farm_livestock.install in farmOS 7
Farm livestock install file.
modules/farm/farm_livestock/farm_livestock.installView source
* @file
* Farm livestock install file.
* Implements hook_uninstall().
function farm_livestock_uninstall() {
// Delete variables.
* Implements hook_update_dependencies().
function farm_livestock_update_dependencies() {
// Ensure that farm_update_7019 runs before farm_livestock_update_7001, so
// that the new Parents field is available.
$dependencies['farm_livestock'][7001] = array(
'farm' => 7019,
// Update 7003 (add movement field to medical logs) depends on
// farm_movement_update_7000().
$dependencies['farm_livestock'][7003] = array(
'farm_movement' => 7000,
// Update 7004 (enable inventory tracking for animal assets.) depends on
// farm_7032().
$dependencies['farm_livestock'][7004] = array(
'farm' => 7032,
// Update 7005 (migrate to group assets) depends on farmOS core update 7033
// (install the farm_group module).
$dependencies['farm_livestock'][7005] = array(
'farm' => 7033,
return $dependencies;
* Migrate Animal Description field to plain Description field (from farm_fields).
function farm_livestock_update_7000(&$sandbox) {
// Revert this module's field_instance Features component.
'farm_livestock' => array(
// If the new description field database tables exist...
if (db_table_exists('field_data_field_farm_description') && db_table_exists('field_revision_field_farm_description')) {
// Copy all descriptions from the old database tables to the new ones.
db_query('INSERT INTO {field_data_field_farm_description} SELECT * FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_description}');
db_query('INSERT INTO {field_revision_field_farm_description} SELECT * FROM {field_revision_field_farm_animal_description}');
// Delete the old field.
$field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_description', 'animal');
* Migrate Animal Parents field to plain Parents field (from farm_asset_children).
function farm_livestock_update_7001(&$sandbox) {
// Revert this module's field_instance Features component.
'farm_livestock' => array(
// If the new description field database tables exist...
if (db_table_exists('field_data_field_farm_parent') && db_table_exists('field_revision_field_farm_parent')) {
// Copy all references from the old database tables to the new ones.
db_query('INSERT INTO {field_data_field_farm_parent} SELECT * FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_parents}');
db_query('INSERT INTO {field_revision_field_farm_parent} SELECT * FROM {field_revision_field_farm_animal_parents}');
// Delete the old field.
$field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_parents', 'animal');
* Add new animal ID tag types: Chip, Other.
function farm_livestock_update_7002(&$sandbox) {
'farm_livestock' => array(
* Add new movement field to medical logs.
function farm_livestock_update_7003(&$sandbox) {
'farm_livestock' => array(
* Enable inventory tracking for animal assets.
function farm_livestock_update_7004(&$sandbox) {
// Load the animal asset type.
$asset_type = farm_asset_type_load('animal');
// Add the inventory settings.
$asset_type->inventory = array(
'type' => 'animal',
'enabled' => TRUE,
'individual' => TRUE,
// Save the asset type.
* Create group assets for each animal group term, assign animals to new group
* assets, convert egg logs to harvest logs, and remove old animal groups
* taxonomy and related features.
function farm_livestock_update_7005(&$sandbox) {
// This is a multi-stage update.
// We use the $sandbox['stage'] variable to remember what stage we are on.
// Start with stage 1.
if (!isset($sandbox['stage'])) {
$sandbox['stage'] = 1;
// Stage 1: Prepare.
// Stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term.
// Stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets.
// Stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs.
// Stage 5: Clean up.
* Update 7005 stage 1: Prepare.
* @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage1(&$sandbox) {
// If we are not on stage 1, bail.
if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 1) {
// Delete the farm_livestock_eggs module from the {system} table.
db_query("DELETE FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND name = 'farm_livestock_eggs'");
// Revert Features to enable the group field on observation logs, and the
// measure field on quantity field collections.
$components = array(
'farm_group' => array(
'farm_log_observation' => array(
'farm_quantity' => array(
features_get_modules(NULL, TRUE);
// We are ready for stage 2.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 0;
$sandbox['stage'] = 2;
* Update 7005 stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term.
* @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage2(&$sandbox) {
// If we are not on stage 2, bail.
if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 2) {
// Load the "Farm Animal Groups" vocabulary.
$group_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_animal_groups');
// Prepare to process this stage in batches.
if (!isset($sandbox['stage2_progress'])) {
$sandbox['stage2_progress'] = 0;
$sandbox['stage2_max'] = db_query('SELECT COUNT(tid) FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid = :vid ORDER BY tid ASC', array(
':vid' => $group_vocab->vid,
// Load the next batch of term IDs from the database.
$limit = 25;
$result = db_query_range('SELECT tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid = :vid ORDER BY tid ASC', $sandbox['stage2_progress'], $limit, array(
':vid' => $group_vocab->vid,
$group_ids = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->tid)) {
$group_ids[] = $row->tid;
// Iterate through the animal groups.
foreach ($group_ids as $tid) {
// Increment the progress.
