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farm_livestock.install in farmOS 7

Farm livestock install file.


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 * @file
 * Farm livestock install file.

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function farm_livestock_uninstall() {

  // Delete variables.

 * Implements hook_update_dependencies().
function farm_livestock_update_dependencies() {

  // Ensure that farm_update_7019 runs before farm_livestock_update_7001, so
  // that the new Parents field is available.
  $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7001] = array(
    'farm' => 7019,

  // Update 7003 (add movement field to medical logs) depends on
  // farm_movement_update_7000().
  $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7003] = array(
    'farm_movement' => 7000,

  // Update 7004 (enable inventory tracking for animal assets.) depends on
  // farm_7032().
  $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7004] = array(
    'farm' => 7032,

  // Update 7005 (migrate to group assets) depends on farmOS core update 7033
  // (install the farm_group module).
  $dependencies['farm_livestock'][7005] = array(
    'farm' => 7033,
  return $dependencies;

 * Migrate Animal Description field to plain Description field (from farm_fields).
function farm_livestock_update_7000(&$sandbox) {

  // Revert this module's field_instance Features component.
    'farm_livestock' => array(

  // If the new description field database tables exist...
  if (db_table_exists('field_data_field_farm_description') && db_table_exists('field_revision_field_farm_description')) {

    // Copy all descriptions from the old database tables to the new ones.
    db_query('INSERT INTO {field_data_field_farm_description} SELECT * FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_description}');
    db_query('INSERT INTO {field_revision_field_farm_description} SELECT * FROM {field_revision_field_farm_animal_description}');

    // Delete the old field.
    $field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_description', 'animal');

 * Migrate Animal Parents field to plain Parents field (from farm_asset_children).
function farm_livestock_update_7001(&$sandbox) {

  // Revert this module's field_instance Features component.
    'farm_livestock' => array(

  // If the new description field database tables exist...
  if (db_table_exists('field_data_field_farm_parent') && db_table_exists('field_revision_field_farm_parent')) {

    // Copy all references from the old database tables to the new ones.
    db_query('INSERT INTO {field_data_field_farm_parent} SELECT * FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_parents}');
    db_query('INSERT INTO {field_revision_field_farm_parent} SELECT * FROM {field_revision_field_farm_animal_parents}');

    // Delete the old field.
    $field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_parents', 'animal');

 * Add new animal ID tag types: Chip, Other.
function farm_livestock_update_7002(&$sandbox) {
    'farm_livestock' => array(

 * Add new movement field to medical logs.
function farm_livestock_update_7003(&$sandbox) {
    'farm_livestock' => array(

 * Enable inventory tracking for animal assets.
function farm_livestock_update_7004(&$sandbox) {

  // Load the animal asset type.
  $asset_type = farm_asset_type_load('animal');

  // Add the inventory settings.
  $asset_type->inventory = array(
    'type' => 'animal',
    'enabled' => TRUE,
    'individual' => TRUE,

  // Save the asset type.

 * Create group assets for each animal group term, assign animals to new group
 * assets, convert egg logs to harvest logs, and remove old animal groups
 * taxonomy and related features.
function farm_livestock_update_7005(&$sandbox) {

  // This is a multi-stage update.
  // We use the $sandbox['stage'] variable to remember what stage we are on.
  // Start with stage 1.
  if (!isset($sandbox['stage'])) {
    $sandbox['stage'] = 1;

  // Stage 1: Prepare.

  // Stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term.

  // Stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets.

  // Stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs.

  // Stage 5: Clean up.

 * Update 7005 stage 1: Prepare.
 * @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage1(&$sandbox) {

  // If we are not on stage 1, bail.
  if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 1) {

  // Delete the farm_livestock_eggs module from the {system} table.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND name = 'farm_livestock_eggs'");

  // Revert Features to enable the group field on observation logs, and the
  // measure field on quantity field collections.
  $components = array(
    'farm_group' => array(
    'farm_log_observation' => array(
    'farm_quantity' => array(
  features_get_modules(NULL, TRUE);

  // We are ready for stage 2.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0;
  $sandbox['stage'] = 2;

 * Update 7005 stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term.
 * @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage2(&$sandbox) {

  // If we are not on stage 2, bail.
  if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 2) {

  // Load the "Farm Animal Groups" vocabulary.
  $group_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_animal_groups');

  // Prepare to process this stage in batches.
  if (!isset($sandbox['stage2_progress'])) {
    $sandbox['stage2_progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['stage2_max'] = db_query('SELECT COUNT(tid) FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid = :vid ORDER BY tid ASC', array(
      ':vid' => $group_vocab->vid,

  // Load the next batch of term IDs from the database.
  $limit = 25;
  $result = db_query_range('SELECT tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid = :vid ORDER BY tid ASC', $sandbox['stage2_progress'], $limit, array(
    ':vid' => $group_vocab->vid,
  $group_ids = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    if (!empty($row->tid)) {
      $group_ids[] = $row->tid;

  // Iterate through the animal groups.
  foreach ($group_ids as $tid) {

    // Increment the progress.

