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class geoPHP in geoPHP 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 geoPHP/ \geoPHP


Expanded class hierarchy of geoPHP

1 string reference to 'geoPHP'
geophp_load in ./geophp.module
Loads the geoPHP library.


geoPHP/, line 34

View source
class geoPHP {
  static function version() {
    return '1.2';

  // geoPHP::load($data, $type, $other_args);
  // if $data is an array, all passed in values will be combined into a single geometry
  static function load() {
    $args = func_get_args();
    $data = array_shift($args);
    $type = array_shift($args);
    if (empty($data)) {
      return null;
    $type_map = geoPHP::getAdapterMap();

    // Auto-detect type if needed
    if (!$type) {

      // If the user is trying to load a Geometry from a Geometry... Just pass it back
      if (is_object($data)) {
        if ($data instanceof Geometry) {
          return $data;
      $detected = geoPHP::detectFormat($data);
      if (!$detected) {
        return FALSE;
      $format = explode(':', $detected);
      $type = array_shift($format);
      $args = $format;
    $processor_type = $type_map[$type];
    if (!$processor_type) {
      throw new exception('geoPHP could not find an adapter of type ' . htmlentities($type));
    $processor = new $processor_type();

    // Data is not an array, just pass it normally
    if (!is_array($data)) {
      $result = call_user_func_array(array(
      ), array_merge(array(
      ), $args));
    else {
      $geoms = array();
      foreach ($data as $item) {
        $geoms[] = call_user_func_array(array(
        ), array_merge(array(
        ), $args));
      $result = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geoms);
    return $result;
  static function getAdapterMap() {
    return array(
      'wkt' => 'WKT',
      'ewkt' => 'EWKT',
      'wkb' => 'WKB',
      'ewkb' => 'EWKB',
      'json' => 'GeoJSON',
      'geojson' => 'GeoJSON',
      'kml' => 'KML',
      'gpx' => 'GPX',
      'georss' => 'GeoRSS',
      'google_geocode' => 'GoogleGeocode',
      'geohash' => 'GeoHash',
  static function geometryList() {
    return array(
      'point' => 'Point',
      'linestring' => 'LineString',
      'polygon' => 'Polygon',
      'multipoint' => 'MultiPoint',
      'multilinestring' => 'MultiLineString',
      'multipolygon' => 'MultiPolygon',
      'geometrycollection' => 'GeometryCollection',
  static function geosInstalled($force = NULL) {
    static $geos_installed = NULL;
    if ($force !== NULL) {
      $geos_installed = $force;
    if ($geos_installed !== NULL) {
      return $geos_installed;
    $geos_installed = class_exists('GEOSGeometry');
    return $geos_installed;
  static function geosToGeometry($geos) {
    if (!geoPHP::geosInstalled()) {
      return NULL;
    $wkb_writer = new GEOSWKBWriter();
    $wkb = $wkb_writer
    $geometry = geoPHP::load($wkb, 'wkb', TRUE);
    if ($geometry) {
      return $geometry;

  // Reduce a geometry, or an array of geometries, into their 'lowest' available common geometry.
  // For example a GeometryCollection of only points will become a MultiPoint
  // A multi-point containing a single point will return a point.
  // An array of geometries can be passed and they will be compiled into a single geometry
  static function geometryReduce($geometry) {

    // If it's an array of one, then just parse the one
    if (is_array($geometry)) {
      if (empty($geometry)) {
        return FALSE;
      if (count($geometry) == 1) {
        return geoPHP::geometryReduce(array_shift($geometry));

    // If the geometry cannot even theoretically be reduced more, then pass it back
    if (gettype($geometry) == 'object') {
      $passbacks = array(
      if (in_array($geometry
        ->geometryType(), $passbacks)) {
        return $geometry;

    // If it is a multi-geometry, check to see if it just has one member
    // If it does, then pass the member, if not, then just pass back the geometry
    if (gettype($geometry) == 'object') {
      $simple_collections = array(
      if (in_array(get_class($geometry), $passbacks)) {
        $components = $geometry
        if (count($components) == 1) {
          return $components[0];
        else {
          return $geometry;

