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google-appliance-results.tpl.php in Google Search Appliance 7

default theme implementation for displaying Google Search Appliance results

This template collects each invocation of theme_google_appliance_result(). This and the child template are dependent on one another sharing the markup for the results listing


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// $Id$

 * @file 
 *    default theme implementation for displaying Google Search Appliance results
 * This template collects each invocation of theme_google_appliance_result(). This and
 * the child template are dependent on one another sharing the markup for the 
 * results listing
 * @see template_preprocess_google_appliance_results()
 * @see template_preprocess_google_appliance_result()
 * @see google-appliance-result.tpl.php

print drupal_render($search_form);


if (!empty($spelling_suggestion)) {

  print $spelling_suggestion;


if (isset($show_synonyms) && $show_synonyms) {
  <div class="synonyms google-appliance-synonyms">
    <span class="p"><?php

  print $synonyms_label;
  ?></span> <ul><?php

  print $synonyms;


<h2 id="search-results-heading"><?php

print $results_heading;

if (!isset($response_data['error'])) {

  <div class="google-appliance-results-control-bar clearfix">

  print $search_stats;

  print $sort_headers;


  if (!empty($keymatch_results)) {
    <ol class="keymatch-results google-appliance-keymatch-results">

    print $keymatch_results;


  <ol class="search-results google-appliance-results">

  print $search_results;

  <div class="google-appliance-results-control-bar clearfix">

  print $search_stats;

  print $sort_headers;


  print $pager;


else {

  print $error_reason;