// Load the term.
$group_term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
// Create a new Group asset with the same name.
$values = array(
'name' => $group_term->name,
'type' => 'group',
$group_asset = entity_create('farm_asset', $values);
// Save an association with the old term ID.
$sandbox['groups'][$tid] = $group_asset->id;
// The overall update is not finished.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 0.25;
// Once we've processed all of the groups, we are ready for stage 3.
if ($sandbox['stage2_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage2_max']) {
$sandbox['stage'] = 3;
* Update 7005 stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets.
* @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage3(&$sandbox) {
// If we are not on stage 3, bail.
if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 3) {
// Prepare to process this stage in batches.
if (!isset($sandbox['stage3_progress'])) {
$sandbox['stage3_progress'] = 0;
$sandbox['stage3_max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {farm_asset} WHERE type = 'animal' ORDER BY id ASC")
// Load the next batch of animal asset IDs.
$limit = 25;
$result = db_query_range("SELECT id FROM {farm_asset} WHERE type = 'animal' ORDER BY id ASC", $sandbox['stage3_progress'], $limit);
$animal_ids = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->id)) {
$animal_ids[] = $row->id;
// Iterate through the animals.
foreach ($animal_ids as $animal_id) {
// Increment the progress.
// Load the animal.
$animal = farm_asset_load($animal_id);
// Get the IDs of the old group terms this animal is assigned to.
$old_group_ids = array();
if (!empty($animal->field_farm_animal_group[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
foreach ($animal->field_farm_animal_group[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $value) {
if (!empty($value['tid'])) {
$old_group_ids[] = $value['tid'];
// Build an array of new group IDs.
$new_group_ids = array();
foreach ($old_group_ids as $old_group_id) {
if (!empty($sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id])) {
$new_group_ids[] = $sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id];
// Load the groups.
$groups = farm_asset_load_multiple($new_group_ids);
// If there are no groups, don't do anything (skip to the next animal).
if (empty($groups)) {
// Create a log assigning this animal to the new group asset(s). Use the
// animals creation date as the date of the log.
farm_group_membership_set($animal, $groups, $animal->created);
// The overall update is not finished.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 0.5;
// Once we've processed all of the animals, we are ready for stage 4.
if ($sandbox['stage3_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage3_max']) {
$sandbox['stage'] = 4;
* Update 7005 stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs.
* @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage4(&$sandbox) {
// If we are not on stage 4, bail.
if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 4) {
// Prepare to process this stage in batches.
if (!isset($sandbox['stage4_progress'])) {
// Set up progress and max variables.
$sandbox['stage4_progress'] = 0;
$sandbox['stage4_max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {log} WHERE type = 'farm_eggs' ORDER BY id ASC")
// Update all field data and revisions for fields that will be kept.
$egg_log_fields = array(
foreach ($egg_log_fields as $field_name) {
$tables = array(
'field_data_' . $field_name,
'field_revision_' . $field_name,
foreach ($tables as $table) {
db_query("UPDATE {" . $table . "} SET bundle = 'farm_harvest' WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs'");
// Load the next batch of egg log IDs.
$limit = 25;
$result = db_query_range("SELECT id FROM {log} WHERE type = 'farm_eggs'", 0, $limit);
$egg_log_ids = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->id)) {
$egg_log_ids[] = $row->id;
// Iterate through egg logs.
foreach ($egg_log_ids as $egg_log_id) {
// Increment the progress.
// Change the log type to 'farm_harvest'.
db_query("UPDATE {log} SET type = 'farm_harvest' WHERE type = 'farm_eggs' AND id = :id", array(
':id' => $egg_log_id,
// Load the log.
$log = log_load($egg_log_id, TRUE);
// Create an entity wrapper for the log.
$log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
// Find old animal groups associated with this log.
$old_group_ids = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT field_farm_animal_group_tid FROM {field_data_field_farm_animal_group} WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs' AND entity_id = :log_id ORDER BY delta ASC", array(
':log_id' => $egg_log_id,
foreach ($result as $row) {
if (!empty($row->field_farm_animal_group_tid)) {
$old_group_ids[] = $row->field_farm_animal_group_tid;
// Iterate through the old group term IDs and add asset references to the
// new group assets that were created in stage 1 above.
foreach ($old_group_ids as $delta => $old_group_id) {
if (array_key_exists($old_group_id, $sandbox['groups'])) {
$group = farm_asset_load($sandbox['groups'][$old_group_id]);
if (!empty($group)) {
$log_wrapper->field_farm_asset[] = $group;
// Find the old egg quantity value from this log.
$egg_qty = db_query("SELECT field_farm_egg_qty_value FROM {field_data_field_farm_egg_qty} WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs' AND entity_id = :log_id", array(
':log_id' => $egg_log_id,
// If no quantity was found, set it to zero.
if (empty($egg_qty)) {
$egg_qty = 0;
// Create a new quantity field_collection entity attached to the log.
