect. 1
canvasactions_blur_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the resize percent effect. 1
canvasactions_blur_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the blur effect. 1
canvasactions_canvas2file_dimensions canvasactions/ Image dimensions callback for the underlay (background) effect. 1
canvasactions_canvas2file_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the underlay (background) effect. 1
canvasactions_canvas2file_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the underlay (background) effect. 1
canvasactions_definecanvas_dimensions canvasactions/ Image dimensions callback for the define canvas effect. 1
canvasactions_definecanvas_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the define canvas effect. 1
canvasactions_definecanvas_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the define canvas effect. 1
canvasactions_file2canvas_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the overlay (watermark) image effect. 1
canvasactions_file2canvas_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the overlay (watermark) effect. 2
canvasactions_imagemask_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the image mask effect. 1
canvasactions_imagemask_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the image mask effect. 1
canvasactions_interlace_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the Interlace / Progressive effect. 1
canvasactions_interlace_form canvasactions/ Builds the interlace form. 1
canvasactions_resizepercent_dimensions canvasactions/ Image dimensions callback for the resize percent effect. 1
canvasactions_resizepercent_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the resize percent effect. 1
canvasactions_resizepercent_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the resize percent effect. 1
canvasactions_resizepercent_validate canvasactions/ Element validate handler to ensure that a positive number is specified. 1
canvasactions_roundedcorners_effect canvasactions/ 1
canvasactions_roundedcorners_form canvasactions/ Set radius for corner rounding 1
canvasactions_source2canvas_effect canvasactions/ Image effect callback for the overlay: source image to canvas effect. 1
canvasactions_source2canvas_form canvasactions/ Image effect form callback for the overlay: source image to canvas effect. 1
coloractions_adjustlevels_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the adjust levels effect. 1
coloractions_adjustlevels_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the brightness effect. 1
coloractions_adjustlevels_form_helper coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Helper function to create the form for the color level adjustment effect. 1
coloractions_alpha_effect coloractions/ Image effect callback for the alpha effect. 1
coloractions_alpha_form coloractions/ Image effect form callback for the alpha effect. 1
coloractions_brightness_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the brightness effect. 1
coloractions_brightness_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the brightness effect. 1
coloractions_coloroverlay_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the color overlay effect. 1
coloractions_coloroverlay_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the color overlay effect. 1
coloractions_colorshift_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the color shift effect. 1
coloractions_colorshift_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the color shift effect. 1
coloractions_convert_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the convert image format effect. 1
coloractions_convert_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the convert image format effect. 1
coloractions_desaturatealpha_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the desaturate alpha effect. 1
coloractions_file_formats coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Mini mime-type list 3
coloractions_invert_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the image invert effect. 1
coloractions_invert_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the image invert effect. 1
coloractions_posterize_effect coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect callback for the posterize effect. 1
coloractions_posterize_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Image effect form callback for the posterize effect. 1
coloractions_validate_form coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Form element validation handler that compares low and high values. 1
coloractions_validate_low_and_high coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module 1
coloractions_validate_scale_0_1 coloractions/imagecache_coloractions.module Form element validation handler for elements that should contain a number between 0 and 1. 1
imagecache_actions_calculate_offset ./ Calculates an offset from an edge. 2
imagecache_actions_calculate_relative_position ./ Given two imageapi objects with dimensions, and some positioning values, calculate a new x,y for the layer to be placed at. 1 2
imagecache_actions_file_field_description ./ 4


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