getlocations_search.module in Get Locations 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
getlocations_search.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
Provides a search page. for Drupal 7
modules/getlocations_search/getlocations_search.moduleView source
* @file
* getlocations_search.module
* @author Bob Hutchinson
* @copyright GNU GPL
* Provides a search page.
* for Drupal 7
define('GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH', drupal_get_path('module', 'getlocations_search'));
* Implements hook_help().
function getlocations_search_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#getlocations_search':
$output = '<p>' . t('Provide a search faciliy for locations on a map.') . '</p>';
return $output;
* Implements hook_permission().
function getlocations_search_permission() {
$perms = array();
$perms['access getlocations search'] = array(
'title' => t('Access Getlocations Search'),
'description' => t('View and use the Getlocations_search module.'),
return $perms;
* Implements hook_menu().
function getlocations_search_menu() {
$items = array();
$items[GETLOCATIONS_ADMIN_PATH . '/search'] = array(
'title' => 'Search',
'description' => 'Configure Getlocations search',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => '',
'weight' => 4,
$items['getlocations_search'] = array(
'title' => 'Getlocations search',
'description' => 'Search for places on a map',
'access arguments' => array(
'access getlocations search',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_search',
// getlocations_search/info # ajax callback to fetch all location info
$items['getlocations_search/info'] = array(
'page callback' => 'getlocations_search_allinfo',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$items['getlocations_search/term_autocomplete'] = array(
'page callback' => 'getlocations_search_term_autocomplete',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
// colorbox
$items['getlocations_search_box'] = array(
'title' => 'Getlocations search',
'access arguments' => array(
'access getlocations search',
'page callback' => 'getlocations_search_box',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Menu item
function getlocations_search($which = 'page') {
$contents = '';
$contents .= theme('getlocations_search', array(
'which' => $which,
return $contents;
* The search form
function getlocations_search_form($form, &$form_state, $which, $mapid) {
$mapid2 = preg_replace("/_/", "-", $mapid);
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
if ($which == 'block') {
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_block_get_var();
$form['#attached']['css'] = array(
GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH . '/getlocations_search.css',
// pass this on to the theme
$form['which'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $which,
$form['mapid'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $mapid,
$form['display_latlon'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['display_latlon'],
$form['display_geo_microformat'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['display_geo_microformat'],
$form['display_accuracy'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['display_accuracy'],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['method'] == 'vocab' && $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab_element'] == 'dropdown') {
$form['getlocations_search_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Search'),
'#options' => getlocations_search_term_get(),
else {
$form['getlocations_search_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Search'),
'#maxlength' => 255,
'#size' => $getlocations_search_defaults['searchbox_size'],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['method'] == 'vocab' && $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab_element'] == 'autocomplete') {
$form['getlocations_search_' . $mapid]['#autocomplete_path'] = 'getlocations_search/term_autocomplete';
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['use_geolocation_button']) {
$form['getlocations_search_geolocation_button_' . $mapid] = array(
'#markup' => '',
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['display_search_distance']) {
$form['getlocations_search_distance_' . $mapid] = getlocations_element_search_distance($getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance'], t('Search distance'), t('The distance away from the center to search for locations.'));
else {
$form['getlocations_search_distance_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance'],
'#attributes' => array(
'id' => 'edit-getlocations-search-distance-' . $mapid2,
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['display_search_units']) {
$form['getlocations_search_units_' . $mapid] = getlocations_element_distance_unit($getlocations_search_defaults['search_units'], t('Distance units'));
else {
$form['getlocations_search_units_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['search_units'],
'#attributes' => array(
'id' => 'edit-getlocations-search-units-' . $mapid2,
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['display_search_limits']) {
$form['getlocations_search_limits_' . $mapid] = getlocations_element_map_limits($getlocations_search_defaults['search_limits']);
else {
$form['getlocations_search_limits_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['search_limits'],
'#attributes' => array(
'id' => 'edit-getlocations-search-limits-' . $mapid2,
$opts = getlocations_search_type_options();
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['display_search_type'] && count($opts)) {
$form['getlocations_search_type_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Restrict the search'),
'#options' => $opts,
'#default_value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['search_type'],
'#description' => t('Restrict the search to a content type'),
else {
$form['getlocations_search_type_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $getlocations_search_defaults['search_type'],
'#attributes' => array(
'id' => 'edit-getlocations-search-type-' . $mapid2,
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['restrict_by_country'] && $getlocations_search_defaults['country']) {
$form['getlocations_search_country_' . $mapid] = array(
'#markup' => $getlocations_search_defaults['country'],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['method'] != 'google_ac') {
$form['getlocations_search_submit_' . $mapid] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Go'),
else {
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['geocode_button_enable']) {
// geocode button
$form['getlocations_search_geocode_button_' . $mapid] = array(
'#markup' => '',
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['reset_button_enable']) {
// Reset button
$form['getlocations_search_reset_button_' . $mapid] = array(
'#markup' => '',
return $form;
* colorbox
function getlocations_search_box() {
$content = getlocations_search();
$output = theme('getlocations_search_box', array(
'content' => $content,
print $output;
* Set up the map and use getlocations to spit it out
function getlocations_search_getmap($which = 'page') {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$getlocations_defaults['places'] = 1;
$getlocations_defaults['preload_data'] = 0;
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
if ($which == 'block') {
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_block_get_var();
// we need a markermanager enabled
if ($getlocations_defaults['markermanagertype'] < 1) {
$getlocations_search_defaults['markermanagertype'] = 1;
$getlocations_search_defaults['pansetting'] = $getlocations_defaults['pansetting'];
// we need to update $getlocations_defaults with data from $getlocations_search_defaults
$keys = array(
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$getlocations_defaults[$key] = $getlocations_search_defaults[$key];
// tell getlocations.js that this map is externally controlled
// switch it off for showall so that markers can be generated
if (!$getlocations_search_defaults['showall']) {
$getlocations_defaults['extcontrol'] = 'getlocations_search';
$mapid = getlocations_setup_map($getlocations_defaults);
$aggr = getlocations_aggr_get() ? TRUE : FALSE;
getlocations_search_js_settings_do($getlocations_search_defaults, $mapid);
$getlocations_search_paths = getlocations_search_paths_get();
$jsfile = $getlocations_search_paths['getlocations_search_path'];
$js_opts = array();
$js_opts['weight'] = $getlocations_defaults['getlocations_js_weight'] + 30;
$js_opts['type'] = 'file';
$js_opts['preprocess'] = $aggr;
