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function imagecache_testsuite_generate in ImageCache Actions 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/imagecache_testsuite.module \imagecache_testsuite_generate()
  2. 7 tests/imagecache_testsuite.module \imagecache_testsuite_generate()

Either returns the whole testsuite page or generates the requested image+preset

Flushes the entire test cache every time anything is done.

1 string reference to 'imagecache_testsuite_generate'
imagecache_testsuite_menu in tests/imagecache_testsuite.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


tests/imagecache_testsuite.module, line 67


function imagecache_testsuite_generate($test_id = '', $toolkit = 'gd') {

  // Samples to test are scanned from
  // - the existing installed presets
  // - features inc attached to this module
  // - individual * files found near any known modules
  // Images illustrating the named preset are looked for also.
  $sample_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'imagecache_testsuite');
  $sample_folders = imagecache_testsuite_get_folders();
  $src = $sample_path . '/sample.jpg';
  $tests = imagecache_presets() + imagecache_testsuite_get_tests();
  $testsuite_dir = imagecache_create_path('testsuite', '');
  if (empty($test_id)) {

    // Firstly, remove any previous images
    if (is_dir(realpath($testsuite_dir))) {

    // Draw the admin table
    $test_table = array();
    foreach ($tests as $testname => $preset) {
      $row = array();
      $row_class = 'test';
      $details = '';

      // Render the details
      foreach ($preset['actions'] as $i => $action) {
        $definition = imagecache_action_definition($action['action']);
        if ($definition) {
          $description = "<b>{$definition['name']}</b> ";
          $description .= theme($action['action'], array(
            '#value' => $action['data'],
          $details .= "<div>{$description}</div>";
        else {

          // probably an action that requires a module that is not installed.
          $details = t("<div><b>Action %action Unavailable</b></div>", array(
            '%action' => $action['action'],
          $row_class = 'error';
      $row['details'] = "<h3>{$preset['presetname']}</h3><p>{$details}</p>";

      // Look for a sample image. May also be defined by the definition itself,
      // but normally assume a file named after the presetname, in the preset file path.
      foreach ($sample_folders as $sample_folder) {
        if (file_exists("{$sample_folder}/{$testname}.png")) {
          $preset['sample'] = "{$sample_folder}/{$testname}.png";
        elseif (file_exists("{$sample_folder}/{$testname}.jpg")) {
          $preset['sample'] = "{$sample_folder}/{$testname}.jpg";
      if (isset($preset['sample']) && file_exists($preset['sample'])) {
        $sample_img = theme('image', $preset['sample']);

        // I was having trouble with permissions on an OSX dev machine
        if (!is_readable($preset['sample'])) {
          $sample_img = "FILE UNREADABLE: {$preset['sample']}";
      else {
        $sample_img = "[no sample]";
      $row['sample'] = $sample_img;

      // generate a result for each available toolit
      foreach (array(
      ) as $toolkit) {
        if (module_exists('imageapi_' . $toolkit)) {
          $test_url = "admin/build/imagecache/test/{$testname}/{$toolkit}";
          $test_img = theme('image', $test_url, "{$testname}/{$toolkit}", NULL, NULL, FALSE);
          $row[$toolkit] = l($test_img, $test_url, array(
            'html' => TRUE,
        else {
          $row[$toolkit] = 'Disabled';
      $test_table[$testname] = array(
        'data' => $row,
        'class' => $row_class,
    $header = array(
    $output = theme('table', $header, $test_table, array(
      'id' => 'imagecache-testsuite',

    // Default system zebra-striping fails to show my transparency on white
    drupal_set_html_head('<style  type="text/css" >#imagecache-testsuite tr.even{background-color:#EEEEEE !important;} #imagecache-testsuite td{vertical-align:top;}  #imagecache-testsuite tr.error{background-color:#FFCCCC !important;}</style>');
    return $output;
  else {

    // run the process and return the image
    // @see imagecache_cache ...imagecache_build_derivative ...
    $preset = $tests[$test_id];
    $actions = $preset['actions'];
    if (!$preset) {
      trigger_error("Unknown test preset '{$test_id}' ", E_USER_ERROR);
      return FALSE;
    if (!($image = imageapi_image_open($src, 'imageapi_' . $toolkit))) {
      trigger_error("Failed to open original image {$src} with toolkit {$toolkit}", E_USER_ERROR);
      return FALSE;
    foreach ($actions as $action) {

      #dpm(array('applying action' => $action, 'on image' => $image));
      if (!_imagecache_apply_action($action, $image)) {
        watchdog('imagecache', 'action: %action failed for %src', array(
          '%action' => $action['action'],
          '%src' => $src,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;

    // Need to save the result before returning it - to stay compatible with imagemagick
    $filename = "{$test_id}-{$toolkit}.{$image->info['extension']}";
    if (!file_check_directory($testsuite_dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      mkdir($testsuite_dir, 0775, TRUE);
    $dst = $testsuite_dir . '/' . $filename;
    imageapi_image_close($image, $dst);