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function google_appliance_search_view in Google Search Appliance 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 google_appliance.module \google_appliance_search_view()

Top level search execution (menu callback)

  • performs a query of the GSA device for a SINGLE PAGE of search results

@arg $query the search query from url [ arg(1) ] @arg $sort optional sort parameter, either "rel" (default) or "date" [ arg(2) ]

Return value

themed results: error messages or results listing

1 string reference to 'google_appliance_search_view'
google_appliance_menu in ./google_appliance.module
Implements hook_menu().


./google_appliance.module, line 484
Google Appliance module enables searching via a dedicated Google Search Appliance hardware device. See README.txt and the help page at admin/help/google_appliance.


function google_appliance_search_view($query = '', $sort = NULL) {
  $query = urldecode($query);

  // get the results page form
  $form = drupal_get_form('google_appliance_search_form', $query);

  // When POSTing back to the search form on a search results page, the original
  // URL is accessed (which re-runs that search) and then the redirect for
  // the new search takes place, executing the second (correct) search.
  // Prevent hitting the device twice per search by checking if we've POSTed yet.
  if (!isset($_POST['form_id']) && $query != '') {

    // grab module settings
    $settings = _google_appliance_get_settings();

    // response processing structures
    $search_query_data = array();

    // cURL arguments for the query
    $response_data = array();

    // processd response
    // get the sort parameter from the url
    $sort_param = '';
    if ($sort != NULL && $sort == 'date') {
      $sort_param = 'date:D:S:d1';

    // determine how deep into the results to start viewing (paging)
    if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
      $results_view_start = check_plain($_GET['page']) * $settings['results_per_page'];
    else {
      $results_view_start = 0;

    // build cURL request
    $search_query_data['gsa_host'] = check_plain($settings['hostname'] . '/search');
    $search_query_data['gsa_query_params'] = array(
      'site' => check_plain($settings['collection']),
      'oe' => 'utf8',
      'ie' => 'utf8',
      'getfields' => '*',
      'client' => check_plain($settings['frontend']),
      'start' => $results_view_start,
      'num' => check_plain($settings['results_per_page']),
      'filter' => check_plain($settings['autofilter']),
      'q' => $query,
      'output' => 'xml_no_dtd',
      'sort' => $sort_param,
      'access' => 'p',

    // Alter request according to language filter settings.
    if (module_exists('locale') && $settings['language_filter_toggle']) {
      $search_query_data['gsa_query_params']['lr'] = _google_appliance_get_lr($settings['language_filter_options']);

    // allow implementation of hook_google_appliance_query_alter() by other modules
    drupal_alter('google_appliance_query', $search_query_data);

    // build debug info in case we need to display it
    if ($settings['query_inspection'] == '1') {
      $search_query_data['debug_info'][] = t('GSA host: @host', array(
        '@host' => $search_query_data['gsa_host'],
      $search_query_data['debug_info'][] = t('Query Parameters: <pre>@qp</pre>', array(
        '@qp' => print_r($search_query_data['gsa_query_params'], TRUE),
    $curl_options = array();

    // Use drupal proxy if any.
    $drupal_proxy_server = variable_get('proxy_server', '');
    $drupal_proxy_port = variable_get('proxy_port', '');
    $drupal_proxy_username = variable_get('proxy_username', '');
    $drupal_proxy_password = variable_get('proxy_password', '');
    $drupal_proxy_user_agent = variable_get('proxy_user_agent', NULL);

    // NULL as default value.
    $drupal_proxy_exceptions = variable_get('proxy_exceptions', array());

    // Add drupal proxy to curl_options.
    if ($drupal_proxy_server != '') {

      // Parse gsa_hostname to obtain the host without the scheme (http/https).
      // Check if a proxy should be used for gsa_hostname using _drupal_http_use_proxy
      // If parsing fails (and it should not), use the proxy. The idea here is that we should always use the proxy
      // except for some exceptional hosts. If we are not able to confirm that this is indeed an exception
      // better to use the proxy.
      $gsa_hostname_components = @parse_url($gsa_hostname);
      if ($gsa_hostname_components === false || _drupal_http_use_proxy($gsa_hostname_components['host'])) {
        $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $drupal_proxy_server;

        // Add port, if provided.
        if ($drupal_proxy_port != '') {
          $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY] .= ':' . $drupal_proxy_port;

        // Some proxies reject requests with any User-Agent headers, while others
        // require a specific one.
        if ($drupal_proxy_user_agent !== NULL) {
          $curl_options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $drupal_proxy_user_agent;

      // Set authentication, if needed, checking if proxy_username is not empty.
      if ($drupal_proxy_username != '') {

        // The option CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD has format [username]:[password].
        $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD] = $drupal_proxy_username . ':' . $drupal_proxy_password;

    // allow implementation of hook_google_appliance_curl_alter() by other modules
    drupal_alter('google_appliance_curl', $curl_options);

    // query the GSA for search results
    $gsa_response = _curl_get($search_query_data['gsa_host'], $search_query_data['gsa_query_params'], $curl_options, $settings['timeout']);

    // check for handshake errors
    if ($gsa_response['is_error'] == TRUE) {

      // cURL returned an error (can't connect)
      $response_data['error']['curl_error'] = $gsa_response['response'];

      // displaying useful error messages depends upon the use of the array key
      // 'curl_error' ... the actual error code/response is displayed elsewhere.
      // @see
    else {

      // cURL gave us something back -> attempt to parse
      $response_data = google_appliance_parse_device_response_xml($gsa_response['response']);

    // render results
    $search_query_data['gsa_query_params']['urlencoded_q'] = urlencode($query);
    $template_data = array(
      'search_query_data' => $search_query_data,
      'response_data' => $response_data,
    return theme('google_appliance_results', $template_data);
  else {

    // return the form so the (real) second search is performed
    return $form;