drupal_add_js($jsfile, $js_opts);
$minmaxes = '';
$latlons = array();
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['showall']) {
$minmaxes = array(
'minlat' => 0,
'minlon' => 0,
'maxlat' => 0,
'maxlon' => 0,
$locations = getlocations_search_load_all_locations($getlocations_search_defaults['search_type']);
$ct = 0;
if (count($locations)) {
// we should loop over them and dump bummers with no lat/lon
foreach ($locations as $key => $location) {
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($location['latitude'] . ',' . $location['longitude'])) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$location['latitude'] = $ll[0];
$location['longitude'] = $ll[1];
$minmaxes = getlocations_do_minmaxes($ct, $location, $minmaxes);
if (!isset($location['key'])) {
$location['key'] = '';
if (isset($location['lid']) && $location['lid']) {
$id = $location['lid'];
elseif (isset($location['nid']) && $location['nid']) {
$id = $location['nid'];
$location['key'] = 'nid';
elseif (isset($location['uid']) && $location['uid']) {
$id = $location['uid'];
$location['key'] = 'uid';
elseif (isset($location['tid']) && $location['tid']) {
$id = $location['tid'];
$location['key'] = 'tid';
elseif (isset($location['cid']) && $location['cid']) {
$id = $location['cid'];
$location['key'] = 'cid';
$name = htmlspecialchars_decode(isset($location['name']) ? strip_tags($location['name']) : strip_tags($location['title']), ENT_QUOTES);
$latlons[] = array(
if ($ct < 2) {
$minmaxes = '';
getlocations_js_settings_do($getlocations_defaults, $latlons, $minmaxes, $mapid, FALSE, $getlocations_defaults['extcontrol']);
$map = theme('getlocations_show', array(
'width' => $getlocations_defaults['width'],
'height' => $getlocations_defaults['height'],
'defaults' => $getlocations_defaults,
'mapid' => $mapid,
'latlons' => $latlons,
'minmaxes' => $minmaxes,
'type' => '',
'node' => '',
return array(
'map' => $map,
'mapid' => $mapid,
* @param array $defaults
* Settings
* @param string $mapid
* Unique map identifier used in javascript to allow multiple maps
function getlocations_search_js_settings_do($defaults, $mapid) {
$do_lookup = getlocations_search_do_types();
$settings = array(
$mapid => array(
'method' => $defaults['method'],
'maxzoom' => $defaults['maxzoom'],
'do_lookup' => $do_lookup ? 1 : 0,
'autocomplete_bias' => $defaults['autocomplete_bias'],
'restrict_by_country' => $defaults['restrict_by_country'],
'country' => $defaults['country'],
'show_distance' => $defaults['show_distance'],
'search_marker' => $defaults['search_marker'],
'do_search_marker' => $defaults['do_search_marker'],
'search_marker_toggle' => $defaults['search_marker_toggle'],
'search_marker_toggle_active' => $defaults['search_marker_toggle_active'],
'search_info_path' => url("getlocations_search/info"),
'search_radshape_enable' => $defaults['search_radshape_enable'],
'search_radshape_strokecolor' => $defaults['search_radshape_strokecolor'],
'search_radshape_strokeopacity' => $defaults['search_radshape_strokeopacity'],
'search_radshape_strokeweight' => $defaults['search_radshape_strokeweight'],
'search_radshape_fillcolor' => $defaults['search_radshape_fillcolor'],
'search_radshape_fillopacity' => $defaults['search_radshape_fillopacity'],
'search_radshape_toggle' => $defaults['search_radshape_toggle'],
'search_radshape_toggle_active' => $defaults['search_radshape_toggle_active'],
'search_distance_type' => $defaults['search_distance_type'],
'zoom_on_single_use' => $defaults['zoom_on_single_use'],
'display_accuracy' => $defaults['display_accuracy'],
'showall' => $defaults['showall'],
'display_geo_microformat' => $defaults['display_geo_microformat'],
'getlocations_search' => $settings,
), 'setting');
* Collect information about which entity_types have fields for supported module
* and return an array suitable for a dropdown
* @return Array
function getlocations_search_type_options() {
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
$query = db_select('field_config', 'f');
->fields('i', array(
->join('field_config_instance', 'i', '');
->condition('f.module', $module)
->condition('', 1);
$rows = $query
$opts = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$found = FALSE;
$entity_type = $row->entity_type;
if ($entity_type == 'user' && getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$found = TRUE;
elseif ($entity_type == 'comment' && user_access('access comments')) {
$found = TRUE;
elseif (getlocations_access_location()) {
$found = TRUE;
if ($found) {
$entity_get_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
$label = isset($entity_get_info['plural label']) ? $entity_get_info['plural label'] : $entity_get_info['label'];
$opts[$entity_type] = $label;
if (count($opts) > 1) {
$opts = array(
'all' => t('Show All'),
) + $opts;
return $opts;
return array();
function getlocations_search_load_all_locations($search_type = 'all') {
if (!user_access('access getlocations')) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$permitted_entity_types = array();
if (user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations') && ($search_type == 'all' || $search_type == 'node')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'node';
if (getlocations_access_user_location() && ($search_type == 'all' || $search_type == 'user')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'user';
if (user_access('access getlocations') && ($search_type == 'all' || $search_type == 'term')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'term';
if (user_access('access comments') && user_access('access getlocations') && ($search_type == 'all' || $search_type == 'comment')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'comment';
$locations = array();
$module = getlocations_get_current_supported_module();
if ($module == 'getlocations_fields') {
// we want all the glids
$query = db_select('getlocations_fields', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
$rows = $query
$glids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$glids[$row->glid] = $row->glid;
$ct = 0;
foreach ($glids as $glid) {
$locations[$ct] = getlocations_load_location($glid);
elseif ($module == 'location_cck') {
$query = db_select('location', 'f');
->fields('f', array(
$rows = $query
$lids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$lids[$row->lid] = $row->lid;
$ct = 0;
foreach ($lids as $lid) {
$locations[$ct] = getlocations_load_location($lid);
// get data from location_instance
$sql = "SELECT nid, uid FROM {location_instance} WHERE lid = :lid";
$sqlarr = array(
':lid' => $lid,
$result = db_query($sql, $sqlarr);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$locations[$ct]['nid'] = $row->nid;
$locations[$ct]['uid'] = $row->uid;
if ($row->nid > 0) {
$entity_type = 'node';
$locations[$ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
elseif ($row->uid > 0) {
$entity_type = 'user';
$locations[$ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
$locations[$ct]['type'] = $entity_type;
elseif ($module == 'geofield') {
$gtype = 'geofield';
$entity_type = '';
$fieldnames = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($gtype, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($fieldnames)) {
$tabledata = array();
$ct = 0;
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$tabledata[$ct]['table'] = 'field_data_' . $fieldname;
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_latitude'] = $fieldname . '_lat';
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_longitude'] = $fieldname . '_lon';
elseif ($module == 'geolocation') {
$gtype = 'geolocation_latlng';
$entity_type = '';
$fieldnames = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($gtype, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($fieldnames)) {
$tabledata = array();
$ct = 0;
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$tabledata[$ct]['table'] = 'field_data_' . $fieldname;
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_latitude'] = $fieldname . '_lat';
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_longitude'] = $fieldname . '_lng';
if (($module == 'geolocation' || $module == 'geofield') && !empty($fieldnames)) {
$location_ct = 0;
foreach ($tabledata as $data) {
$table = $data['table'];
$latfield = 'g.' . $data['fieldname_latitude'];
$lonfield = 'g.' . $data['fieldname_longitude'];
$fields = array();
$fields[] = "{$latfield} AS latitude";
$fields[] = "{$lonfield} AS longitude";
$fields[] = "g.entity_type AS entity_type";
$fields[] = "g.entity_id AS entity_id";
$selects = implode(",", $fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$selects} FROM {$table} g";
