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README.txt in Freelinking 6.3


* Introduction
* Installation
* Usage
* Related modules
* Troubleshooting
* Maintainers

The freelinking module implements a filter for the easier creation of HTML links to other pages
in the site or external sites with a wiki style format such as [[pluginname:identifier]].

For example: [[nodetitle:page one]] becomes:
<a href="/node/1" title="page one" class="freelink freelink-nodetitle freelink-internal">page one</a>

There are plenty of plugins to use (Google search, Drupal search, Drupal projects, Wikipedia...) and
there is an API to add new plugins. Read PLUGIN.txt for more instructions regarding how to add new

1. Download and enable the module.
2. Optionally configure the module at admin/config/freelinking.
3. Go to Configuration > Text Formats and activate Freelinking filter at Filtered HTML
   and Full HTML filters.
4. Clean the cache.
5. Edit a node or open a new one and type in the body the above example to verify that
   it works.

Normally you will type [[pluginname:target|title]]. The title is optional and if you do not specity
a plugin name the default one configured at Freelinking Settings page will be used.

Here is an example of each plugin:

Nodetitle: [[nodetitle:First page]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-nodetitle freelink-internal" title="node/1" href="/node/1">test</a>

Notes: If you have two nodes with the same title, there is no way to control what node is linked to. 
If you change the title of the page linked to, the freelink will no longer work.
Wikitools provide some tools to detect and prevent duplicate titles: project: [[drupalproject:freelinking]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-drupalproject freelink-external" href="">freelinking</a> nid: [[drupalorgnid:1]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-drupalorgnid freelink-external" href=""> "About Drupal"</a>

Search: [[search:test]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-search freelink-internal" title="search/node/test" href="/search/node/test">test</a>

Node nid: [[nid:2]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-nid freelink-internal" title="node/2" href="/node/2">First page</a>

Google search: [[google:drupal]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-google freelink-external" title="" href="">Google Search "drupal"</a>

File: [[file:logo.png]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-file freelink-internal" href="http://drupal7.localhost/sites/drupal7.localhost/files/logo.png">logo.png</a>

Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikinews and Wikipedia: [[wikipedia:Main Page]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-wikipedia freelink-external" href="">Main_Page</a>

User profile: [[u:1]] becomes
<a class="freelink freelink-user freelink-internal" title="user/1" href="/user/1">admin</a>

Related modules
* Freelinking offers a Freelinking Prepopulate submodule that provides a "create node"
  plugin. Nodetitle may use this to provide links to create content that does
  not exist. This submodule requires Prepopulate.
* Freelinking for casetracker adds a plugin "case" to provide a detailed status of a case tracker case.

If you do not see freelinking working at all. There must be some conflict with other input formats. Try
first to disable all other input formats and only leave Freelinking activated. Clean the cache and then test editing a node
with a freelink and save it. If it works, try adding other input formats until you get to the right order in which they
have to be in order to work correctly.

* eafarris <> (Original Creator)
* grayside <>
* juampy


View source
  2. =====================
  3. * Introduction
  4. * Installation
  5. * Usage
  6. * Related modules
  7. * Troubleshooting
  8. * Maintainers
  9. Introduction
  10. ============
  11. The freelinking module implements a filter for the easier creation of HTML links to other pages
  12. in the site or external sites with a wiki style format such as [[pluginname:identifier]].
  13. For example: [[nodetitle:page one]] becomes:
  14. page one
  15. There are plenty of plugins to use (Google search, Drupal search, Drupal projects, Wikipedia...) and
  16. there is an API to add new plugins. Read PLUGIN.txt for more instructions regarding how to add new
  17. plugin.
  18. Installation
  19. ===========
  20. 1. Download and enable the module.
  21. 2. Optionally configure the module at admin/config/freelinking.
  22. 3. Go to Configuration > Text Formats and activate Freelinking filter at Filtered HTML
  23. and Full HTML filters.
  24. 4. Clean the cache.
  25. 5. Edit a node or open a new one and type in the body the above example to verify that
  26. it works.
  27. Usage
  28. =====
  29. Normally you will type [[pluginname:target|title]]. The title is optional and if you do not specity
  30. a plugin name the default one configured at Freelinking Settings page will be used.
  31. Here is an example of each plugin:
  32. Nodetitle: [[nodetitle:First page]] becomes
  33. test
  34. Notes: If you have two nodes with the same title, there is no way to control what node is linked to.
  35. If you change the title of the page linked to, the freelink will no longer work.
  36. Wikitools provide some tools to detect and prevent duplicate titles:
  37. project: [[drupalproject:freelinking]] becomes
  38. freelinking
  39. nid: [[drupalorgnid:1]] becomes
  40. "About Drupal"
  41. Search: [[search:test]] becomes
  42. test
  43. Node nid: [[nid:2]] becomes
  44. First page
  45. Google search: [[google:drupal]] becomes
  46. Google Search "drupal"
  47. File: [[file:logo.png]] becomes
  48. logo.png
  49. Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikinews and Wikipedia: [[wikipedia:Main Page]] becomes
  50. Main_Page
  51. User profile: [[u:1]] becomes
  52. admin
  53. Related modules
  54. ===============
  55. * Freelinking offers a Freelinking Prepopulate submodule that provides a "create node"
  56. plugin. Nodetitle may use this to provide links to create content that does
  57. not exist. This submodule requires Prepopulate.
  58. * Freelinking for casetracker adds a plugin "case" to provide a detailed status of a case tracker case.
  60. Troubleshooting
  61. ==============
  62. If you do not see freelinking working at all. There must be some conflict with other input formats. Try
  63. first to disable all other input formats and only leave Freelinking activated. Clean the cache and then test editing a node
  64. with a freelink and save it. If it works, try adding other input formats until you get to the right order in which they
  65. have to be in order to work correctly.
  66. Maintainers
  67. ===========
  68. * eafarris (Original Creator)
  69. * grayside
  70. * juampy