    // Load the term.
    $group_term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);

    // Create a new Group asset with the same name.
    $values = array(
      'name' => $group_term->name,
      'type' => 'group',
    $group_asset = entity_create('farm_asset', $values);

    // Save an association with the old term ID.
    $sandbox['groups'][$tid] = $group_asset->id;

  // The overall update is not finished.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0.25;

  // Once we've processed all of the groups, we are ready for stage 3.
  if ($sandbox['stage2_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage2_max']) {
    $sandbox['stage'] = 3;

 * Update 7005 stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets.
 * @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage3(&$sandbox) {

  // If we are not on stage 3, bail.
  if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 3) {

  // Prepare to process this stage in batches.
  if (!isset($sandbox['stage3_progress'])) {
    $sandbox['stage3_progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['stage3_max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {farm_asset} WHERE type = 'animal' ORDER BY id ASC")

  // Load the next batch of animal asset IDs.
  $limit = 25;
  $result = db_query_range("SELECT id FROM {farm_asset} WHERE type = 'animal' ORDER BY id ASC", $sandbox['stage3_progress'], $limit);
  $animal_ids = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    if (!empty($row->id)) {
      $animal_ids[] = $row->id;

  // Iterate through the animals.
  foreach ($animal_ids as $animal_id) {

    // Increment the progress.

    // Load the animal.
    $animal = farm_asset_load($animal_id);

    // Get the IDs of the old group terms this animal is assigned to.
    $old_group_ids = array();
    if (!empty($animal->field_farm_animal_group[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
      foreach ($animal->field_farm_animal_group[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $value) {
        if (!empty($value['tid'])) {
          $old_group_ids[] = $value['tid'];

    // Build an array of new group IDs.
    $new_group_ids = array();
    foreach ($old_group_ids as $old_group_id) {
      if (!empty($sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id])) {
        $new_group_ids[] = $sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id];

    // Load the groups.
    $groups = farm_asset_load_multiple($new_group_ids);

    // If there are no groups, don't do anything (skip to the next animal).
    if (empty($groups)) {

    // Create a log assigning this animal to the new group asset(s). Use the
    // animals creation date as the date of the log.
    farm_group_membership_set($animal, $groups, $animal->created);

  // The overall update is not finished.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0.5;

  // Once we've processed all of the animals, we are ready for stage 4.
  if ($sandbox['stage3_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage3_max']) {
    $sandbox['stage'] = 4;

 * Update 7005 stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs.
 * @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage4(&$sandbox) {

  // If we are not on stage 4, bail.
  if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 4) {

  // Prepare to process this stage in batches.
  if (!isset($sandbox['stage4_progress'])) {

    // Set up progress and max variables.
    $sandbox['stage4_progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['stage4_max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {log} WHERE type = 'farm_eggs' ORDER BY id ASC")

    // Update all field data and revisions for fields that will be kept.
    $egg_log_fields = array(
    foreach ($egg_log_fields as $field_name) {
      $tables = array(
        'field_data_' . $field_name,
        'field_revision_' . $field_name,
      foreach ($tables as $table) {
        db_query("UPDATE {" . $table . "} SET bundle = 'farm_harvest' WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs'");

  // Load the next batch of egg log IDs.
  $limit = 25;
  $result = db_query_range("SELECT id FROM {log} WHERE type = 'farm_eggs'", 0, $limit);
  $egg_log_ids = array();
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    if (!empty($row->id)) {
      $egg_log_ids[] = $row->id;

  // Iterate through egg logs.
  foreach ($egg_log_ids as $egg_log_id) {

    // Increment the progress.

    // Change the log type to 'farm_harvest'.
    db_query("UPDATE {log} SET type = 'farm_harvest' WHERE type = 'farm_eggs' AND id = :id", array(
      ':id' => $egg_log_id,

    // Load the log.
    $log = log_load($egg_log_id, TRUE);

    // Create an entity wrapper for the log.
    $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);

    // Find old animal groups associated with this log.
    $old_group_ids = array();
    $result = db_query("SELECT field_farm_animal_group_tid FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_group} WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs' AND entity_id = :log_id ORDER BY delta ASC", array(
      ':log_id' => $egg_log_id,
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      if (!empty($row->field_farm_animal_group_tid)) {
        $old_group_ids[] = $row->field_farm_animal_group_tid;

    // Iterate through the old group term IDs and add asset references to the
    // new group assets that were created in stage 1 above.
    foreach ($old_group_ids as $delta => $old_group_id) {
      if (array_key_exists($old_group_id, $sandbox['groups'])) {
        $group = farm_asset_load($sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id]);
        if (!empty($group)) {
          $log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[] = $group;

    // Find the old egg quantity value from this log.
    $egg_qty = db_query("SELECT field_farm_egg_qty_value FROM {field_data_field_farm_egg_qty} WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs' AND entity_id = :log_id", array(
      ':log_id' => $egg_log_id,

    // If no quantity was found, set it to zero.
    if (empty($egg_qty)) {
      $egg_qty = 0;

    // Create a new quantity field_collection entity attached to the log.
    $quantity = entity_create('field_collection_item', array(
      'field_name' => 'field_farm_quantity',
      ->setHostEntity('log', $log);

    // Create an entity wrapper for the quantity.
    $quantity_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $quantity);

    // Set the quantity measure.

