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class GeoRSS in geoPHP 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php \GeoRSS

PHP Geometry/GeoRSS encoder/decoder


Expanded class hierarchy of GeoRSS

1 string reference to 'GeoRSS'
geoPHP::getAdapterMap in geoPHP/


geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php, line 13

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class GeoRSS extends GeoAdapter {
  private $namespace = FALSE;
  private $nss = '';

  // Name-space string. eg 'georss:'

   * Read GeoRSS string into geometry objects
   * @param string $georss - an XML feed containing geoRSS
   * @return Geometry|GeometryCollection
  public function read($gpx) {
    return $this

   * Serialize geometries into a GeoRSS string.
   * @param Geometry $geometry
   * @return string The georss string representation of the input geometries
  public function write(Geometry $geometry, $namespace = FALSE) {
    if ($namespace) {
      $this->namespace = $namespace;
      $this->nss = $namespace . ':';
    return $this
  public function geomFromText($text) {

    // Change to lower-case, strip all CDATA, and de-namespace
    $text = strtolower($text);
    $text = preg_replace('/<!\\[cdata\\[(.*?)\\]\\]>/s', '', $text);

    // Load into DOMDOcument
    $xmlobj = new DOMDocument();
    if ($xmlobj === false) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid GeoRSS: " . $text);
    $this->xmlobj = $xmlobj;
    try {
      $geom = $this
    } catch (InvalidText $e) {
      throw new Exception("Cannot Read Geometry From GeoRSS: " . $text);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw $e;
    return $geom;
  protected function geomFromXML() {
    $geometries = array();
    $geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this
    $geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this
    $geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this
    $geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this
    $geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this
    if (empty($geometries)) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid / Empty GeoRSS");
    return geoPHP::geometryReduce($geometries);
  protected function getPointsFromCoords($string) {
    $coords = array();
    if (empty($string)) {
      return $coords;
    $latlon = explode(' ', $string);
    foreach ($latlon as $key => $item) {
      if (!($key % 2)) {

        // It's a latitude
        $lat = $item;
      else {

        // It's a longitude
        $lon = $item;
        $coords[] = new Point($lon, $lat);
    return $coords;
  protected function parsePoints() {
    $points = array();
    $pt_elements = $this->xmlobj
    foreach ($pt_elements as $pt) {
      if ($pt
        ->hasChildNodes()) {
        $point_array = $this
      if (!empty($point_array)) {
        $points[] = $point_array[0];
      else {
        $points[] = new Point();
    return $points;
  protected function parseLines() {
    $lines = array();
    $line_elements = $this->xmlobj
    foreach ($line_elements as $line) {
      $components = $this
      $lines[] = new LineString($components);
    return $lines;
  protected function parsePolygons() {
    $polygons = array();
    $poly_elements = $this->xmlobj
    foreach ($poly_elements as $poly) {
      if ($poly
        ->hasChildNodes()) {
        $points = $this
        $exterior_ring = new LineString($points);
        $polygons[] = new Polygon(array(
      else {

        // It's an EMPTY polygon
        $polygons[] = new Polygon();
    return $polygons;

  // Boxes are rendered into polygons
  protected function parseBoxes() {
    $polygons = array();
    $box_elements = $this->xmlobj
    foreach ($box_elements as $box) {
      $parts = explode(' ', trim($box->firstChild->nodeValue));
      $components = array(
        new Point($parts[3], $parts[2]),
        new Point($parts[3], $parts[0]),
        new Point($parts[1], $parts[0]),
        new Point($parts[1], $parts[2]),
        new Point($parts[3], $parts[2]),
      $exterior_ring = new LineString($components);
      $polygons[] = new Polygon(array(
    return $polygons;

  // Circles are rendered into points
  // @@TODO: Add good support once we have circular-string geometry support
  protected function parseCircles() {
    $points = array();
    $circle_elements = $this->xmlobj
    foreach ($circle_elements as $circle) {
      $parts = explode(' ', trim($circle->firstChild->nodeValue));
      $points[] = new Point($parts[1], $parts[0]);
    return $points;
  protected function geometryToGeoRSS($geom) {
    $type = strtolower($geom
    switch ($type) {
      case 'point':
        return $this
      case 'linestring':
        return $this
      case 'polygon':
        return $this
      case 'multipoint':
      case 'multilinestring':
      case 'multipolygon':
      case 'geometrycollection':
        return $this
    return $output;
  private function pointToGeoRSS($geom) {
    $out = '<' . $this->nss . 'point>';
    if (!$geom
      ->isEmpty()) {
      $out .= $geom
        ->getY() . ' ' . $geom
    $out .= '</' . $this->nss . 'point>';
    return $out;
  private function linestringToGeoRSS($geom) {
    $output = '<' . $this->nss . 'line>';
    foreach ($geom
      ->getComponents() as $k => $point) {
      $output .= $point
        ->getY() . ' ' . $point
      if ($k < $geom
        ->numGeometries() - 1) {
        $output .= ' ';
    $output .= '</' . $this->nss . 'line>';
    return $output;
  private function polygonToGeoRSS($geom) {
    $output = '<' . $this->nss . 'polygon>';
    $exterior_ring = $geom
    foreach ($exterior_ring
      ->getComponents() as $k => $point) {
      $output .= $point
        ->getY() . ' ' . $point
      if ($k < $exterior_ring
        ->numGeometries() - 1) {
        $output .= ' ';
    $output .= '</' . $this->nss . 'polygon>';
    return $output;
  public function collectionToGeoRSS($geom) {
    $georss = '<' . $this->nss . 'where>';
    $components = $geom
    foreach ($geom
      ->getComponents() as $comp) {
      $georss .= $this
    $georss .= '</' . $this->nss . 'where>';
    return $georss;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
GeoRSS::$namespace private property
GeoRSS::$nss private property
GeoRSS::collectionToGeoRSS public function
GeoRSS::geometryToGeoRSS protected function
GeoRSS::geomFromText public function
GeoRSS::geomFromXML protected function
GeoRSS::getPointsFromCoords protected function
GeoRSS::linestringToGeoRSS private function
GeoRSS::parseBoxes protected function
GeoRSS::parseCircles protected function
GeoRSS::parseLines protected function
GeoRSS::parsePoints protected function
GeoRSS::parsePolygons protected function
GeoRSS::pointToGeoRSS private function
GeoRSS::polygonToGeoRSS private function
GeoRSS::read public function Read GeoRSS string into geometry objects Overrides GeoAdapter::read
GeoRSS::write public function Serialize geometries into a GeoRSS string. Overrides GeoAdapter::write