$sql .= " WHERE {$latfield} != '0' AND {$lonfield} != '0'";
$result = db_query($sql);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$locations[$location_ct]['latitude'] = $row->latitude;
$locations[$location_ct]['longitude'] = $row->longitude;
if ($row->entity_type == 'node') {
$locations[$location_ct]['nid'] = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]['type'] = $row->entity_type;
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$t = getlocations_get_nodetype($locations[$location_ct]['nid']);
if ($t) {
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$t]) && $typemarkers[$t]) {
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $typemarkers[$t];
// term markers
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = getlocations_get_term_marker($row->entity_id, $locations[$location_ct]['marker']);
$n = node_load($locations[$location_ct]['nid']);
$locations[$location_ct]['title'] = $n->title;
// sanity check
if ($n->status == 0 || !in_array('node', $permitted_entity_types)) {
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'user') {
$locations[$location_ct]['uid'] = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]['type'] = $row->entity_type;
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
$u = user_load($locations[$location_ct]['uid']);
$locations[$location_ct]['title'] = $u->name;
// sanity check
if ($u->status == 0 || !in_array('user', $permitted_entity_types)) {
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'term') {
$locations[$location_ct]['tid'] = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]['type'] = $row->entity_type;
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'comment') {
$locations[$location_ct]['cid'] = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]['type'] = $row->entity_type;
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
$comment = comment_load($locations[$location_ct]['cid']);
// sanity check
if ($comment->status == 0 || !in_array('comment', $permitted_entity_types)) {
// just in case
if (isset($locations[$location_ct]) && empty($locations[$location_ct]['marker'])) {
$locations[$location_ct]['marker'] = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
if (($module == 'getlocations_fields' || $module == 'location_cck') && !empty($locations)) {
foreach ($locations as $ct => $val) {
if ($locations[$ct]['type'] == 'node') {
$n = node_load($locations[$ct]['nid']);
$locations[$ct]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($locations[$ct]['name'] ? strip_tags($locations[$ct]['name']) : strip_tags($n->title), ENT_QUOTES);
// sanity check
if ($n->status == 0 || !in_array('node', $permitted_entity_types)) {
elseif ($locations[$ct]['type'] == 'user') {
$u = user_load($locations[$ct]['uid']);
$locations[$ct]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($locations[$ct]['name'] ? strip_tags($locations[$ct]['name']) : strip_tags($u->name), ENT_QUOTES);
// sanity check
if ($u->status == 0 || !in_array('user', $permitted_entity_types)) {
elseif ($locations[$ct]['type'] == 'term') {
// sanity check
if (!in_array('term', $permitted_entity_types)) {
elseif ($locations[$ct]['type'] == 'comment') {
$c = comment_load($locations[$ct]['cid']);
$locations[$ct]['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($locations[$ct]['name'] ? strip_tags($locations[$ct]['name']) : strip_tags($c->subject), ENT_QUOTES);
// sanity check
if ($c->status == 0 || !in_array('comment', $permitted_entity_types)) {
return $locations;
* Implements hook_theme().
* This lets us tell Drupal about our theme functions and their arguments.
function getlocations_search_theme() {
return array(
'getlocations_search' => array(
'variables' => array(
'which' => NULL,
'getlocations_search_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_search_settings_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_search_block_settings_form' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'getlocations_search_box' => array(
'variables' => array(
'content' => NULL,
'template' => 'getlocations_search_box',
* Themes the search page.
* @param array $variables
* @return
* Returns $content
function theme_getlocations_search($variables) {
$which = $variables['which'];
$contents = '';
$contents .= '<div id="getlocations_search_' . $which . '">';
$getmap = getlocations_search_getmap($which);
$map = $getmap['map'];
$mapid = $getmap['mapid'];
$form = drupal_get_form('getlocations_search_form', $which, $mapid);
$contents .= drupal_render($form);
$contents .= $map;
$contents .= '</div>';
return $contents;
* Themes the search form and results.
* @param array $variables
* @return
* Returns $output
function theme_getlocations_search_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
$which = $form['which']['#value'];
$mapid = $form['mapid']['#value'];
$display_latlon = $form['display_latlon']['#value'];
$display_accuracy = $form['display_accuracy']['#value'];
$display_geo_microformat = $form['display_geo_microformat']['#value'];
$output = '';
$form['getlocations_search_' . $mapid]['#prefix'] = '<div id="getlocations_search_wrapper">';
$form['getlocations_search_submit']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
// if the units dropdown is not exposed show the units after the distance box
if ($form['getlocations_search_units_' . $mapid]['#type'] == 'hidden' && $form['getlocations_search_distance_' . $mapid]['#type'] !== 'hidden') {
$form['getlocations_search_distance_' . $mapid]['#field_suffix'] = getlocations_get_unit_names($form['getlocations_search_units_' . $mapid]['#value'], 'plurals');
if (getlocations_is_mobile() && isset($form['getlocations_search_geolocation_button_' . $mapid])) {
$geolocation_button = '<div id="getlocations_search_geolocation_button_wrapper_' . $mapid . '"><p>';
$geolocation_button .= '<input type="button" value="' . t('Find current Location') . '" title="' . t('Get the latitude and longitude for this location from the browser') . '" id="getlocations_search_geolocation_button_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" /> ';
$geolocation_button .= '<span id="getlocations_search_geolocation_status_ok_' . $mapid . '" class="js-hide" ><img src="' . base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/images/ok.png' . '" title="' . t('Geolocation OK') . '" /></span>';
$geolocation_button .= '<span id="getlocations_search_geolocation_status_err_' . $mapid . '" class="js-hide" ><img src="' . base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/images/error.png' . '" title="' . t('Geolocation failed') . '" /></span>';
$geolocation_button .= '<span id="getlocations_search_geolocation_status_load_' . $mapid . '" class="js-hide" ><img src="' . base_path() . GETLOCATIONS_PATH . '/images/loading_small.gif' . '" title="' . t('Geolocation loading') . '" /></span>';
$geolocation_button .= '</p>';
$geolocation_button .= '<p>' . t('Use the browser to find your current location') . '</p></div>';
$form['getlocations_search_geolocation_button_' . $mapid]['#markup'] = $geolocation_button;
if (isset($form['getlocations_search_country_' . $mapid]['#markup'])) {
$restrict_country = '<p>' . t('Restrict the search to %c', array(
'%c' => getlocations_get_country_name($form['getlocations_search_country_' . $mapid]['#markup']),
)) . '</p>';
$form['getlocations_search_country_' . $mapid]['#markup'] = $restrict_country;
// geocode button
if (isset($form['getlocations_search_geocode_button_' . $mapid]['#markup'])) {
$geocode_button = '<div id="getlocations_search_geocode_button_wrapper_' . $mapid . '">';
$geocode_button .= '<input type="button" value="' . t('Geocode') . '" title="' . t('Geocode this address') . '" id="getlocations_search_geocode_button_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
$geocode_button .= '</div>';
$form['getlocations_search_geocode_button_' . $mapid]['#markup'] = $geocode_button;
// reset button
if (isset($form['getlocations_search_reset_button_' . $mapid]['#markup'])) {
$reset_button = '<div id="getlocations_search_reset_button_wrapper_' . $mapid . '">';
$reset_button .= '<input type="button" value="' . t('Reset') . '" title="' . t('Reset this form') . '" id="getlocations_search_reset_button_' . $mapid . '" class="form-submit" />';
$reset_button .= '</div>';
$form['getlocations_search_reset_button_' . $mapid]['#markup'] = $reset_button;
$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
// $which can be page or block so we can change things accordingly
$output .= "<!-- {$which} -->";
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search' . ($which == 'block' ? '_block' : '') . '_result">';
