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feeds_fetcher_http.test in Feeds 7.2

Contains FeedsFileHTTPTestCase.


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 * @file
 * Contains FeedsFileHTTPTestCase.

 * HTTP fetcher test class.
class FeedsFileHTTPTestCase extends FeedsWebTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Fetcher: HTTP',
      'description' => 'Tests for file http fetcher plugin.',
      'group' => 'Feeds',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    // Include so processor related constants are available.
    module_load_include('inc', 'feeds', 'plugins/FeedsProcessor');

    // Do not use curl as that will result into HTTP requests returning a 404.
    variable_set('feeds_never_use_curl', TRUE);

   * Setup importer to import items from testing/feeds/nodes.csv.
  public function setUpImporter() {

    // Set up an importer.
      ->createImporterConfiguration('Node import', 'node');
      ->setSettings('node', NULL, array(
      'content_type' => '',
      'import_period' => 0,
      ->setPlugin('node', 'FeedsHTTPFetcher');
      ->setPlugin('node', 'FeedsCSVParser');
      ->setSettings('node', 'FeedsNodeProcessor', array(
      'update_existing' => FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING,
      ->addMappings('node', array(
      0 => array(
        'source' => 'title',
        'target' => 'title',
        'unique' => TRUE,
      1 => array(
        'source' => 'body',
        'target' => 'body',

   * Configures the evironment so that multiple cron runs are needed to complete
   * an import.
   * @param string $source_url
   *   The URL of the file to import.
  protected function setUpMultipleCronRuns($source_url) {

    // Process 5 items per batch.
    variable_set('feeds_process_limit', 5);

    // Set variable to enforce that only five items get imported per cron run.
    // @see feeds_tests_cron_queue_alter()
    // @see feeds_tests_feeds_after_save()
    variable_set('feeds_tests_feeds_source_import_queue_time', 5);
    variable_set('feeds_tests_feeds_after_save_sleep', 1);

    // Set up importer.

    // Only import during cron runs, not immediately.
      ->setSettings('node', NULL, array(
      'import_on_create' => FALSE,

    // Set source file to import.
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Schedule import'));

    // Ensure that no nodes have been created yet.
      ->assertNodeCount(0, 'No nodes have been created yet (actual: @count).');

   * Returns the file in the Feeds in_progress directory.
   * @return object
   *   The found file.
   * @throws Exception
   *   In case no file was found, so the test can abort without issuing a fatal
   *   error.
  protected function getInProgressFile() {

    // Assert that a file exists in the in_progress dir.
    $files = file_scan_directory('private://feeds/in_progress', '/.*/');
      ->assertEqual(1, count($files), 'The feeds "in progress" dir contains one file.');
    if (!count($files)) {

      // Abort test.
      throw new Exception('File not found.');
    return reset($files);

   * Test the Feed URL form.
  public function testFormValidation() {

    // Set up an importer.
    $id = drupal_strtolower($this
      ->randomString(), $id);

    // Check that by default, we add http:// to the front of the URL.
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => '',
      ->drupalPost('import/' . $id, $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText(t('There are no new nodes.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]', '');
      ->setSettings($id, 'FeedsHTTPFetcher', array(
      'auto_scheme' => 'feed',
      ->drupalPost('import/' . $id, $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText(t('There are no new nodes.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]', 'feed://');
      ->setSettings($id, 'FeedsHTTPFetcher', array(
      'auto_scheme' => '',
      ->drupalPost('import/' . $id, $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText(t('The URL is invalid.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]', '');

   * Tests if the result of a http request can be cached on the file system.
   * When a first request is made, the data is retrieved from the given source
   * url and cached on the file system.
   * On the second request, send to the same source url, the HTTP header
   * "If-Modified-Since" is set. This should result into a 304 HTTP status from
   * the source, as the contents did not change in between. In such case, the
   * data should be retrieved from the cache.
  public function testHttpRequestUsingFileCache() {

    // Include http request functions.
    feeds_include_library('', 'http_request');

    // First request.
    $url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $result = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the first request was successful and was not retrieved from
    // cache.
      ->assertEqual(200, $result->code, 'Request status code is 200.');
      ->assertTrue(empty($result->from_cache), 'Request was not retrieved from cache.');

    // Assert that a file was created.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $url);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

    // Reset feeds_http_request() static cache.