    // Set the quantity value.
    $value_fraction = fraction_from_decimal($egg_qty);

    // Create/load the units taxonomy term.
    $units = t('egg(s)');
    $units_term = farm_term($units, 'farm_quantity_units');

    // Set the quantity units.
    $quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_units = $units_term;

    // Save the quantity.

    // Save the log.

  // The overall update is not finished.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0.75;

  // Once we've processed all of the egg logs, we are ready for stage 5.
  if ($sandbox['stage4_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage4_max']) {
    $sandbox['stage'] = 5;

 * Update 7005 stage 5: Clean up.
 * @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage5(&$sandbox) {

  // If we are not on stage 5, bail.
  if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 5) {

  // Delete the "Animal Groups" field instance from animal assets.
  $field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_group', 'animal');
  if (!empty($field)) {

  // Delete "Farm Animal Groups" View (if it still exists).
  $view = views_get_view('farm_animal_groups');
  if (!empty($view)) {

  // Remove "Farm Animal Groups" taxonomy.
  $group_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_animal_groups');
  if (!empty($group_vocab)) {

  // Delete the egg logs View.
  $view = views_get_view('farm_log_eggs');
  if (!empty($view)) {

  // Delete the egg log type.
  $egg_log_type = log_type_load('farm_eggs');
  if (!empty($egg_log_type)) {

  // Ensure that all field instances on egg logs are marked for deletion.
  db_query("UPDATE {field_config_instance} SET deleted = 1 WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs'");

  // We are finished!
  $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;

 * Install the Farm Livestock Area Types module.
function farm_livestock_update_7006(&$sandbox) {
  $module = 'farm_livestock_area_types';
  if (!module_exists($module)) {

 * Install the Farm Livestock Weight module.
function farm_livestock_update_7007(&$sandbox) {
  $module = 'farm_livestock_weight';
  if (!module_exists($module)) {

 * Remove duplicate area references from movement quickform logs.
function farm_livestock_update_7008(&$sandbox) {

  // Setup. Find observation logs associated with the farm_livestock_move_form
  // that need to be updated.
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;

    // Query observation logs linked to this quick form.
    $query = db_select('farm_quick_entity', 'fqe');
      ->addField('fqe', 'entity_id');
      ->condition('fqe.entity_type', 'log');
      ->condition('fqe.quick_form_id', 'farm_livestock_move_form');
    $log_alias = $query
      ->join('log', 'l', 'fqe.entity_id =');
      ->condition($log_alias . '.type', 'farm_observation');
    $log_ids = $query

    // Finish the update if there are no logs to update.
    if (empty($log_ids)) {
      $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
    $sandbox['log_ids'] = $log_ids;
    $sandbox['total'] = count($log_ids);

  // Load the Nth log we need to process.
  $log = log_load($sandbox['log_ids'][$sandbox['progress']]);

  // Load areas that each log references.
  $log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
  $areas = $log_wrapper->field_farm_area

  // Only update areas if more than 1 exists.
  if (!empty($areas) && count($areas) > 1) {

    // Get the unique areas.
    $new_areas = array_unique($areas, SORT_REGULAR);

    // Update the log.
    if (count($areas) > count($new_areas)) {
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['total'];


Namesort descending Description
farm_livestock_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
farm_livestock_update_7000 Migrate Animal Description field to plain Description field (from farm_fields).
farm_livestock_update_7001 Migrate Animal Parents field to plain Parents field (from farm_asset_children).
farm_livestock_update_7002 Add new animal ID tag types: Chip, Other.
farm_livestock_update_7003 Add new movement field to medical logs.
farm_livestock_update_7004 Enable inventory tracking for animal assets.
farm_livestock_update_7005 Create group assets for each animal group term, assign animals to new group assets, convert egg logs to harvest logs, and remove old animal groups taxonomy and related features.
farm_livestock_update_7006 Install the Farm Livestock Area Types module.
farm_livestock_update_7007 Install the Farm Livestock Weight module.
farm_livestock_update_7008 Remove duplicate area references from movement quickform logs.
farm_livestock_update_dependencies Implements hook_update_dependencies().
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage1 Update 7005 stage 1: Prepare.
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage2 Update 7005 stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term.
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage3 Update 7005 stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets.
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage4 Update 7005 stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs.
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage5 Update 7005 stage 5: Clean up.