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function field_file_load in FileField 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \field_file_load()

Load a file from the database.


$fid: A numeric file id or string containing the file path.

$reset: Whether to reset the internal file_load cache.

Return value

A file array.

9 calls to field_file_load()
FileFieldTestCase::assertFileEntryExists in tests/filefield.test
Assert that a file exists in the database.
FileFieldTestCase::assertFileEntryNotExists in tests/filefield.test
Assert that a file does not exist in the database.
filefield_field_load in ./
Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'load').
filefield_field_sanitize in ./
Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'sanitize').
filefield_widget_process in ./
An element #process callback for the filefield_widget field type.

... See full list


./, line 17
Common functionality for file handling CCK field modules.


function field_file_load($fid, $reset = NULL) {

  // Reset internal cache.
  if (isset($reset)) {
    _field_file_cache(NULL, TRUE);
  if (empty($fid)) {
    return array(
      'fid' => 0,
      'filepath' => '',
      'filename' => '',
      'filemime' => '',
      'filesize' => 0,
  $files = _field_file_cache();

  // Serve file from internal cache if available.
  if (empty($files[$fid])) {
    if (is_numeric($fid)) {
      $file = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT f.* FROM {files} f WHERE f.fid = %d', $fid));
    else {
      $file = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT f.* FROM {files} f WHERE f.filepath = '%s'", $fid));
    if (!$file) {
      $file = (object) array(
        'fid' => 0,
        'filepath' => '',
        'filename' => '',
        'filemime' => '',
        'filesize' => 0,
    foreach (module_implements('file_load') as $module) {
      if ($module != 'field') {
        $function = $module . '_file_load';

    // Cache the fully loaded file for later use.
    $files = _field_file_cache($file);

  // Cast to an array for the field storage.
  // Contrary to fields, hook_file() and core file functions expect objects.
  return isset($files[$fid]) ? (array) $files[$fid] : FALSE;