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class FrxPostgres in Forena Reports 8

Class FrxPostgres

Plugin annotation

  name="Postgres Datbase Driver"


Expanded class hierarchy of FrxPostgres

1 string reference to 'FrxPostgres'
DataSourceDefinitionForm::buildForm in src/Form/DataSourceDefinitionForm.php


src/FrxPlugin/Driver/FrxPostgres.php, line 21
Postgres specific driver that takes advantage of native XML support


View source
class FrxPostgres extends DriverBase {
  private $db;
  private $use_postgres_xml = FALSE;

   * Object constructor
   * @param string $name
   *   Database connection name
   * @param array $conf
   *   Configuration data
   * @param DataFileSystem $fileSystem
   *   File system ojbect used to get files.
  public function __construct($name, $conf, DataFileSystem $fileSystem) {
    parent::__construct($name, $conf, $fileSystem);
    $this->use_postgres_xml = FALSE;
    $uri = $conf['uri'];
    $this->db_type = 'postgres';
    if (!empty($conf['password'])) {
      $uri = trim($uri) . ' password=' . $conf['password'];
    $this->debug = @$conf['debug'];
    if (isset($conf['postgres_xml'])) {
      $this->use_postgres_xml = $conf['postgres_xml'];
    if ($uri) {

      // Test for postgres suport
      if (!is_callable('pg_connect')) {
          ->error('PHP Postgres support not installed.', 'PHP Postgres support not installed.');
        return NULL;
      try {
        $db = pg_connect($uri);
        if (isset($conf['search path'])) {
          @pg_query($db, "SET search_path=" . $conf['search path']);
        $this->db = $db;
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
          ->error('Unable to connect to database ' . $conf['title'], $e
    else {
        ->error('No database connection string specified', 'No database connection: ' . print_r($conf, 1));

    // Set up the stuff required to translate.
    $this->te = new SQLReplacer($this);

   * Get data based on file data block in the repository.
   * @param string $sql
   *   Query to execute
   * @param array $options
   *   array containing type configuration data.
   * @return SimpleXMLElement | array
   *   The data returned from the query.
  public function sqlData($sql, $options = array()) {

    // Load the block from the file
    $db = $this->db;
    $xml = '';

    // Load the types array based on data
    $this->types = isset($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : array();
    if ($sql && $db) {
      $sql = $this->te
      if ($this->use_postgres_xml) {
        $xml = $this
          ->postgres_xml($sql, 'table');
      else {
        $xml = $this
      if ($this->debug) {
        $d = '';
        if ($xml) {
          $d = htmlspecialchars($xml
          ->debug('SQL: ' . $sql, '<pre> SQL:' . $sql . "\n XML: " . $d . "\n</pre>");
      return $xml;
    else {
      return NULL;

   * Generate xml from sql using the provided f_forena
   * @param string $sql
   * @return SimpleXMLElement
   *   XML Representation of query results.
  private function postgres_xml($sql, $block) {
    $db = $this->db;

    $fsql = 'select query_to_xml($1,true,false,$2);';
    $rs = @pg_query_params($db, $fsql, array(
    $e = pg_last_error();
    if ($e) {
      $text = $e;
      if (!$this->block_name) {
        $short = t('%e', array(
          '%e' => $text,
      else {
        $short = t('SQL Error in %b.sql', array(
          '%b' => $this->block_name,
        ->error($short, $text);
      return NULL;
    $xml_text = '';
    if ($rs) {
      $row = pg_fetch_row($rs);
      $xml_text = $row[0];
    $xml = NULL;
    if ($xml_text) {
      $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($xml_text);
      if ($xml
        ->getName() == 'error') {
        $msg = (string) $xml . ' in ' . $block . '.sql. ';
          ->error($msg . 'See logs for more info', $msg . ' in <pre> ' . $sql . '</pre>');
      if (!$xml
        ->children()) {
        $xml = '';
    if ($rs) {
    return $xml;
  private function php_xml($sql) {
    $db = $this->db;
    $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement('<table/>');
    $rs = @pg_query($sql);
    $e = pg_last_error();
    if ($e) {
      $text = $e;
      if (!$this->block_name) {
        $short = t('%e', array(
          '%e' => $text,
      else {
        $short = t('SQL Error in %b.sql', array(
          '%b' => $this->block_name,
        ->error($short, $text);
    $rownum = 0;
    if ($rs) {
      while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        $row_node = $xml
        $row_node['num'] = $rownum;
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
            ->addChild(strtolower($key), htmlspecialchars($value));
    if ($rs) {
    return $xml;

   * Implement custom SQL formatter to make sure that strings are properly escaped.
   * Ideally we'd replace this with something that handles prepared statements, but it
   * wouldn't work for
   * @param string $value
   *   Value to be formatted
   * @param string $key
   *   the token being replaced.
   * @param bool $raw
   *   TRUE implies that the value should not be formatted for human consumption.
   * @return
   *   Formatted value
  public function format($value, $key, $raw = FALSE) {
    if ($raw) {
      return $value;
    $value = $this
      ->parmConvert($key, $value);
    if ($value === '' || $value === NULL) {
      $value = 'NULL';
    else {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        if ($value == array()) {
          $value = 'NULL';
        else {