$output .= '<h4>' . t('Results') . '</h4>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_address_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_distance_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_count_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_type_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
if ($display_accuracy) {
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_accuracy_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
if ($display_latlon) {
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search' . ($which == 'block' ? '_block' : '') . '_latlon_wrapper">';
if ($display_geo_microformat) {
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_latlon_' . $mapid . '" class="getlocations_search' . ($which == 'block' ? '_block' : '') . '_latlon"></div>';
else {
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_lat_' . $mapid . '" class="getlocations_search' . ($which == 'block' ? '_block' : '') . '_lat"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_lon_' . $mapid . '" class="getlocations_search' . ($which == 'block' ? '_block' : '') . '_lon"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
// hidden
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_data_' . $mapid . '" class="js-hide">';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_slat_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_slon_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_sunit_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '<div id="getlocations_search_markerdata_' . $mapid . '"></div>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* Themes getlocations_search settings form
* @param array $variables
* @return
* Returns $output
function theme_getlocations_search_settings_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
$output = '';
$varname = $form['varname']['#value'];
if (isset($form[$varname]['vocab'])) {
$form[$varname]['vocab']['#prefix'] = '<div id="getlocations_search_defaults_vocab">';
$form[$varname]['vocab_element']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['useclustermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-clusteropts">';
$form[$varname]['markerclusterer_minsize']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['usemarkermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-markeropts">';
$form[$varname]['maxzoom']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['do_search_marker']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-search-marker">';
$form[$varname]['search_marker_toggle_active']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable']) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['search_marker']['#id'], 's');
$form[$varname]['search_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form[$varname]['gps_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['gps_marker']['#id'], 'g');
$form[$varname]['gps_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form[$varname]['smartip_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['smartip_marker']['#id'], 'm');
$form[$varname]['smartip_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('getlocations_gps')) {
if (isset($form[$varname]['gps_button']) && $form[$varname]['gps_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form[$varname]['gps_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('GPS Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form[$varname]['gps_center']['#suffix'];
$form[$varname]['gps_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
if (module_exists('getlocations_smartip')) {
if (isset($form[$varname]['smartip_button']) && $form[$varname]['smartip_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form[$varname]['smartip_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('Smartip Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form[$varname]['smartip_center']['#suffix'];
$form[$varname]['smartip_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
return $output;
* Themes getlocations_search_block settings form
* @param array $variables
* @return
* Returns $output
function theme_getlocations_search_block_settings_form($variables) {
$form = $variables['form'];
$output = '';
$varname = $form['varname']['#value'];
if (isset($form[$varname]['vocab'])) {
$form[$varname]['vocab']['#prefix'] = '<div id="getlocations_search_defaults_vocab">';
$form[$varname]['vocab_element']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['useclustermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-clusteropts">';
$form[$varname]['markerclusterer_minsize']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['usemarkermanager']['#prefix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-markeropts">';
$form[$varname]['maxzoom']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form[$varname]['do_search_marker']['#suffix'] = '<div id="wrap-getlocations-search-marker">';
$form[$varname]['search_marker_toggle_active']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
if (module_exists('colorbox')) {
$getlocations_colorbox = getlocations_colorbox_settings();
if ($getlocations_colorbox['marker_enable']) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['search_marker']['#id'], 's');
$form[$varname]['search_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form[$varname]['gps_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['gps_marker']['#id'], 'g');
$form[$varname]['gps_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (isset($form[$varname]['smartip_marker'])) {
$link = getlocations_markerpicker_link($form[$varname]['smartip_marker']['#id'], 'm');
$form[$varname]['smartip_marker']['#field_suffix'] = ' ' . $link;
if (module_exists('getlocations_gps')) {
if (isset($form[$varname]['gps_button']) && $form[$varname]['gps_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form[$varname]['gps_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('GPS Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form[$varname]['gps_center']['#suffix'];
$form[$varname]['gps_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
if (module_exists('getlocations_smartip')) {
if (isset($form[$varname]['smartip_button']) && $form[$varname]['smartip_button']['#type'] !== 'value') {
$form[$varname]['smartip_button']['#prefix'] = '<fieldset class="collapsible getlocations_fieldset form-wrapper"><legend><span class="fieldset-legend">' . t('Smartip Button') . '</span></legend><div class="fieldset-wrapper">';
$tsuf = $form[$varname]['smartip_center']['#suffix'];
$form[$varname]['smartip_center']['#suffix'] = $tsuf . '</div></fieldset>';
$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
return $output;
* @param array $variables
* @return
* Modifies $variables in situ
function template_preprocess_getlocations_search_box(&$variables) {
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$variables['box_width'] = $getlocations_search_defaults['width'];
$variables['box_height'] = $getlocations_search_defaults['height'];
if (module_exists('admin_menu')) {
// Construct page title
if (drupal_get_title()) {
$head_title = array(
variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
else {
$head_title = array(
variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
if (variable_get('site_slogan', '')) {
$head_title[] = variable_get('site_slogan', '');
$variables['head_title'] = implode(' | ', $head_title);
$variables['base_path'] = base_path();
$variables['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
$variables['language'] = $GLOBALS['language'];
$variables['language']->dir = $GLOBALS['language']->direction ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
$variables['css'] = drupal_add_css();
$variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
$variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();
$variables['title'] = drupal_get_title();
// Closure should be filled last.
$variables['closure'] = theme('closure');
// Compile a list of classes that are going to be applied to the body element.
// This allows advanced theming based on context (home page, node of certain type, etc.).
$body_classes = array();
// Add a class that tells us whether we're on the front page or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['is_front'] ? 'front' : 'not-front';
// Add a class that tells us whether the page is viewed by an authenticated user or not.
$body_classes[] = $variables['logged_in'] ? 'logged-in' : 'not-logged-in';
$body_classes[] = 'no-sidebars';
// Implode with spaces.
$variables['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes);
* Set up default settings.
