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function farm_livestock_update_7008 in farmOS 7

Remove duplicate area references from movement quickform logs.


modules/farm/farm_livestock/farm_livestock.install, line 515
Farm livestock install file.


function farm_livestock_update_7008(&$sandbox) {

  // Setup. Find observation logs associated with the farm_livestock_move_form
  // that need to be updated.
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;

    // Query observation logs linked to this quick form.
    $query = db_select('farm_quick_entity', 'fqe');
      ->addField('fqe', 'entity_id');
      ->condition('fqe.entity_type', 'log');
      ->condition('fqe.quick_form_id', 'farm_livestock_move_form');
    $log_alias = $query
      ->join('log', 'l', 'fqe.entity_id =');
      ->condition($log_alias . '.type', 'farm_observation');
    $log_ids = $query

    // Finish the update if there are no logs to update.
    if (empty($log_ids)) {
      $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
    $sandbox['log_ids'] = $log_ids;
    $sandbox['total'] = count($log_ids);

  // Load the Nth log we need to process.
  $log = log_load($sandbox['log_ids'][$sandbox['progress']]);

  // Load areas that each log references.
  $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
  $areas = $log_wrapper->field_farm_area

  // Only update areas if more than 1 exists.
  if (!empty($areas) && count($areas) > 1) {

    // Get the unique areas.
    $new_areas = array_unique($areas, SORT_REGULAR);

    // Update the log.
    if (count($areas) > count($new_areas)) {
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['total'];