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public function FeedsSource::getNextImportTimeDetails in Feeds 7.2

Returns the next time that the feed will be imported.


array $methods: (optional) Methods to check.

Return value

array|null Information about when the next time the feed will be imported:

  • time: the next time the feed will be imported as a UNIX timestamp.
  • method: via which scheduler the job will ran.
  • message: If set, time and method should be ignored.

Null if no information is available.

2 calls to FeedsSource::getNextImportTimeDetails()
FeedsSource::getNextImportTime in includes/
Returns the next time that the feed will be imported.
FeedsSource::isQueued in includes/
Checks if a source is queued for import.


includes/, line 787
Definition of FeedsSourceInterface, FeedsState and FeedsSource class.


Holds the source of a feed to import.


public function getNextImportTimeDetails(array $methods = array()) {
  if (empty($methods)) {
    $methods = array(
  if (in_array('queue', $methods)) {

    // Check queue.
    $serialized_job_type = db_like(strtr('s:4:"type";s:!length:"!type";', array(
      '!length' => strlen($this->id),
      '!type' => $this->id,
    $serialized_job_id_as_string = db_like(strtr('s:2:"id";s:!length:"!id";', array(
      '!length' => strlen($this->feed_nid),
      '!id' => $this->feed_nid,
    $serialized_job_id_as_integer = db_like(strtr('s:2:"id";i:!id;', array(
      '!id' => $this->feed_nid,
    $queue_created = db_select('queue')
      ->fields('queue', array(
      ->condition('name', 'feeds_source_import')
      ->condition('data', '%' . $serialized_job_type . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->condition('data', '%' . $serialized_job_id_as_string . '%', 'LIKE')
      ->condition('data', '%' . $serialized_job_id_as_integer . '%', 'LIKE'))
      ->condition('expire', 0)
    if ($queue_created) {
      return array(
        'time' => $queue_created,
        'method' => t('Queue'),

    // Special case for PostgreSQL: if using that database type, we cannot
    // search in the data column of the queue table, because the Drupal
    // database layer adds '::text' to bytea columns, which results into the
    // data column becoming unreadable in conditions. So instead, we check for
    // the first 10 records in the queue to see if the given importer ID +
    // feed NID is amongst them.
    if (Database::getConnection()
      ->databaseType() == 'pgsql') {
      $items = db_query("SELECT data, created FROM {queue} WHERE name = :name AND expire = 0 LIMIT 10", array(
        ':name' => 'feeds_source_import',
      foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (is_string($item->data)) {
          $item->data = unserialize($item->data);
        if ($item->data['type'] == $this->id && $item->data['id'] == $this->feed_nid) {
          return array(
            'time' => $item->created,
            'method' => t('Queue'),

      // If not found by now, count how many items there are in the
      // feeds_source_import queue. We use this number later to indicate that
      // the job *could* be in the queue.
      $number_of_queue_items = db_query('SELECT COUNT(name) FROM {queue} WHERE name = :name AND expire = 0', array(
        ':name' => 'feeds_source_import',
  if (in_array('feeds_reschedule', $methods)) {
    if (!$this
      ->doesExist()) {
      if ($this->importer->config['import_period'] == FEEDS_SCHEDULE_NEVER) {

        // Just not scheduled.
        return NULL;

      // Scheduling information cannot exist yet.
      return array(
        'time' => NULL,
        'method' => NULL,
        'message' => t('not scheduled yet, because there is no source'),

    // Check if the importer is in the process of being rescheduled.
    $importers = feeds_reschedule();
    if (isset($importers[$this->id])) {
      return array(
        'time' => NULL,
        'method' => NULL,
        'message' => t('to be rescheduled'),
  if (in_array('job_scheduler', $methods)) {

    // Check job scheduler.
    $job = db_select('job_schedule')
      ->fields('job_schedule', array(
      ->condition('name', 'feeds_source_import')
      ->condition('type', $this->id)
      ->condition('id', $this->feed_nid)
    if (isset($job->next)) {
      $details = array(
        'time' => $job->next,
        'method' => t('Job scheduler'),
      if (!empty($job->scheduled)) {
        if (isset($number_of_queue_items) && $number_of_queue_items > 10) {

          // When using PostgreSQL we were not able to efficiently search the
          // queue table, so it could still be in that table.
          $details['message'] = t('unknown, could still be in the queue');
        else {
          $details['message'] = t('possibly stuck');
      return $details;