* @return array $newdefaults
function getlocations_search_defaults() {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$defaults = array(
'method' => 'google_ac',
'vocab' => '',
'vocab_element' => 'dropdown',
'search_distance' => 1,
'search_distance_type' => 'mbr',
'search_units' => 'km',
'search_limits' => 0,
'search_type' => 'all',
'display_dms' => 0,
'display_latlon' => 0,
'display_geo_microformat' => 0,
'display_accuracy' => 0,
'show_distance' => 0,
'search_marker' => 'drupal',
'do_search_marker' => 0,
'search_marker_toggle' => 0,
'search_marker_toggle_active' => 1,
'display_search_distance' => 1,
'display_search_units' => 1,
'display_search_limits' => 1,
'display_search_type' => 1,
'autocomplete_bias' => 0,
'restrict_by_country' => 0,
'searchbox_size' => 50,
'country' => variable_get('site_default_country', ''),
'width' => $getlocations_defaults['width'],
'height' => $getlocations_defaults['height'],
'styles' => $getlocations_defaults['styles'],
'latlong' => $getlocations_defaults['latlong'],
'zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['zoom'],
'minzoom_map' => $getlocations_defaults['minzoom_map'],
'maxzoom_map' => $getlocations_defaults['maxzoom_map'],
'controltype' => $getlocations_defaults['controltype'],
'pancontrol' => $getlocations_defaults['pancontrol'],
'mtc' => $getlocations_defaults['mtc'],
'maptype' => $getlocations_defaults['maptype'],
'baselayers' => $getlocations_defaults['baselayers'],
'scale' => $getlocations_defaults['scale'],
'overview' => $getlocations_defaults['overview'],
'overview_opened' => $getlocations_defaults['overview_opened'],
'scrollwheel' => $getlocations_defaults['scrollwheel'],
'draggable' => $getlocations_defaults['draggable'],
'sv_show' => $getlocations_defaults['sv_show'],
'sv_showfirst' => $getlocations_defaults['sv_showfirst'],
'sv_heading' => $getlocations_defaults['sv_heading'],
'sv_zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['sv_zoom'],
'sv_pitch' => $getlocations_defaults['sv_pitch'],
'trafficinfo' => $getlocations_defaults['trafficinfo'],
'trafficinfo_state' => $getlocations_defaults['trafficinfo_state'],
'bicycleinfo' => $getlocations_defaults['bicycleinfo'],
'bicycleinfo_state' => $getlocations_defaults['bicycleinfo_state'],
'transitinfo' => $getlocations_defaults['transitinfo'],
'transitinfo_state' => $getlocations_defaults['transitinfo_state'],
'poi_show' => $getlocations_defaults['poi_show'],
'transit_show' => $getlocations_defaults['transit_show'],
'markeraction' => $getlocations_defaults['markeraction'],
'markeractiontype' => $getlocations_defaults['markeractiontype'],
'markeraction_click_center' => $getlocations_defaults['markeraction_click_center'],
'markeraction_click_zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['markeraction_click_zoom'],
'minzoom' => $getlocations_defaults['minzoom'],
'maxzoom' => $getlocations_defaults['maxzoom'],
'nodezoom' => $getlocations_defaults['nodezoom'],
'markermanagertype' => $getlocations_defaults['markermanagertype'],
'usemarkermanager' => $getlocations_defaults['usemarkermanager'],
'useclustermanager' => $getlocations_defaults['useclustermanager'],
'markerclusterer_style' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_style'],
'markerclusterer_zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_zoom'],
'markerclusterer_size' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_size'],
'markerclusterer_minsize' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_minsize'],
'markerclusterer_title' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_title'],
'markerclusterer_imgpath' => $getlocations_defaults['markerclusterer_imgpath'],
'pansetting' => $getlocations_defaults['pansetting'],
'use_geolocation_button' => $getlocations_defaults['use_jsapi'],
'map_backgroundcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['map_backgroundcolor'],
'show_maplinks' => $getlocations_defaults['show_maplinks'],
'show_maplinks_viewport' => $getlocations_defaults['show_maplinks_viewport'],
'fullscreen' => $getlocations_defaults['fullscreen'],
'fullscreen_controlposition' => $getlocations_defaults['fullscreen_controlposition'],
'show_bubble_on_one_marker' => $getlocations_defaults['show_bubble_on_one_marker'],
'polygons_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_enable'],
'polygons_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_strokecolor'],
'polygons_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_strokeopacity'],
'polygons_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_strokeweight'],
'polygons_fillcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_fillcolor'],
'polygons_fillopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_fillopacity'],
'polygons_coords' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_coords'],
'polygons_clickable' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_clickable'],
'polygons_message' => $getlocations_defaults['polygons_message'],
'rectangles_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_enable'],
'rectangles_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_strokecolor'],
'rectangles_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_strokeopacity'],
'rectangles_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_strokeweight'],
'rectangles_fillcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_fillcolor'],
'rectangles_fillopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_fillopacity'],
'rectangles_coords' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_coords'],
'rectangles_clickable' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_clickable'],
'rectangles_message' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_message'],
'rectangles_apply' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_apply'],
'rectangles_dist' => $getlocations_defaults['rectangles_dist'],
'circles_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_enable'],
'circles_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokecolor'],
'circles_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokeopacity'],
'circles_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokeweight'],
'circles_fillcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_fillcolor'],
'circles_fillopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_fillopacity'],
'circles_coords' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_coords'],
'circles_clickable' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_clickable'],
'circles_message' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_message'],
'circles_radius' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_radius'],
'circles_apply' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_apply'],
'polylines_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_enable'],
'polylines_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_strokecolor'],
'polylines_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_strokeopacity'],
'polylines_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_strokeweight'],
'polylines_coords' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_coords'],
'polylines_clickable' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_clickable'],
'polylines_message' => $getlocations_defaults['polylines_message'],
'kml_group' => $getlocations_defaults['kml_group'],
'map_resize' => $getlocations_defaults['map_resize'],
'region_bias' => $getlocations_defaults['region_bias'],
'fullscreen_disable' => $getlocations_defaults['fullscreen_disable'],
'search_places' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places'],
'search_places_size' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_size'],
'search_places_position' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_position'],
'search_places_label' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_label'],
'search_places_placeholder' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_placeholder'],
'search_places_dd' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_dd'],
'search_places_list' => $getlocations_defaults['search_places_list'],
'search_radshape_enable' => 0,
'search_radshape_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokecolor'],
'search_radshape_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokeopacity'],
'search_radshape_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_strokeweight'],
'search_radshape_fillcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_fillcolor'],
'search_radshape_fillopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['circles_fillopacity'],
'search_radshape_toggle' => 0,
'search_radshape_toggle_active' => 1,
'zoom_on_single_use' => 1,
'geo_enable' => 1,
'geojson_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['geojson_enable'],
'geojson_data' => $getlocations_defaults['geojson_data'],
'geojson_options' => $getlocations_defaults['geojson_options'],
'nokeyboard' => $getlocations_defaults['nokeyboard'],
'nodoubleclickzoom' => $getlocations_defaults['nodoubleclickzoom'],
'zoomcontrolposition' => $getlocations_defaults['zoomcontrolposition'],
'pancontrolposition' => $getlocations_defaults['pancontrolposition'],
