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function feeds_reschedule in Feeds 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 feeds.module \feeds_reschedule()
  2. 6 feeds.module \feeds_reschedule()
  3. 7 feeds.module \feeds_reschedule()

Reschedule one or all importers.


string|bool|null $importer_id: If TRUE, all importers will be rescheduled, if FALSE, no importers will be rescheduled, if an importer id, only importer of that id will be rescheduled.

Return value

string[] A list of importer ids that need rescheduling.

Related topics

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4 string references to 'feeds_reschedule'
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./feeds.module, line 293
Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.


function feeds_reschedule($importer_id = NULL) {
  $reschedule = variable_get('feeds_reschedule', FALSE);
  if ($importer_id === TRUE || $importer_id === FALSE) {
    $reschedule = $importer_id;
  elseif (is_string($importer_id) && $reschedule !== TRUE) {
    $reschedule = array_filter((array) $reschedule);
    $reschedule[$importer_id] = $importer_id;
  if (isset($importer_id)) {
    variable_set('feeds_reschedule', $reschedule);
  if ($reschedule === TRUE) {
    return feeds_enabled_importers();
  elseif ($reschedule === FALSE) {
    return array();
  return $reschedule;