    // Write some garbage to the cached file to ensure that the cache is
    // retrieved from that file.
    $garbage = static::randomString(100);
    file_put_contents($file_url, $garbage);

    // Second request.
    $result2 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the second request was successful and was retrieved from
    // cache.
      ->assertEqual(200, $result2->code, 'Request status code is 200.');
      ->assertTrue(!empty($result2->from_cache), 'Request was retrieved from cache.');
      ->assertEqual($garbage, $result2->data, 'The cache came from the file cache.');

    // Assert that the file is removed when caches are cleared.
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url no longer exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

   * Tests if the source is refetched when the cached file is manually removed.
   * A call to feeds_http_request() should always get us data.
  public function testRefetchWhenCachedFileIsRemoved() {

    // Include http request functions.
    feeds_include_library('', 'http_request');

    // First request.
    $url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $result1 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the first request was successful and was not retrieved from
    // cache.
      ->assertEqual(200, $result1->code, 'Request status code is 200.');
      ->assertTrue(empty($result1->from_cache), 'Request was not retrieved from cache.');

    // Reset feeds_http_request() static cache.

    // Write some garbage to the cached file to ensure that the cache is
    // retrieved from that file.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $url);
    $garbage = static::randomString(100);
    file_put_contents($file_url, $garbage);

    // Second request.
    $result2 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the second request was successful and was retrieved from
    // cache.
      ->assertEqual(200, $result2->code, 'Request status code is 200.');
      ->assertTrue(!empty($result2->from_cache), 'Request was retrieved from cache.');
      ->assertEqual($garbage, $result2->data, 'The cache came from the file cache.');

    // Now remove the cached file.
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url no longer exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

    // Third request.
    $result3 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the data is refetched, even though the source hasn't changed.
      ->assertEqual(200, $result3->code, 'Request status code is 200.');
      ->assertTrue(empty($result3->from_cache), 'Request was not retrieved from cache.');
      ->assertEqual($result1->data, $result3->data, 'Data is available on the response.');

   * Tests that the source isn't fetched twice during the same request.
  public function testNoRefetchOnSameRequest() {

    // Include http request functions.
    feeds_include_library('', 'http_request');

    // First request.
    $url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $result1 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Set flag that the source has changed.
    variable_set('feeds_tests_nodes_changed', TRUE);

    // Second request.
    $result2 = feeds_http_request($url);

    // Assert that the result is exactly the same.
      ->assertEqual($result1->data, $result2->data, 'The data was retrieved from cache.');

    // Assert that the data *is* refetched (and different) after a cache clear.
    $result3 = feeds_http_request($url);
      ->assertNotEqual($result1->data, $result3->data, 'The data is refetched.');

   * Tests if the data is not cached when the option for caching is disabled.
  public function testHTTPCacheDisabled() {

    // Disable caching HTTP request result.
      ->setSettings('node', 'FeedsHTTPFetcher', array(
      'cache_http_result' => FALSE,
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Created 9 nodes');

    // Assert that no cache entries were created.
    $number_of_cache_entries = db_query('SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM {cache_feeds_http}')
      ->assertEqual(0, $number_of_cache_entries, format_string('No cache entries were created in the cache_feeds_http table (actual: @actual).', array(
      '@actual' => $number_of_cache_entries,

    // Assert that no cache file was created.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $source_url);
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url does not exist.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

   * Tests if the data is cached on the file system even when a different cache
   * class is used.
   * This can happen when using Memcache or Redis for all cache bins.
  public function testHTTPCacheOverride() {

    // Revert back to the default cache class.
    variable_set('cache_class_cache_feeds_http', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');

    // Import. We cannot test with a simple feeds_http_request() call here,
    // because there is no way to override a cache class on a single request.
    // @see _cache_get_object().
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Created 9 nodes');

    // Assert that the raw data is not saved in the database.
    $count = db_select('cache_feeds_http')
      ->condition('data', '%Title,Body,published,GUID%', 'LIKE')
      ->assertEqual(0, $count, 'Raw source was not saved in the database.');

    // Assert that a file was created.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $source_url);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

   * Tests if cached files are cleaned up even when a different cache class is
   * used.
  public function testCachedFilesCleanupOnHTTPCacheOverride() {

    // Revert back to the default cache class.
    variable_set('cache_class_cache_feeds_http', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');

    // Create a real cached file by performing an import.
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Created 9 nodes');
    $file_url_with_cache_record = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $source_url);

    // Write a dummy cached file.
    $dir = 'private://feeds/cache';
    $file_url_no_cache_record = $dir . '/abc123';
    file_prepare_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
    file_put_contents($file_url_no_cache_record, static::randomString());

    // Trigger cleanup of orphaned cached files.

