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Functions in FileField 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
field_file_check_directory ./ A silent version of's file_check_directory(). 1
field_file_delete ./ Delete a field file and its database record. 3
field_file_load ./ Load a file from the database. 9
field_file_references ./ Return a count of the references to a file by all modules. 1
field_file_save ./ Save a node file. Delete items if necessary and set new items as permanent. 1
field_file_save_file ./ Save a file into a file node after running all the associated validators. 1
field_file_save_upload ./ Save a file upload to a new location. The source file is validated as a proper upload and handled as such. By implementing hook_file($op = 'insert'), modules are able to act on the file upload and to add their own properties to the file. 1
field_file_strip_path ./ Remove a possible leading file directory path from the given path.
field_file_urlencode_path ./ Encode a file path in a way that is compatible with file_create_url(). 2
filefield_content_diff_values ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_content_diff_values().
filefield_content_generate ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_content_generate(). Used by generate.module.
filefield_content_is_empty ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_content_is_empty().
filefield_data_info ./filefield.module Get a list of possible information stored in a file field "data" column. 3
filefield_data_value ./filefield.module Given an array of data options, dispatch the necessary callback function. 1
filefield_default_value ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_default_value().
filefield_delete_file_references ./filefield.module Delete all node references of a file. 1
filefield_disable ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_disable().
filefield_edit_access ./filefield.module Access callback for AHAH upload/delete callbacks and node form validation. 1 1
filefield_elements ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_elements().
filefield_enable ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_enable().
filefield_field ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_field(). 1
filefield_field_delete ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'delete').
filefield_field_delete_file ./ Check that FileField controls a file before attempting to deleting it. 3
filefield_field_delete_revision ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'delete_revision').
filefield_field_formatter_info ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_field_formatter_info().
filefield_field_info ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_field_info().
filefield_field_insert ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'insert').
filefield_field_load ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'load').
filefield_field_sanitize ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'sanitize').
filefield_field_settings ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
filefield_field_settings_database_columns ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field_settings($op = 'database_columns').
filefield_field_settings_form ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field_settings($op = 'form').
filefield_field_settings_save ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field_settings($op = 'save').
filefield_field_settings_views_data ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field_settings($op = 'views_data').
filefield_field_update ./ Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'update'). 1
filefield_filefield_data_info ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_filefield_data_info().
filefield_filefield_icon_sets ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_filefield_icon_sets().
filefield_file_delete ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_file_delete().
filefield_file_download ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_file_download().
filefield_file_listed ./ Return whether a file should be listed when viewing the node. 1
filefield_file_references ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_file_references().
filefield_form_alter ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
filefield_get_field_list ./filefield.module Return an array of file fields within a node type or by field name. 4
filefield_get_file_references ./filefield.module Get a list of node IDs that reference a file. 1
filefield_get_file_reference_count ./filefield.module Count the number of times the file is referenced within a field. 2
filefield_get_node_files ./filefield.module Get all FileField files connected to a node ID.
filefield_icon_url ./filefield.module Determine the most appropriate icon for the given file's mimetype. 1
filefield_init ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_init().
filefield_install ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_install().
filefield_js ./filefield.module Menu callback; Shared AHAH callback for uploads and deletions. 1


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