    // So now we either have an array of geometries, a GeometryCollection, or an array of GeometryCollections
    if (!is_array($geometry)) {
      $geometry = array(
    $geometries = array();
    $geom_types = array();
    $collections = array(
    foreach ($geometry as $item) {
      if ($item) {
        if (in_array(get_class($item), $collections)) {
          foreach ($item
            ->getComponents() as $component) {
            $geometries[] = $component;
            $geom_types[] = $component
        else {
          $geometries[] = $item;
          $geom_types[] = $item
    $geom_types = array_unique($geom_types);
    if (empty($geom_types)) {
      return FALSE;
    if (count($geom_types) == 1) {
      if (count($geometries) == 1) {
        return $geometries[0];
      else {
        $class = 'Multi' . $geom_types[0];
        return new $class($geometries);
    else {
      return new GeometryCollection($geometries);

  // Detect a format given a value. This function is meant to be SPEEDY.
  // It could make a mistake in XML detection if you are mixing or using namespaces in weird ways (ie, KML inside an RSS feed)
  static function detectFormat(&$input) {
    $mem = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
    fwrite($mem, $input, 11);

    // Write 11 bytes - we can detect the vast majority of formats in the first 11 bytes
    fseek($mem, 0);
    $bytes = unpack("c*", fread($mem, 11));

    // If bytes is empty, then we were passed empty input
    if (empty($bytes)) {
      return FALSE;

    // First char is a tab, space or carriage-return. trim it and try again
    if ($bytes[1] == 9 || $bytes[1] == 10 || $bytes[1] == 32) {
      $ltinput = ltrim($input);
      return geoPHP::detectFormat($ltinput);

    // Detect WKB or EWKB -- first byte is 1 (little endian indicator)
    if ($bytes[1] == 1) {

      // If SRID byte is TRUE (1), it's EWKB
      if ($bytes[5]) {
        return 'ewkb';
      else {
        return 'wkb';

    // Detect HEX encoded WKB or EWKB (PostGIS format) -- first byte is 48, second byte is 49 (hex '01' => first-byte = 1)
    if ($bytes[1] == 48 && $bytes[2] == 49) {

      // The shortest possible WKB string (LINESTRING EMPTY) is 18 hex-chars (9 encoded bytes) long
      // This differentiates it from a geohash, which is always shorter than 18 characters.
      if (strlen($input) >= 18) {

        //@@TODO: Differentiate between EWKB and WKB -- check hex-char 10 or 11 (SRID bool indicator at encoded byte 5)
        return 'ewkb:1';

    // Detect GeoJSON - first char starts with {
    if ($bytes[1] == 123) {
      return 'json';

    // Detect EWKT - first char is S
    if ($bytes[1] == 83) {
      return 'ewkt';

    // Detect WKT - first char starts with P (80), L (76), M (77), or G (71)
    $wkt_chars = array(
    if (in_array($bytes[1], $wkt_chars)) {
      return 'wkt';

    // Detect XML -- first char is <
    if ($bytes[1] == 60) {

      // grab the first 256 characters
      $string = substr($input, 0, 256);
      if (strpos($string, '<kml') !== FALSE) {
        return 'kml';
      if (strpos($string, '<coordinate') !== FALSE) {
        return 'kml';
      if (strpos($string, '<gpx') !== FALSE) {
        return 'gpx';
      if (strpos($string, '<georss') !== FALSE) {
        return 'georss';
      if (strpos($string, '<rss') !== FALSE) {
        return 'georss';
      if (strpos($string, '<feed') !== FALSE) {
        return 'georss';

    // We need an 8 byte string for geohash and unpacked WKB / WKT
    fseek($mem, 0);
    $string = trim(fread($mem, 8));

    // Detect geohash - geohash ONLY contains lowercase chars and numerics
    preg_match('/[a-z0-9]+/', $string, $matches);
    if ($matches[0] == $string) {
      return 'geohash';

    // What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhino?
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
geoPHP::detectFormat static function
geoPHP::geometryList static function
geoPHP::geometryReduce static function
geoPHP::geosInstalled static function
geoPHP::geosToGeometry static function
geoPHP::getAdapterMap static function
geoPHP::load static function
geoPHP::version static function