    // Assert that the dummy cached file has been cleaned up and the other file
    // still exists.
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_url_no_cache_record), format_string('The file @file_url no longer exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url_no_cache_record,
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_url_with_cache_record), format_string('The file @file_url still exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url_with_cache_record,

   * Tests if the cron task for cleaning up cached files are run one at a time.
  public function testCachedFilesCleanupQueue() {
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http');

    // First, make sure that a queue task is only ran every six hours.
    variable_set('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_last_check', REQUEST_TIME);

    // Run cron without executing the queue tasks.

    // Assert that no task was created for cleaning up the files.
      ->assertEqual(0, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'No task was created for the feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http queue.');

    // Unset last check and run cron.

    // Assert that one task was created for cleaning up the files and that the
    // variable for the last check was updated.
      ->assertEqual(1, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'One task was created for the feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http queue.');
      ->assertEqual(REQUEST_TIME, variable_get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_last_check'));

    // Unset last check and run cron again.

    // Assert that there still is one task.
      ->assertEqual(1, $queue
      ->numberOfItems(), 'One task exists for the feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http queue.');
      ->assertEqual(REQUEST_TIME, variable_get('feeds_sync_cache_feeds_http_last_check'));

   * Tests if a source is not refetched on a second import when the source did
   * not change.
  public function testSourceCaching() {
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Created 9 nodes');

    // Ensure that the fetched content was cached in a file.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $source_url);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

    // Overwrite cached file, change one item.
    $csv = file_get_contents($file_url);
    $lines = explode("\n", $csv);
    $lines[3] = '"Nam liber tempor","CHANGED IN CACHED FILE",1151766000,1';
    $csv = implode("\n", $lines);
      ->verbose('<pre>' . $csv . '</pre>');
    file_put_contents($file_url, $csv);

    // Re-import file. Ensure that the data from the cache was used.
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Updated 1 node');

    // Assert that node 3 had changed.
    $node = node_load(3);
      ->assertEqual('Nam liber tempor', $node->title);
      ->assertEqual('CHANGED IN CACHED FILE', $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']);

   * Tests if the source is refetched on a second import when the source
   * changed.
  public function testChangedSource() {
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Created 9 nodes');

    // Ensure that the fetched content was cached in a file.
    $file_url = 'private://feeds/cache/' . hash('sha256', $source_url);
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_url), format_string('The file @file_url exists.', array(
      '@file_url' => $file_url,

    // Overwrite cached file, change one item.
    $csv = file_get_contents($file_url);
    $lines = explode("\n", $csv);
    $lines[3] = '"Nam liber tempor","CHANGED IN CACHED FILE",1151766000,1';
    $csv = implode("\n", $lines);
      ->verbose('<pre>' . $csv . '</pre>');
    file_put_contents($file_url, $csv);

    // Set flag that the source has changed.
    variable_set('feeds_tests_nodes_changed', TRUE);

    // Re-import file. Ensure that the content was refetched.
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));
      ->assertText('Updated 2 nodes');

    // Assert that node 1 and 4 changed.
    $node = node_load(1);
      ->assertEqual('Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam', $node->title);
      ->assertEqual('CHANGED IN SOURCE', $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']);
    $node = node_load(4);
      ->assertEqual('Typi non habent', $node->title);
      ->assertEqual('CHANGED IN SOURCE', $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']);

    // Assert that node 3 had NOT changed.
    $node = node_load(3);
      ->assertEqual('Nam liber tempor', $node->title);
      ->assertNotEqual('CHANGED IN CACHED FILE', $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value']);

   * Tests that a non-writable cache directory does not result into fatal
   * errors.
  public function testNonWritableCacheDirectory() {

    // Set the cache directory to a non-writable directory.
    variable_set('feeds_http_file_cache_dir', 'file://non-writeable-dir/feeds');
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $source_url,
      ->drupalPost('import/node', $edit, t('Import'));

    // Assert that a message is being displayed and that we are back on the
    // import form.
      ->assertText("The feeds cache directory (file://non-writeable-dir/feeds) either cannot be created or is not writable. You can change the cache directory by setting the 'feeds_http_file_cache_dir' variable.");
      ->assertFieldByName('feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]', $source_url);

   * Tests importing source that needs multiple cron runs.
   * Make sure that:
   * - The content is not saved in the feeds_source table.
   * - That the source is not refetched while the import has not completed yet.
  public function testImportSourceWithMultipleCronRuns() {
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,

    // Run cron. Five nodes should be imported.

    // Assert that only one file was created in the in_progress dir.

    // Assert that five nodes have been created now.

    // Assert that the content is *not* saved in the feeds_source table.
    $source = db_select('feeds_source')
      ->fields('feeds_source', array())
      ->condition('id', 'node')
      ->assertTrue(strpos($source->fetcher_result, 'Title,Body,published,GUID') === FALSE, 'The content has not been saved in the feeds_source table.');

    // Now change the source to test if the source is not refetched while the
    // import hasn't been finished yet. The following is different:
    // - Items 1 and 4 changed.
    // - Items 2 and 7 were removed.
    variable_set('feeds_tests_nodes_changed', TRUE);

    // Run cron again. Another four nodes should be imported.

    // Check if the imported nodes match that from the original source.
    $node = node_load(1);
      ->assertEqual('Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam', $node->title);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'], 'CHANGE') === FALSE);
    $node = node_load(4);
      ->assertEqual('Typi non habent', $node->title);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'], 'CHANGE') === FALSE);
    $node = node_load(7);
      ->assertEqual('Claritas est etiam', $node->title);
    $node = node_load(9);
      ->assertEqual('Eodem modo typi', $node->title);

   * Tests that an import is aborted when the temporary file in the in_progress
   * dir is removed.
  public function testAbortImportWhenTemporaryFileIsDeleted() {
    $source_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . '/tests/feeds/many_nodes_ordered.csv';

    // Run the first cron.

    // Assert that five nodes have been created.

    // Remove file.
    $file = $this

    // Run cron again and assert that no more nodes are imported.

   * Tests that FeedsHTTPFetcherResult::getRaw() always returns the same result
   * for the same instance, even when caches are cleared in between.
   * Parsers can call this method multiple times on separate requests. When an
   * import did not complete in one run, the source should never be refetched
   * when calling getRaw().
   * When an import is restarted, a new FeedsHTTPFetcherResult is created and in
   * that case the source *should* be refetched.
  public function testFeedsHTTPFetcherResultGetRaw() {

    // Set source file to fetch.
    $source_url = url('testing/feeds/nodes.csv', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,

    // Retrieve the raw content.
    $fetcher_result1 = new FeedsHTTPFetcherResult($source_url);
    $raw1 = $fetcher_result1

    // Simulate the case where the import is picked up later. In between caches
    // were cleared, the source was changed by the source provider and the
    // fetcher result was serialized and saved in the database.
    $fetcher_result_serialized = serialize($fetcher_result1);

    // Assert that the raw content was not serialized.
      ->assertTrue(strpos($fetcher_result_serialized, $raw1) === FALSE, 'The raw data was not saved in the serialized fetcher result.');
    variable_set('feeds_tests_nodes_changed', TRUE);

    // And retrieve the raw content again.
    $fetcher_result2 = unserialize($fetcher_result_serialized);
    $raw2 = $fetcher_result2

    // Assert that the content didn't change.
      ->assertEqual($raw1, $raw2, 'The fetcher result returned the same raw data.');

    // Simulate the case where the import has restarted and ensure that the
    // contents *do* change in that case.
    $fetcher_result3 = new FeedsHTTPFetcherResult($source_url);
    $raw3 = $fetcher_result3

    // Assert that the content changed.
      ->assertNotEqual($raw1, $raw3, 'A new fetcher result returned the other raw data.');



Namesort descending Description
FeedsFileHTTPTestCase HTTP fetcher test class.