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Functions in Freelinking 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
freelinking_drupalorgnid_callback plugins/ 1
freelinking_drupalorgnid_settings plugins/
freelinking_file_file_callback plugins/ 1 1
freelinking_file_file_settings plugins/ 1
freelinking_file_image_callback plugins/ 1
freelinking_file_image_settings plugins/ 1
freelinking_filter ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_filter().
freelinking_filter_tips ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
freelinking_form_freelinking_settings_alter ./ Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). Used to add Vertical Tabs enhancement to admin page
freelinking_freelinking ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_freelinking().
freelinking_freelink_alter ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_freelink_alter(). Used here to clean up and standardize links.
freelinking_get_conf ./ Get a configuration value for the current text being processed. Configuration values may vary by format, or fall back to a general default. 1
freelinking_get_freelink ./ Process the target text into a link with the specified plugin. 1
freelinking_get_plugins ./ Invoke hook_freelinking() to validate & sort available FL plugins. 4
freelinking_google_callback plugins/ Replacement callback for Google plugin 1
freelinking_internal_tooltip ./ Build a tooltip for internal content. 2
freelinking_menu ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_menu().
freelinking_nid_callback plugins/ 1
freelinking_nodetitle_callback plugins/ Replacement callback for nodetitle plugin 1
freelinking_nodetitle_nid_from_title plugins/ Grab the nid associated with the title. Attempt some degree of language sensibility. 1
freelinking_nodetitle_settings plugins/ Nodetitle Settings Callback
freelinking_parse_target ./freelinking.module Parse target for secondary link arguments. This is raw user input and needs to be checked by the HTML Filter. 1
freelinking_perm ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_perm().
freelinking_prepopulate_enable modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.install Implementation of hook_enable().
freelinking_prepopulate_fields_from_array modules/freelinking_prepopulate/ Extract arguments for Prepopulate from the array. Build a 'query' array suitable for use by Prepopulate. 1
freelinking_prepopulate_fields_from_array modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.api.php Extract arguments for Prepopulate from the array. Build a 'query' array suitable for use by Prepopulate. 1
freelinking_prepopulate_fields_from_page modules/freelinking_prepopulate/ Extract the specified array fields from the current or specified page. Build a l() 'query' array suitable for use by Prepopulate. 1
freelinking_prepopulate_fields_from_page modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.api.php Extract the specified array fields from the current or specified page. Build a l() 'query' array suitable for use by Prepopulate. 1
freelinking_prepopulate_freelinking modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.module
freelinking_prepopulate_list_fields modules/freelinking_prepopulate/ Build & retrieve the list of form fields for URL construction. This is made with Prepopulate in mind, but is not restricted to Prepopulate. You may add a $field to this list by calling this with the $field parameter set. 5
freelinking_prepopulate_list_fields modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.api.php Build & retrieve the list of form fields for URL construction. This is made with Prepopulate in mind, but is not restricted to Prepopulate. You may add a $field to this list by calling this with the $field parameter set. 5
freelinking_prepopulate_node_callback modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.module Node Create replacement callback Ultimate default: [[create:pagetitle]] => <a href="node/add/page?edit[title]=pagetitle>pagetitle</a> 1
freelinking_prepopulate_node_settings modules/freelinking_prepopulate/freelinking_prepopulate.module Settings callback for "Create Node" 1
freelinking_requirements ./freelinking.install Implements hook_requirements().
freelinking_search_callback plugins/ 1
freelinking_search_settings plugins/ Settings callback for Search plugin
freelinking_settings ./ Build admin/settings page. 1
freelinking_set_conf ./ Calculate a configuration value based on a precedence of existing variables. Format-specific before Freelinking before Drupal-wide. 1
freelinking_theme ./freelinking.module Implementation of hook_theme().
freelinking_update_6000 ./freelinking.install Implements hook_update_N().
freelinking_update_6001 ./freelinking.install Implements hook_update_N().
freelinking_user_callback plugins/ 1
freelinking_wikipedia_settings plugins/
hook_freelinking ./freelinking.api.php hook_freelinking() is used to define plugins or add new values to plugins.
hook_freelink_alter ./freelinking.api.php hook_freelink_alter() is used to modify the array of link values that are eventually passed on to the theme functions to become links.
theme_freelink ./freelinking.module Theme the Freelink 1
theme_freelink_error ./freelinking.module Theme the error message
theme_freelink_pluginname ./freelinking.api.php Individual modules may implement a theme_freelink_pluginname(). Doing so will override the standard theme_freelink(). Modules must still implement hook_theme to declare their theme function.
_freelinking_build_freelink ./freelinking.module Construct a link out of the $target with the specified plugin 1
_freelinking_failover_form ./ 1


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