'mapcontrolposition' => $getlocations_defaults['mapcontrolposition'],
'scalecontrolposition' => $getlocations_defaults['scalecontrolposition'],
'svcontrolposition' => $getlocations_defaults['svcontrolposition'],
'showall' => 0,
'highlight_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_enable'],
'highlight_strokecolor' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_strokecolor'],
'highlight_strokeopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_strokeopacity'],
'highlight_strokeweight' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_strokeweight'],
'highlight_fillcolor' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_fillcolor'],
'highlight_fillopacity' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_fillopacity'],
'highlight_radius' => $getlocations_defaults['highlight_radius'],
'getdirections_link' => $getlocations_defaults['getdirections_link'],
'geocode_button_enable' => 0,
'reset_button_enable' => 0,
'gps_button' => 0,
'gps_button_label' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_button_label'],
'gps_marker' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_marker'],
'gps_marker_title' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_marker_title'],
'gps_bubble' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_bubble'],
'gps_geocode' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_geocode'],
'gps_center' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_center'],
'gps_type' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_type'],
'gps_zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['gps_zoom'],
'smartip_button' => 0,
'smartip_button_label' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_button_label'],
'smartip_marker' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_marker'],
'smartip_marker_title' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_marker_title'],
'smartip_bubble' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_bubble'],
'smartip_center' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_center'],
'smartip_zoom' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_zoom'],
'smartip_callback' => $getlocations_defaults['smartip_callback'],
'geolocation_mobile_check' => $getlocations_defaults['geolocation_mobile_check'],
'geocoder_enable' => $getlocations_defaults['geocoder_enable'],
$settings = variable_get('getlocations_search_defaults', $defaults);
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $settings);
return $getlocations_search_defaults;
* @return array $options
* Returns list of vocabularies suitable for a dropdown
function getlocations_search_get_vocabularies() {
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
$options = array();
if (count($vocabularies)) {
foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {
$options[$vid] = $vocabulary->name;
return $options;
return FALSE;
* autocomplete for taxonomy terms
* @param string $string
* @return
* Returns term names
function getlocations_search_term_autocomplete($string) {
$matches = array();
// Taxonomy which holds locative info
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$vid = FALSE;
if (is_numeric($getlocations_search_defaults['vocab']) && $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab'] > 0) {
$vid = $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab'];
if ($vid) {
$query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't');
->fields('t', array(
->where("LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER(:st)", array(
':st' => $string . '%',
->condition('t.vid', $vid, '=')
->range(0, 15);
$result = $query
foreach ($result as $row) {
$matches[$row->name] = check_plain($row->name);
* @return array $matches
* Returns a list of terms of a given vocabulary, suitable for a dropdown
function getlocations_search_term_get() {
$matches = array();
// Taxonomy which holds locative info
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$vid = FALSE;
if (is_numeric($getlocations_search_defaults['vocab']) && $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab'] > 0) {
$vid = $getlocations_search_defaults['vocab'];
if ($vid) {
$query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't');
->fields('t', array(
->condition('t.vid', $vid, '=');
$result = $query
foreach ($result as $row) {
$matches[$row->name] = getlocations_apoclean($row->name);
return $matches;
function getlocations_search_paths_get($reset = FALSE, $min = FALSE) {
$jq_upd = getlocations_check_jquery_version(TRUE);
if ($min) {
$defaults = array(
'getlocations_search_path' => GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH . '/js/getlocations_search.min.js',
'getlocations_search_admin_path' => GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_search_admin_1.min.js' : '/js/getlocations_search_admin.min.js'),
else {
$defaults = array(
'getlocations_search_path' => GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH . '/js/getlocations_search.js',
'getlocations_search_admin_path' => GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH . ($jq_upd ? '/js/getlocations_search_admin_1.js' : '/js/getlocations_search_admin.js'),
if ($reset || $min) {
$getlocations_search_paths = $defaults;
else {
$settings = variable_get('getlocations_search_paths', $defaults);
$getlocations_search_paths = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $settings);
return $getlocations_search_paths;
* @return json format $output
* Returns search result to getlocations_search.js
function getlocations_search_allinfo() {
$lat = $_GET['lat'];
$lon = $_GET['lon'];
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$distance = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance'];
if (isset($_GET['distance']) && is_numeric($_GET['distance'])) {
$distance = $_GET['distance'];
// sanity check
if (!$distance > 0) {
$distance = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance'];
$units = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_units'];
if (isset($_GET['units'])) {
$units = $_GET['units'];
// sanity check
$unitsarr = array(
if (!in_array($units, $unitsarr)) {
$units = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_units'];
$type = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_type'];
if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
$type = $_GET['type'];
// sanity check
$typarr = array(
if (!in_array($type, $typarr)) {
$type = $getlocations_search_defaults['search_type'];
$dosort = FALSE;
if (isset($_GET['limits']) && is_numeric($_GET['limits'])) {
$limits = $_GET['limits'];
// sanity check
if ($limits < 0) {
$limits = 0;
if ($limits > 0) {
$dosort = TRUE;
// sanity check
if ($latlon = getlocations_latlon_check($lat . ',' . $lon)) {
$ll = explode(',', $latlon);
$lat = $ll[0];
$lon = $ll[1];
$output = getlocations_search_info_sql($lat, $lon, $distance, $units, $type, $dosort, $limits);
// $type can be node, user, comment, term. anything else is all
function getlocations_search_info_sql($lat, $lon, $distance, $units, $type, $dosort, $limits) {
$getlocations_defaults = getlocations_defaults();
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$dms = $getlocations_search_defaults['display_dms'] || $getlocations_search_defaults['display_geo_microformat'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
$distance_meters = getlocations_convert_distance_to_meters($distance, $units);
$latrange = getlocations_earth_latitude_range($lat, $lon, $distance_meters);
$lonrange = getlocations_earth_longitude_range($lat, $lon, $distance_meters);
$locations = array();
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
if ($lonrange[0] > $lonrange[1]) {
$where = "g.latitude > :minlat AND g.latitude < :maxlat AND ((g.longitude < 180 AND g.longitude > :minlon) OR (g.longitude < :maxlon AND g.longitude > -180))";
else {
$where = "g.latitude > :minlat AND g.latitude < :maxlat AND g.longitude > :minlon AND g.longitude < :maxlon";
$sqlarr = array(
':minlat' => $latrange[0],
':maxlat' => $latrange[1],
':minlon' => $lonrange[0],
':maxlon' => $lonrange[1],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance_type'] == 'dist') {
$where .= " AND " . getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'g') . ' < :distance';
$sqlarr += array(
':distance' => $distance_meters,
$fields = array();
$fields[] = 'g.glid';
$fields[] = '';
$fields[] = 'g.latitude';
$fields[] = 'g.longitude';
$fields[] = 'g.marker';
if (getlocations_fields_column_check('data')) {
$fields[] = '';
$fields[] = 'f.nid';
$fields[] = 'f.uid';
$fields[] = 'f.tid';
$fields[] = 'f.cid';
$sqlsnip1 = "";
$sqlsnip2 = "";
$marker = '';
if ($type == 'node' && user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = 'n.title AS title';
$fields[] = 'n.nid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {node} n ON f.vid = n.vid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND n.nid > 0 AND n.status = 1 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'user' && getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$fields[] = ' AS title';