          // Build a array of values string
          $i = 0;
          $val = '';
          foreach ($value as $v) {
            if ($i > 1) {
              $val .= ',';
            $val .= "'" . pg_escape_string($v) . "'";
          $value = $val;
      elseif (is_int($value)) {
        $value = (int) $value;
        $value = (string) $value;
      elseif (is_float($value)) {
        $value = (double) $value;
        $value = (string) $value;
      else {
        $value = trim($value);
        $value = "'" . pg_escape_string($value) . "'";
    return $value;
  public function searchTables($str) {
    $str .= '%';
    $db = $this->db;
    $sql = $this
    $str = pg_escape_string($str);
    $str = "'{$str}'";
    $sql = str_replace(':str', $str, $sql);
    $rs = @pg_query($sql);
    $rownum = 0;
    $tables = array();
    if ($rs) {
      $tables = pg_fetch_all_columns($rs, 0);
    if ($rs) {
    return $tables;
  public function parseConnectionStr() {
    $uri = @$this->conf['uri'];
    $uri = str_replace(';', ' ', $uri);
    $info = array();
    foreach (explode(' ', $uri) as $pairs) {
      if (strpos($pairs, '=') !== FALSE) {
        list($key, $value) = @explode('=', $pairs, 2);
        $info[trim($key)] = trim($value);
    return $info;
  public function searchTableColumns($table, $str) {
    $str .= '%';
    $db = $this->db;
    $sql = $this
    $str = pg_escape_string($str);
    $str = "'{$str}'";
    $sql = str_replace(':str', $str, $sql);
    $table = pg_escape_string($table);
    $table = "'{$table}'";
    $sql = str_replace(':table', $table, $sql);
    $info = $this
    $database = isset($info['dbname']) ? $info['dbname'] : @$info['database'];
    $database = pg_escape_string($database);
    $database = "'{$database}'";
    $sql = str_replace(':database', $database, $sql);
    $rs = @pg_query($sql);
    $rownum = 0;
    $tables = array();
    if ($rs) {
      $tables = pg_fetch_all_columns($rs, 0);
    if ($rs) {
    return $tables;

   * Destructor - Closes database connections.
  public function __destruct() {
    $db = $this->db;
    if ($db) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DriverBase::$block_ext public property
DriverBase::$block_extensions public property
DriverBase::$block_name public property
DriverBase::$block_path public property
DriverBase::$comment_prefix public property
DriverBase::$comment_suffix public property
DriverBase::$conf public property
DriverBase::$debug public property 1
DriverBase::$fileSvc public property
DriverBase::$name public property
DriverBase::$te protected property
DriverBase::$types public property
DriverBase::access public function Implements the basic default security check of calling an access method. Overrides DriverInterface::access
DriverBase::buildFilterSQL public function Build the SQL clause based on builder data.
DriverBase::data public function Return data based on block definition. Overrides DriverInterface::data
DriverBase::getSQLInclude public function
DriverBase::listDataBlocks public function Find all the blocks matching a provided search string
DriverBase::listDBBlocks public function @TODO: Determine whether we still need this.
DriverBase::loadBlock function Load blcok data from filesystem Overrides DriverInterface::loadBlock
DriverBase::loadBlockFromFile protected function
DriverBase::parmConvert public function Perform generic type conversion based on attributes.
DriverBase::parseSQLFile public function Break the contents of a sql file down to its source.
DriverBase::parseXMLFile public function Parse XML File contents into contents.
DriverBase::phpData public function
DriverBase::searchTableColumnsSQL public function
DriverBase::searchTablesSQL public function
DriverBase::tokens public function Load tokens from block source
DriverBase::xmlData public function Implement static XML functioin
FrxAPI::app public function Returns containing application service
FrxAPI::currentDataContext public function Get the current data context.
FrxAPI::currentDataContextArray public function
FrxAPI::dataManager public function Returns the data manager service
FrxAPI::dataService public function Return Data Service
FrxAPI::documentManager public function Returns the fornea document manager
FrxAPI::error public function Report an error
FrxAPI::getDataContext public function Get the context of a specific id.
FrxAPI::getDocument public function Get the current document
FrxAPI::getReportFileContents public function Load the contents of a file in the report file system.
FrxAPI::innerXML function Enter description here... 1
FrxAPI::popData public function Pop data off of the stack.
FrxAPI::pushData public function Push data onto the Stack
FrxAPI::report public function Run a report with a particular format. 1
FrxAPI::reportFileSystem public function Get the current report file system.
FrxAPI::setDataContext public function Set Data context by id.
FrxAPI::setDocument public function Change to a specific document type.
FrxAPI::skins public function Get list of skins.
FrxPostgres::$db private property
FrxPostgres::$use_postgres_xml private property
FrxPostgres::format public function Implement custom SQL formatter to make sure that strings are properly escaped. Ideally we'd replace this with something that handles prepared statements, but it wouldn't work for
FrxPostgres::parseConnectionStr public function
FrxPostgres::php_xml private function
FrxPostgres::postgres_xml private function Generate xml from sql using the provided f_forena
FrxPostgres::searchTableColumns public function Overrides DriverBase::searchTableColumns
FrxPostgres::searchTables public function Method to return an array of tables that start with the string indicated in $str Overrides DriverBase::searchTables
FrxPostgres::sqlData public function Get data based on file data block in the repository.
FrxPostgres::__construct public function Object constructor Overrides DriverBase::__construct
FrxPostgres::__destruct public function Destructor - Closes database connections.