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public function DriverBase::parmConvert in Forena Reports 8

Perform generic type conversion based on attributes.


string $key : The token key for parameter replacement.

string $value : The value of the parameter

Return value

mixed Value of the parameter.

5 calls to DriverBase::parmConvert()
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src/FrxPlugin/Driver/DriverBase.php, line 475
Class that defines default methods for access control in an DriverBase






public function parmConvert($key, $value) {
  if (isset($this->types[$key]) && $this->types[$key]) {
    if ($value === NULL || $value === '') {
      $value = NULL;
    else {
      switch (strtolower($this->types[$key])) {
        case 'date':
          $time = @new \DateTime($value);
          if ($time) {
            $value = date_format($time, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
          else {
            $value = NULL;
        case 'unixtime':
          $time = @new \DateTime($value);
          if ($time) {
            $value = $time
          else {
            $value = NULL;
        case 'numeric':
        case 'float':
          $value = (double) $value;
        case 'int':
        case 'integer':
          $value = (int) $value;
        case 'array':
          $value = (array) $value;
  return $value;