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function feeds_cron in Feeds 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 feeds.module \feeds_cron()
  2. 8.2 feeds.module \feeds_cron()
  3. 6 feeds.module \feeds_cron()
  4. 7 feeds.module \feeds_cron()

Implements hook_cron().

Related topics

1 call to feeds_cron()
FeedsFileHTTPTestCase::testCachedFilesCleanupQueue in tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test
Tests if the cron task for cleaning up cached files are run one at a time.


./feeds.module, line 54
Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.


function feeds_cron() {

  // Expire old log entries.
    ->condition('request_time', REQUEST_TIME - 604800, '<')

  // Find importers that need to be rescheduled.
  $importers = feeds_reschedule();
  if ($importers) {

    // @todo Maybe we should queue this somehow as well. This could be potentially
    // very long.
    $sources = db_query("SELECT feed_nid, id FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id IN (:ids)", array(
      ':ids' => $importers,
    foreach ($sources as $source) {
      feeds_source($source->id, $source->feed_nid)

  // Sync the files in the cache directory with entries in the cache every now
  // and then. By default: every six hours.
  $last_check = variable_get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_last_check');
  $interval = variable_get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_interval', 21600);
  if ($last_check < REQUEST_TIME - $interval) {

    // Check first if the task isn't already queued.
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http');
    if ($queue
      ->numberOfItems() < 1) {

      // Queue sync task.
    variable_set('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_last_check', REQUEST_TIME);