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abstract public function GeoAdapter::read in geoPHP 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoAdapter.class.php \GeoAdapter::read()

Read input and return a Geomtry or GeometryCollection

Return value


8 methods override GeoAdapter::read()
GeoHash::read in geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoHash.class.php
Convert the geohash to a Point. The point is 2-dimensional.
GeoJSON::read in geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoJSON.class.php
Given an object or a string, return a Geometry
GeoRSS::read in geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoRSS.class.php
Read GeoRSS string into geometry objects
GoogleGeocode::read in geoPHP/lib/adapters/GoogleGeocode.class.php
Read an address string or array geometry objects
GPX::read in geoPHP/lib/adapters/GPX.class.php
Read GPX string into geometry objects

... See full list


geoPHP/lib/adapters/GeoAdapter.class.php, line 22


GeoAdapter : abstract class which represents an adapter for reading and writing to and from Geomtry objects


public abstract function read($input);