$fields[] = 'u.uid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {users} u ON f.uid = u.uid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND u.uid > 0 AND u.status = 1 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
elseif (($type == 'term' || $type == 'taxonomy_term') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = ' AS title';
$fields[] = 't.tid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} t ON f.tid = t.tid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND t.tid > 0 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'comment' && user_access('access comments') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = 'c.subject AS title';
$fields[] = 'c.cid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {comment} c ON f.cid = c.cid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND c.cid > 0 AND c.status = 1 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'all') {
$sqlsnip2arr = array();
if (user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "f.nid > 0";
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "f.tid > 0";
if (getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "f.uid > 0";
if (user_access('access comments') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "f.cid > 0";
if (!empty($sqlsnip2arr)) {
$sqlsnip2 = "AND (" . implode(" OR ", $sqlsnip2arr) . ") ";
else {
// this user may not see anything
$sqlsnip2 = "AND 1=0 ";
if ($dosort) {
$sort = getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'g');
$fields[] = "{$sort} AS distance_sort ";
$selects = implode(",", $fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$selects} ";
$sql .= "FROM {getlocations_fields} g LEFT JOIN {getlocations_fields_entities} f ON g.glid = f.glid ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip1;
$sql .= "WHERE ({$where}) ";
$sql .= "AND g.glid IS NOT NULL ";
$sql .= "AND g.latitude != '0' ";
$sql .= "AND g.longitude != '0' ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip2;
if ($dosort) {
$sql .= "ORDER BY distance_sort ASC ";
if ($limits > 0) {
$sql .= "LIMIT 0, {$limits} ";
$location_ct = 0;
$result = db_query($sql, $sqlarr);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$locations[$location_ct] = $row;
if (empty($locations[$location_ct]->marker)) {
if (!empty($marker)) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $marker;
if (isset($locations[$location_ct]->nid) && $locations[$location_ct]->nid > 0) {
$t = getlocations_get_nodetype($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
if ($t) {
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$t]) && $typemarkers[$t]) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $typemarkers[$t];
else {
// must be an 'all' search so we have to figure out a marker
if ($locations[$location_ct]->nid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$t = getlocations_get_nodetype($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
if ($t) {
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$t]) && $typemarkers[$t]) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $typemarkers[$t];
// term markers
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = getlocations_get_term_marker($locations[$location_ct]->nid, $locations[$location_ct]->marker);
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->uid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->tid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->cid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
// just in case
if (empty($locations[$location_ct]->marker)) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
// ensure we always have a title
if (!isset($locations[$location_ct]->title) || empty($locations[$location_ct]->title)) {
if ($locations[$location_ct]->nid > 0) {
$n = node_load($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $n->title;
// sanity check
if ($n->status == 0) {
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->uid > 0) {
$u = user_load($locations[$location_ct]->uid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $u->name;
// sanity check
if ($u->status == 0) {
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->tid > 0) {
$term = taxonomy_term_load($locations[$location_ct]->tid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $term->name;
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->cid > 0) {
$comment = comment_load($locations[$location_ct]->cid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $comment->subject;
// sanity check
if ($comment->status == 0) {
elseif (module_exists('location_cck')) {
if ($lonrange[0] > $lonrange[1]) {
$where = "l.latitude > :minlat AND l.latitude < :maxlat AND ((l.longitude < 180 AND l.longitude > :minlon) OR (l.longitude < :maxlon AND l.longitude > -180))";
else {
$where = "l.latitude > :minlat AND l.latitude < :maxlat AND l.longitude > :minlon AND l.longitude < :maxlon";
$sqlarr = array(
':minlat' => $latrange[0],
':maxlat' => $latrange[1],
':minlon' => $lonrange[0],
':maxlon' => $lonrange[1],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance_type'] == 'dist') {
$where .= " AND " . getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'l') . ' < :distance';
$sqlarr += array(
':distance' => $distance_meters,
$fields = array();
$fields[] = 'l.lid';
$fields[] = '';
$fields[] = 'l.latitude';
$fields[] = 'l.longitude';
$fields[] = 'i.nid';
$fields[] = 'i.uid';
$sqlsnip1 = "";
$sqlsnip2 = "";
$marker = '';
if ($type == 'node' && user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = 'n.title AS title';
$fields[] = 'n.nid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {node} n ON i.vid = n.vid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND n.nid > 0 AND n.status = 1 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'user' && getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$fields[] = ' AS title';
$fields[] = 'u.uid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {users} u ON i.uid = u.uid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND u.uid > 0 AND u.status = 1 ";
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'all') {
$sqlsnip2arr = array();
if (user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "i.nid > 0";
if (getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "i.uid > 0";
if (!empty($sqlsnip2arr)) {
$sqlsnip2 = "AND (" . implode(" OR ", $sqlsnip2arr) . ") ";
else {
// this user may not see anything
$sqlsnip2 = "AND 1=0 ";
if ($dosort) {
$sort = getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'l');
$fields[] = "{$sort} AS distance_sort ";
$selects = implode(",", $fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$selects} ";
$sql .= "FROM {location} l LEFT JOIN {location_instance} i ON l.lid = i.lid ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip1;
$sql .= "WHERE ({$where}) ";
$sql .= "AND l.lid IS NOT NULL ";
$sql .= "AND l.latitude != '0' ";
$sql .= "AND l.longitude != '0' ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip2;
if ($dosort) {
$sql .= "ORDER BY distance_sort ASC ";
if ($limits > 0) {
$sql .= "LIMIT 0, {$limits} ";
$location_ct = 0;
$result = db_query($sql, $sqlarr);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$locations[$location_ct] = $row;
if (!empty($marker)) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $marker;
else {
// must be an 'all' search so we have to figure out a marker
if ($locations[$location_ct]->nid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->uid > 0) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
// ensure we always have a title
if (!isset($locations[$location_ct]->title) || empty($locations[$location_ct]->title)) {
if ($locations[$location_ct]->nid > 0) {
$n = node_load($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $n->title;
// sanity check
if ($n->status == 0) {
elseif ($locations[$location_ct]->uid > 0) {
$u = user_load($locations[$location_ct]->uid);
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $u->name;
// sanity check
if ($u->status == 0) {
elseif (module_exists('geolocation')) {
$module = 'geolocation';
$gtype = 'geolocation_latlng';
$entity_type = '';
$fieldnames = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($gtype, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($fieldnames)) {
$tabledata = array();
$ct = 0;
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$tabledata[$ct]['table'] = 'field_data_' . $fieldname;
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_latitude'] = $fieldname . '_lat';
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_longitude'] = $fieldname . '_lng';
elseif (module_exists('geofield')) {
$module = 'geofield';
$gtype = 'geofield';
$entity_type = '';
$fieldnames = getlocations_other_get_fieldname($gtype, $module, $entity_type);
if (!empty($fieldnames)) {
$tabledata = array();
$ct = 0;
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$tabledata[$ct]['table'] = 'field_data_' . $fieldname;
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_latitude'] = $fieldname . '_lat';
$tabledata[$ct]['fieldname_longitude'] = $fieldname . '_lon';
if ((module_exists('geolocation') || module_exists('geofield')) && !empty($fieldnames)) {
$location_ct = 0;
foreach ($tabledata as $data) {
