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Functions in Focal Point 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
callback_get_focal_point ./focal_point.api.php Callculate an image's focal point. 1
focal_point_admin_paths ./focal_point.module Implements hook_admin_paths().
focal_point_configuration_form ./ System form for focal point configuration settings. 1
focal_point_create_test_image ./focal_point.install Create a test drive image. 1
focal_point_crop_effect ./ Image effect callback. 1
focal_point_crop_form ./ Form builder for the scale and crop forms. 1
focal_point_delete ./focal_point.module Deletes the focal point for the given file entity. 2
focal_point_effect_calculate_anchor ./ Calculate the anchor offset for the given dimension. 2
focal_point_effect_crop_data ./ Compile the necessary data for the image crop effect. 2
focal_point_effect_resize_data ./ Calculate how to resize the given image using the given heights and widths. 2
focal_point_element_form_validate ./focal_point.module Validation function for the focal point widget. 1
focal_point_field_attach_presave ./focal_point.module Implements hook_field_attach_presave().
focal_point_field_widget_form_alter ./focal_point.module Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter().
focal_point_file_delete ./focal_point.module Implements hook_file_delete().
focal_point_file_load ./focal_point.module Implements hook_file_load().
focal_point_file_presave ./focal_point.module Implements hook_file_presave().
focal_point_form_file_entity_add_upload_alter ./focal_point.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
focal_point_form_file_entity_edit_alter ./focal_point.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
focal_point_form_validate ./focal_point.module Form validation function for the focal point form item. 1
focal_point_get ./focal_point.module Returns the focal point of the given image. 1
focal_point_get_default_method_info ./focal_point.module Get a list of methods that can be used to set the default focal point value. 2
focal_point_get_multiple ./focal_point.module Returns the focal points of the given images. 2 1
focal_point_get_smartcrop_focal_point ./focal_point.module Callback function. 1
focal_point_image_default_styles ./focal_point.module Implements hook_image_default_styles().
focal_point_image_effect_info ./ Implements hook_image_effect_info(). 1
focal_point_install ./focal_point.install Implements hook_install().
focal_point_menu ./focal_point.module Implements hook_menu().
focal_point_migrate_imagefield_focus_data ./focal_point.install Convert existing imagefield_focus data to focal point. 1
focal_point_parse ./focal_point.module Parse the string representation of the focal point into an array. 2
focal_point_permission ./focal_point.module Implements hook_permission().
focal_point_preprocess_image_widget ./focal_point.module Implements template_preprocess_image_widget().
focal_point_preview_page ./ Page callback function. 1
focal_point_save ./focal_point.module Save the focal point data for a given file. 3
focal_point_scale_and_crop_effect ./ Image effect callback. 1
focal_point_schema ./focal_point.install Implements hook_schema().
focal_point_smartcrop_estimation ./ Given an image, use smartcrop to estimate a good focal point. 1
focal_point_test_drive_form ./ Form builder for the "test drive" page. 1
focal_point_test_drive_form_submit ./ Form submit handler for focal_point_test_drive_form(). 1
focal_point_theme ./focal_point.module Implements hook_theme().
focal_point_uninstall ./focal_point.install Implements hook_uninstall().
focal_point_update_7002 ./focal_point.install Removing the 'focal_point_preview_image_style' variable.
focal_point_update_7003 ./focal_point.install Convert the focal_point_use_smart_crop variable to generic default variables.
focal_point_update_7005 ./focal_point.install Update test drive image to use file default scheme, so remote schemes work. 1
focal_point_validate ./focal_point.module Validate a given focal point. 4
focal_point_widget_process ./focal_point.module Field widget process function. 1
hook_focal_point_default_method_info ./focal_point.api.php Provide a default focal point calculation method.
hook_focal_point_default_method_info_alter ./focal_point.api.php Alter the default focal point calculation methods.
hook_focal_point_delete ./focal_point.api.php Hook invoked after deleting a Focal_Point record.
hook_focal_point_pre_save_alter ./focal_point.api.php Alters the Focal Point before saving it to the database.
hook_focal_point_save ./focal_point.api.php Hook invoked after saving a Focal_Point element.


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