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README.txt in Freelinking 6.2

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  2. 6.3 README.txt
  3. 6 README.txt
  4. 7.3 README.txt
# freelinking.module -- a freelinking filter for Drupal

by [ea. Farris] [1], with portions adapted from work done by [Christopher
Whipple] [2] on his wiki.module.

## What it does

freelinking.module allows content authors to link to other pieces of
content (ie., nodes) in the Drupal site easily, using CamelCase words
and freelinking delimiters, currently defined as double-square brackets
( [[ and ]] ).

When enabled, the freelinking filter searches the body of nodes looking
for "CamelCase" style words (words that begin with a capital letter and
have one or more capitalized words run together) and words or phrases
enclosed in double-square brackets [[like this]]. These words become
clickable to a node with the words as the title. If no node so titled
exists, the link will attempt to create the node and present the user
with the node creation form, with the title already filled in.

In addition to these simple linking styles, freelinking.module also
supports an expanded syntax using the double-square bracket method.
Freelinks containing a bar (or pipe, '|') will link different text to
the target. For example, [[this is what's shown|this is the target]]
will link the text "this is what's shown" to content titled "this is the
target," or, if that doesn't exist, the create content page will be
shown with "this is the target" as the title.

Freelinks within double-square brackets can also contain URLs that begin
with http://. So links like this [[Drupal Web Site|]]
are acceptable, as is [[]], which will show the URL
in the body and link it.

## Installation and activation

For installation instrutions, and for information on how to activate
this module, see INSTALL.txt

## Configuration

Currently, freelinking.module supports the following configuration

- What kind of node will the filter attempt to create if a target node
  was not found? This can be any node type. A simple flexinode with
  title and body, that is editable by anyone, could turn Drupal into a
  wiki. Defaults to 'blog.'

- What kind of node will be searched for, when looking up a title? This
  should be the same as the creation node type, above, or new
  freelinking-created content won't ever be found. Defaults to 'no
  restrictions,' meaning all content types are eligible to be the target
  of a freelink.

- If you don't want to turn CamelCase words into links, you can turn
  that off. It defaults to on.

Other options planned, but not yet implemented, include:

- Flexible delimiters for phrases. Double-square brackets are used by
  the interwiki.module [3], so this filter should give some choice as to
  what will be used as the freelinking delimiters.
- Restrict freelinking to nodes created by the same user. For example,
  Author1 writing a blog entry with freelinks should expect his links to
  resolve to other content by him, and not just any content on the site.
  This would give multi-authored sites into several private wikis, each
  linking only to his or her own content.

## "freelinks" menu option

When the freelinking.module is activated, a "freelinks" menu choice
appears on the navigation menu. Clicking this brings up a page showing
all the freelinks currently indexed in the Drupal site, along with a
link to either "view this content" or "create this content." With this
page, users can find content that is the target of a link, but doesn't
yet exist, "filling in the gaps," so to speak. This feature came about
because of a feature request at .


[1] :
[2] :
[3] :

freelinking.module by ea.Farris <>


View source
  1. # freelinking.module -- a freelinking filter for Drupal
  2. ---
  3. by [ea. Farris] [1], with portions adapted from work done by [Christopher
  4. Whipple] [2] on his wiki.module.
  5. ## What it does
  6. freelinking.module allows content authors to link to other pieces of
  7. content (ie., nodes) in the Drupal site easily, using CamelCase words
  8. and freelinking delimiters, currently defined as double-square brackets
  9. ( [[ and ]] ).
  10. When enabled, the freelinking filter searches the body of nodes looking
  11. for "CamelCase" style words (words that begin with a capital letter and
  12. have one or more capitalized words run together) and words or phrases
  13. enclosed in double-square brackets [[like this]]. These words become
  14. clickable to a node with the words as the title. If no node so titled
  15. exists, the link will attempt to create the node and present the user
  16. with the node creation form, with the title already filled in.
  17. In addition to these simple linking styles, freelinking.module also
  18. supports an expanded syntax using the double-square bracket method.
  19. Freelinks containing a bar (or pipe, '|') will link different text to
  20. the target. For example, [[this is what's shown|this is the target]]
  21. will link the text "this is what's shown" to content titled "this is the
  22. target," or, if that doesn't exist, the create content page will be
  23. shown with "this is the target" as the title.
  24. Freelinks within double-square brackets can also contain URLs that begin
  25. with http://. So links like this [[Drupal Web Site|]]
  26. are acceptable, as is [[]], which will show the URL
  27. in the body and link it.
  28. ## Installation and activation
  29. For installation instrutions, and for information on how to activate
  30. this module, see INSTALL.txt
  31. ## Configuration
  32. Currently, freelinking.module supports the following configuration
  33. options:
  34. - What kind of node will the filter attempt to create if a target node
  35. was not found? This can be any node type. A simple flexinode with
  36. title and body, that is editable by anyone, could turn Drupal into a
  37. wiki. Defaults to 'blog.'
  38. - What kind of node will be searched for, when looking up a title? This
  39. should be the same as the creation node type, above, or new
  40. freelinking-created content won't ever be found. Defaults to 'no
  41. restrictions,' meaning all content types are eligible to be the target
  42. of a freelink.
  43. - If you don't want to turn CamelCase words into links, you can turn
  44. that off. It defaults to on.
  45. Other options planned, but not yet implemented, include:
  46. - Flexible delimiters for phrases. Double-square brackets are used by
  47. the interwiki.module [3], so this filter should give some choice as to
  48. what will be used as the freelinking delimiters.
  49. - Restrict freelinking to nodes created by the same user. For example,
  50. Author1 writing a blog entry with freelinks should expect his links to
  51. resolve to other content by him, and not just any content on the site.
  52. This would give multi-authored sites into several private wikis, each
  53. linking only to his or her own content.
  54. ## "freelinks" menu option
  55. When the freelinking.module is activated, a "freelinks" menu choice
  56. appears on the navigation menu. Clicking this brings up a page showing
  57. all the freelinks currently indexed in the Drupal site, along with a
  58. link to either "view this content" or "create this content." With this
  59. page, users can find content that is the target of a link, but doesn't
  60. yet exist, "filling in the gaps," so to speak. This feature came about
  61. because of a feature request at .
  62. ---
  63. References
  64. [1] :
  65. [2] :
  66. [3] :
  67. ---
  68. freelinking.module by ea.Farris