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Functions in FileField 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
field_file_check_directory ./ A silent version of it's only talkative on errors. 1
field_file_delete ./ Delete a field file and its database record. 3
field_file_load ./ Load a file object from the database. 2
field_file_references ./ return references to a file by a single field. 1
field_file_save ./ Update an field item file. Delete marked items if neccessary and set new items as permamant. 1
field_file_save_upload ./ Save a file upload to a new location. The source file is validated as a proper upload and handled as such. By implementing hook_file($op = 'insert'), modules are able to act on the file upload and to add their own properties to the file. 1
field_file_strip_path ./ Remove a possible leading file directory path from the given path. 1
filefield_check_directory ./ Create the file directory relative to the 'files' dir recursively for every directory in the path. 1
filefield_content_is_empty ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_content_is_empty().
filefield_disable ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_disable().
filefield_edit_access ./filefield.module Access callback for the JavaScript upload and deletion AHAH callbacks. The content_permissions module provides nice fine-grained permissions for us to check, so we can make sure that the user may actually edit the file. 1
filefield_elements ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_elements().
filefield_enable ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_enable().
filefield_field ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_field().
filefield_field_formatter_info ./filefield.module Implementation of CCK's hook_field_formatter_info().
filefield_field_info ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
filefield_field_settings ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
filefield_filefield_filesize_restrictions ./ Implementation of hook_filefield_filesize_restrictions(): Specify how large a newly uploaded file may be, in bytes. (The smallest size of all hook implementations will be applied in the end).
filefield_file_download ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_file_download(). Yes, *that* hook that causes any attempt for file upload module interoperability to fail spectacularly.
filefield_file_edit_delete ./ Update the form state so that the file for the given field and delta is marked as deleted. 2
filefield_file_edit_delete_js ./ Form callback for the "Delete" button with JavaScript enabled, invoked by filefield_js(). Marks the file in the given field and delta as deleted, or deletes it right away (depending on the context). 1
filefield_file_edit_delete_submit ./ Submit callback for the "Delete" button next to each file item. 1
filefield_file_edit_form ./ The filefield widget for previously uploaded files. 1
filefield_file_edit_value ./ Custom value callback for file edit widgets, so that we don't need to rely on a tree structure but can assemble the file to our likings. 1
filefield_file_formatter_info ./filefield.module Implementation of filefield's hook_file_formatter_info().
filefield_file_references ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_file(). (Which is implemented by filefield/imagefield in Drupal 6 yet).
filefield_file_upload_form ./ The filefield widget for not (yet) existing files. 1
filefield_file_upload_js ./ Form callback for the "Upload" button with JavaScript enabled, invoked by filefield_js(). Uploads a file to the given field and delta. 1
filefield_file_upload_process ./ The 'process' callback for 'filefield_file_upload' form elements. Called after defining the form and while building it, transforms the barebone element array into a file selection widget. 1
filefield_file_upload_submit ./ Submit callback for the "Upload" button next to each file upload field. 1
filefield_file_upload_validate ./ The 'validate' callback for 'duration_combo' form elements. Called after values are assigned, before form validate and submit are called. 1
filefield_file_upload_value ./ Value callback for 'filefield_upload' form elements. Uploads and validates a file if one has been specified, and returns the fid of that file as result value. 1
filefield_file_widget_info ./filefield.module Implementation of filefield's hook_file_widget_info().
filefield_formatter_for_file ./filefield.module Determine which formatter will be used for displaying the edit form for the given file. 1
filefield_generic_edit_process ./filefield.module The 'process' callback for 'filefield_generic_edit' form elements. Called after defining the form and while building it, transforms the barebone element array into an icon and and a text field for editing the file description. 1
filefield_icon_url ./filefield.module Determine the most appropriate icon for the given file's mimetype.
filefield_install ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_install().
filefield_js ./ Shared AHAH callback for uploads and deletions. It just differs in a few unimportant details (what happens to the file, and which form is used as a replacement) so these details are taken care of by a form callback. 1
filefield_menu ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_menu().
filefield_meta filefield_meta/filefield_meta.module 1
filefield_meta_filefield filefield_meta/filefield_meta.module
filefield_meta_install filefield_meta/filefield_meta.install Implementation of hook_install().
filefield_meta_requirements filefield_meta/filefield_meta.module Implementation of hook_requirements().
filefield_meta_uninstall filefield_meta/filefield_meta.install
filefield_theme ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_theme().
filefield_token_list ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_token_list(): Provide a user readable list of filefield tokens.
filefield_token_values ./filefield.module Implementation of hook_token_values(): Provide the concrete token values for a given file item.
filefield_uninstall ./filefield.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
filefield_update_1 ./filefield.install
filefield_update_2 ./filefield.install


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