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function focal_point_preview_page in Focal Point 7

Page callback function.

This page displays a preview of derivative images for the given file.


int $fid: The fid of the image file entity in question.

string $focal_point: (Optional) A string in the form 'left-percent-offset, top-percent-offset'. Leave this value empty to use the value stored in the database.

Return value

array The render array for the preview page.

See also


1 string reference to 'focal_point_preview_page'
focal_point_menu in ./focal_point.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 117
Functionality needed by the focal point admin pages.


function focal_point_preview_page($fid, $focal_point = '') {
  $file = is_numeric($fid) ? file_load($fid) : NULL;
  if ($file && focal_point_validate($focal_point)) {

    // Get the render array for the preview.
    $output = _focal_point_preview($fid, $focal_point);

    // Clear the existing derivative images if they exist.
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Invalid request. The preview images could not be displayed.'), 'error');
    $output = array();
  return $output;