$table = $data['table'];
$latfield = 'g.' . $data['fieldname_latitude'];
$lonfield = 'g.' . $data['fieldname_longitude'];
if ($lonrange[0] > $lonrange[1]) {
$where = "{$latfield} > :minlat AND {$latfield} < :maxlat AND (({$lonfield} < 180 AND {$lonfield} > :minlon) OR ({$lonfield} < :maxlon AND {$lonfield} > -180))";
else {
$where = "{$latfield} > :minlat AND {$latfield} < :maxlat AND {$lonfield} > :minlon AND {$lonfield} < :maxlon";
$sqlarr = array(
':minlat' => $latrange[0],
':maxlat' => $latrange[1],
':minlon' => $lonrange[0],
':maxlon' => $lonrange[1],
if ($getlocations_search_defaults['search_distance_type'] == 'dist') {
$where .= " AND " . getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'g') . ' < :distance';
$sqlarr += array(
':distance' => $distance_meters,
$fields = array();
$fields[] = "{$latfield} AS latitude";
$fields[] = "{$lonfield} AS longitude";
$fields[] = "g.entity_type AS entity_type";
$fields[] = "g.entity_id AS entity_id";
$sqlsnip1 = "";
$sqlsnip2 = "";
$marker = '';
if ($type == 'node' && user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = 'n.title AS title';
$fields[] = 'n.nid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {node} n ON g.entity_id = n.nid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND g.entity_type = :type AND n.nid > 0 AND n.status = 1 ";
$sqlarr[':type'] = $type;
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'user' && getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$fields[] = ' AS title';
$fields[] = 'u.uid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {users} u ON g.entity_id = u.uid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND g.entity_type = :type AND u.uid > 0 AND u.status = 1 ";
$sqlarr[':type'] = $type;
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
elseif (($type == 'term' || $type == 'taxonomy_term') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = ' AS title';
$fields[] = 't.tid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} t ON g.entity_id = t.tid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND g.entity_type = :type AND t.tid > 0 ";
$sqlarr[':type'] = $type;
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'comment' && user_access('access comments') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$fields[] = 'c.subject AS title';
$fields[] = 'c.cid';
$sqlsnip1 = "LEFT JOIN {comment} c ON g.entity_id = c.cid ";
$sqlsnip2 = "AND g.entity_type = :type AND c.cid > 0 AND c.status = 1 ";
$sqlarr[':type'] = $type;
$marker = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
elseif ($type == 'all') {
// need a list of all the entity_types in this table so that we can limit on permissions
$sqlsnip2arr = array();
$permitted_entity_types = array();
if (user_access('access content') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'node';
if (getlocations_access_user_location()) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'user';
if (user_access('access getlocations')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'term';
if (user_access('access comments') && user_access('access getlocations')) {
$permitted_entity_types[] = 'comment';
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT entity_type FROM {$table} ";
$rows = db_query($sql);
$at = '';
$ct = 1;
$sqlsnip2 = '';
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$et = $row->entity_type;
if (in_array($et, $permitted_entity_types)) {
$sqlsnip2arr[] = "g.entity_type = :et_{$ct}";
$sqlarr[":et_{$ct}"] = $et;
if (!empty($sqlsnip2arr)) {
$sqlsnip2 = "AND (" . implode(" OR ", $sqlsnip2arr) . ") ";
else {
// this user may not see anything
$sqlsnip2 = "AND 1=0 ";
if ($dosort) {
$sort = getlocations_earth_distance_sql($lat, $lon, 'g');
$fields[] = "{$sort} AS distance_sort ";
$selects = implode(",", $fields);
$sql = "SELECT {$selects} FROM {$table} g ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip1;
$sql .= "WHERE ({$where}) ";
$sql .= "AND {$latfield} != '0' ";
$sql .= "AND {$lonfield} != '0' ";
$sql .= $sqlsnip2;
if ($dosort) {
$sql .= "ORDER BY distance_sort ASC ";
if ($limits > 0) {
$sql .= "LIMIT 0, {$limits} ";
$result = db_query($sql, $sqlarr);
foreach ($result as $row) {
$locations[$location_ct]->latitude = $row->latitude;
$locations[$location_ct]->longitude = $row->longitude;
if (isset($row->title)) {
$locations[$location_ct]->title = $row->title;
if ($row->entity_type == 'node') {
$locations[$location_ct]->nid = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$t = getlocations_get_nodetype($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
if ($t) {
$typemarkers = getlocations_get_markertypes('node');
if (isset($typemarkers[$t]) && $typemarkers[$t]) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $typemarkers[$t];
// term markers
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = getlocations_get_term_marker($row->entity_id, $locations[$location_ct]->marker);
$n = node_load($locations[$location_ct]->nid);
// sanity check
if ($n->status == 0) {
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'user') {
$locations[$location_ct]->uid = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['user_map_marker'];
$u = user_load($locations[$location_ct]->uid);
// sanity check
if ($u->status == 0) {
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'term') {
$locations[$location_ct]->tid = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['vocabulary_map_marker'];
elseif ($row->entity_type == 'comment') {
$locations[$location_ct]->cid = $row->entity_id;
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['comment_map_marker'];
$comment = comment_load($locations[$location_ct]->cid);
// sanity check
if ($comment->status == 0) {
// just in case
if (isset($locations[$location_ct]) && empty($locations[$location_ct]->marker)) {
$locations[$location_ct]->marker = $getlocations_defaults['node_map_marker'];
$minmaxes = $latrange[0] . ',' . $lonrange[0] . ',' . $latrange[1] . ',' . $lonrange[1];
// format lat/lon
if ($dms) {
$latout = theme('getlocations_latitude_dms', array(
'latitude' => $lat,
$lonout = theme('getlocations_longitude_dms', array(
'longitude' => $lon,
else {
$latout = round($lat, 6);
$lonout = round($lon, 6);
$infoarr = array(
$type ? $type : 'all',
$info = implode(",", $infoarr);
$ret = array(
'locations' => $locations,
'minmaxes' => $minmaxes,
'info' => $info,
return $ret;
function getlocations_search_do_types() {
$return = FALSE;
if (module_exists('getlocations_fields')) {
$return = TRUE;
elseif (module_exists('geolocation')) {
$return = TRUE;
elseif (module_exists('geofield')) {
$return = TRUE;
elseif (module_exists('location_cck')) {
$return = TRUE;
return $return;
* Implements hook_block_info().
* This hook declares what blocks are provided by the module.
function getlocations_search_block_info() {
$blocks = array();
$blocks['getlocations_search_block'] = array(
'info' => t("Getlocations search."),
return $blocks;
* Implements hook_block_view().
* This hook generates the contents of the blocks themselves.
function getlocations_search_block_view($delta = '') {
$block = array();
//The $delta parameter tells us which block is being requested.
switch ($delta) {
case 'getlocations_search_block':
$block['subject'] = t('Getlocations search');
$block['content'] = getlocations_search('block');
return $block;
* Implements hook_block_configure().
* This hook declares configuration options for blocks provided by this module.
function getlocations_search_block_configure($delta = '') {
module_load_include('inc', 'getlocations_search', 'getlocations_search.admin');
$settings = getlocations_search_block_get_var();
$form = array();
switch ($delta) {
case 'getlocations_search_block':
$form = _getlocations_search_settings_form($settings, 'block');
$form['#theme'] = 'getlocations_search_block_settings_form';
return $form;
* Implements hook_block_save().
* This hook declares how the configured options for a block
* provided by this module are saved.
function getlocations_search_block_save($delta = '', $edit = array()) {
// We need to save settings from the configuration form.
// $delta contains the block name.
$set = array();
switch ($delta) {
case 'getlocations_search_block':
if (isset($edit['getlocations_search_block_defaults'])) {
* Load the getlocations_blocks variables array
* @return array
function getlocations_search_block_get_var() {
$defaults = getlocations_search_block_defaults();
$var = variable_get('getlocations_search_block', $defaults);
$newvar = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $var);
return $newvar;
* Save the getlocations_blocks variables array
* @param array $var
function getlocations_search_block_set_var($var) {
$defaults = getlocations_search_block_get_var();
$newvar = getlocations_adjust_vars($defaults, $var);
variable_set('getlocations_search_block', $newvar);
function getlocations_search_block_defaults() {
$defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
return $defaults;
Name![]() |
Description |
GETLOCATIONS_SEARCH_PATH | @file getlocations_search.module @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL |