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Functions in Drupal for Facebook 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fb_canvas_primary_links ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_process ./fb_canvas.module This function uses regular expressions to convert links on canvas pages to URLs that begin 1 1
fb_canvas_process_fbml ./fb_canvas.module Similar to fb_canvas_process, this also uses regular expressions to alter link destinations. Use this function when producing FBML for a profile box or news feed, and the pages need to link to canvas pages rather than the default URL. 2 2
fb_canvas_secondary_links ./fb_canvas.module
fb_connect_app_init ./fb_connect.module Prepare for fbConnect use. Because a single Drupal might support multiple apps, we don't know in advance which is the fbConnect app. Theoretically, it might be possible to simultaneously use multiple apps and fbConnect, but my suspicion is… 1
fb_connect_block ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_block.
fb_connect_enabled_apps ./fb_connect.module Which apps are fbConnect enabled? 1
fb_connect_exit ./fb_connect.module
fb_connect_fb ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_connect_footer ./fb_connect.module Include facebook javascript in the footer of the current page.
fb_connect_form_alter ./fb_connect.module
fb_connect_init_option ./fb_connect.module Add an option when initializing facebook's javascript api. 2
fb_connect_menu ./fb_connect.module @file Support for Facebook Connect features
fb_connect_nodeapi ./fb_connect.module
fb_connect_receiver ./fb_connect.module Without a receiver file, cross-domain javascript will not work. 1
fb_connect_require_feature ./fb_connect.module Allows other modules to specify which Facebook Connect features are required. This will affect how the FB_RequireFeatures javascript method is called. 3
fb_connect_user ./fb_connect.module Implementation of hook_user
fb_devel_block ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_canvas_info ./fb_devel.module 1
fb_devel_fb ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_fbu_page ./fb_devel.module A page which tests function which work with facebook user ids 1
fb_devel_menu ./fb_devel.module
fb_devel_page ./fb_devel.module Provides a page with useful debug info. 1
fb_drupal_alter ./fb.module It would be nice if drupal_alter were backported to Drupal 5.x. But it isn't so we implement it here. 1
fb_exit ./fb.module When exiting we need to do some special stuff for forms
fb_facebook_user ./fb.module Returns the facebook user id currently visiting a canvas page, or if set_user has been called. Unlike fb_get_fbu(), works only on canvas pages or when infinite session has been initialized. 11 1
fb_fbml_page themes/fb_fbml/template.php
fb_fbml_regions themes/fb_fbml/template.php
fb_feed_access ./fb_feed.module Use same permissions as fb_app module.
fb_feed_action_info ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_publish ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_publish_form ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_publish_submit ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_publish_validate ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_show_dialog ./fb_feed.module 1
fb_feed_action_show_dialog_form ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_show_dialog_submit ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_action_show_dialog_validate ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_deactivate_confirm ./fb_feed.module 1
fb_feed_deactivate_confirm_submit ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_deactivate_template ./fb_feed.module 2
fb_feed_delete ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_fb ./fb_feed.module Implementation of hook_fb().
fb_feed_fb_feed ./fb_feed.module Implementation of hook_fb_feed
fb_feed_form ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_get_template_options ./fb_feed.module 2
fb_feed_insert ./fb_feed.module
fb_feed_install ./fb_feed.install
fb_feed_invoke ./fb_feed.module Invoke hook_fb_feed. 1
fb_feed_load ./fb_feed.module


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