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9 calls to field_file_load() in FileField 6.3

FileFieldTestCase::assertFileEntryExists in tests/filefield.test
Assert that a file exists in the database.
FileFieldTestCase::assertFileEntryNotExists in tests/filefield.test
Assert that a file does not exist in the database.
filefield_field_load in ./
Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'load').
filefield_field_sanitize in ./
Implementation of CCK's hook_field($op = 'sanitize').
filefield_widget_process in ./
An element #process callback for the filefield_widget field type.
filefield_widget_validate in ./
An #element_validate callback for the filefield_widget field.
filefield_widget_value in ./
The #value_callback for the filefield_widget type element.
theme_filefield_formatter_path_plain in ./
Theme function for the 'path_plain' formatter.
theme_filefield_formatter_url_plain in ./
Theme function for the 'url_plain' formatter.