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Functions in Focal Point 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_focal_point_supported_file_types_alter ./focal_point.api.php Alter an array of supported file entity types.
hook_focal_point_supported_widget_types_alter ./focal_point.api.php Alter an array of supported widget types.
image_focus_focal_point_default_method_info ./focal_point.module Implements hook_focal_point_default_method_info().
smartcrop_focal_point_default_method_info ./focal_point.module Implements hook_focal_point_default_method_info().
theme_focal_point_image_crop_summary ./ Replacement for the standard theme_image_crop_summary function.
theme_focal_point_image_resize_summary ./ Replacement for the standard theme_image_resize_summary function.
theme_focal_point_image_style ./ Replacement for the standard theme_image_style function.
_focal_point_field ./focal_point.module Define the focal point text field. 3
_focal_point_flush ./focal_point.module Flush derivitive images based on a file id. 2
_focal_point_form_append_focal_point_preview ./focal_point.module Append the focal point preview field to file edit forms. 2
_focal_point_get_image_styles ./focal_point.module Get a list of all image styles that use a focal point effect. 1
_focal_point_guess_default ./focal_point.module Make a best guess for the initial value of the focal point of the given file. 3
_focal_point_help ./focal_point.module Retrieve the help text for a focal point field. 2
_focal_point_images_save ./focal_point.module Save the focal point for the provided images. 1
_focal_point_indicator ./focal_point.module Build a render array for the focal point indicator crosshair. 3
_focal_point_preview ./focal_point.module Allows previewing of derivitive images based on the given focal point. 2
_focal_point_preview_link ./focal_point.module Build a render array for the preview link. 2
_focal_point_save ./focal_point.module Helper function to save a FocalPoint record, and invoke related hooks. 1
_focal_point_smartcrop_get_best_first_area ./ Calculate the best area to use based on its entropy. 1
_focal_point_smartcrop_sum_entropies ./ Calculate the entropy of several adjacent areas. 1
_focal_point_supported_field_type ./focal_point.module Determine wether or not the given widget type is supported. 2
_focal_point_supported_file ./focal_point.module Determine whether or not the provided file entity can support a focal_point. 1
_focal_point_supported_widget_type ./focal_point.module Determine whether or not the provided field can use focal point support. 2


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