function getlocations_search_settings_form in Get Locations 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 modules/getlocations_search/ \getlocations_search_settings_form()
Function to display the getlocations_search admin settings form
Return value
Returns the form.
1 string reference to 'getlocations_search_settings_form'
- getlocations_search_menu in modules/
getlocations_search/ getlocations_search.module - Implements hook_menu().
- modules/
getlocations_search/, line 17 - @author Bob Hutchinson @copyright GNU GPL
function getlocations_search_settings_form() {
$getlocations_search_defaults = getlocations_search_defaults();
$form = array();
$pagetitle = '<div><h4>' . t('Getlocations Search') . '</h4></div>';
$form['pagetitle'] = array(
'#markup' => $pagetitle,
$form += _getlocations_search_settings_form($getlocations_search_defaults, 'admin');
$form['getlocations_search_paths'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Javascript paths'),
'#description' => t('For advanced users who want to supply their own javascript.'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
// This will store all the defaults in one variable.
'#tree' => TRUE,
$getlocations_search_paths = getlocations_search_paths_get();
$form['getlocations_search_paths']['getlocations_search_path'] = getlocations_element_path(t('Path to getlocations_search javascript file'), $getlocations_search_paths['getlocations_search_path'], 70, 128, t('Where the getlocations_search javascript file is located.'));
$form['getlocations_search_paths']['getlocations_search_admin_path'] = getlocations_element_path(t('Path to getlocations_search admin javascript file'), $getlocations_search_paths['getlocations_search_admin_path'], 70, 128, t('Where the getlocations_search admin javascript file is located.'));
$form['getlocations_search_paths']['reset'] = getlocations_element_dd(t('Reset'), 0, array(
0 => t('No'),
1 => t('Reset'),
2 => t('Reset to minified'),
), t('Reset the paths to the defaults.'));
$form = system_settings_form($form);
$form['#theme'] = 'getlocations_search_settings_form';
$form['#validate'][] = 'getlocations_search_settings_validate';
return $form;