$quantity = entity_create('field_collection_item', array(
'field_name' => 'field_farm_quantity',
->setHostEntity('log', $log);
// Create an entity wrapper for the quantity.
$quantity_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('field_collection_item', $quantity);
// Set the quantity measure.
// Set the quantity value.
$value_fraction = fraction_from_decimal($egg_qty);
// Create/load the units taxonomy term.
$units = t('egg(s)');
$units_term = farm_term($units, 'farm_quantity_units');
// Set the quantity units.
$quantity_wrapper->field_farm_quantity_units = $units_term;
// Save the quantity.
// Save the log.
// The overall update is not finished.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 0.75;
// Once we've processed all of the egg logs, we are ready for stage 5.
if ($sandbox['stage4_progress'] >= $sandbox['stage4_max']) {
$sandbox['stage'] = 5;
* Update 7005 stage 5: Clean up.
* @see farm_livestock_update_7005().
function _farm_livestock_update_7005_stage5(&$sandbox) {
// If we are not on stage 5, bail.
if (empty($sandbox['stage']) || $sandbox['stage'] != 5) {
// Delete the "Animal Groups" field instance from animal assets.
$field = field_info_instance('farm_asset', 'field_farm_animal_group', 'animal');
if (!empty($field)) {
// Delete "Farm Animal Groups" View (if it still exists).
$view = views_get_view('farm_animal_groups');
if (!empty($view)) {
// Remove "Farm Animal Groups" taxonomy.
$group_vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('farm_animal_groups');
if (!empty($group_vocab)) {
// Delete the egg logs View.
$view = views_get_view('farm_log_eggs');
if (!empty($view)) {
// Delete the egg log type.
$egg_log_type = log_type_load('farm_eggs');
if (!empty($egg_log_type)) {
// Ensure that all field instances on egg logs are marked for deletion.
db_query("UPDATE {field_config_instance} SET deleted = 1 WHERE entity_type = 'log' AND bundle = 'farm_eggs'");
// We are finished!
$sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
* Install the Farm Livestock Area Types module.
function farm_livestock_update_7006(&$sandbox) {
$module = 'farm_livestock_area_types';
if (!module_exists($module)) {
* Install the Farm Livestock Weight module.
function farm_livestock_update_7007(&$sandbox) {
$module = 'farm_livestock_weight';
if (!module_exists($module)) {
* Remove duplicate area references from movement quickform logs.
function farm_livestock_update_7008(&$sandbox) {
// Setup. Find observation logs associated with the farm_livestock_move_form
// that need to be updated.
if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
$sandbox['progress'] = 0;
// Query observation logs linked to this quick form.
$query = db_select('farm_quick_entity', 'fqe');
->addField('fqe', 'entity_id');
->condition('fqe.entity_type', 'log');
->condition('fqe.quick_form_id', 'farm_livestock_move_form');
$log_alias = $query
->join('log', 'l', 'fqe.entity_id =');
->condition($log_alias . '.type', 'farm_observation');
$log_ids = $query
// Finish the update if there are no logs to update.
if (empty($log_ids)) {
$sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
$sandbox['log_ids'] = $log_ids;
$sandbox['total'] = count($log_ids);
// Load the Nth log we need to process.
$log = log_load($sandbox['log_ids'][$sandbox['progress']]);
// Load areas that each log references.
$log_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('log', $log);
$areas = $log_wrapper->field_farm_area
// Only update areas if more than 1 exists.
if (!empty($areas) && count($areas) > 1) {
// Get the unique areas.
$new_areas = array_unique($areas, SORT_REGULAR);
// Update the log.
if (count($areas) > count($new_areas)) {
$sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['total'];
Name![]() |
Description |
farm_livestock_uninstall | Implements hook_uninstall(). |
farm_livestock_update_7000 | Migrate Animal Description field to plain Description field (from farm_fields). |
farm_livestock_update_7001 | Migrate Animal Parents field to plain Parents field (from farm_asset_children). |
farm_livestock_update_7002 | Add new animal ID tag types: Chip, Other. |
farm_livestock_update_7003 | Add new movement field to medical logs. |
farm_livestock_update_7004 | Enable inventory tracking for animal assets. |
farm_livestock_update_7005 | Create group assets for each animal group term, assign animals to new group assets, convert egg logs to harvest logs, and remove old animal groups taxonomy and related features. |
farm_livestock_update_7006 | Install the Farm Livestock Area Types module. |
farm_livestock_update_7007 | Install the Farm Livestock Weight module. |
farm_livestock_update_7008 | Remove duplicate area references from movement quickform logs. |
farm_livestock_update_dependencies | Implements hook_update_dependencies(). |
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage1 | Update 7005 stage 1: Prepare. |
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage2 | Update 7005 stage 2: Create group assets for each animal group term. |
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage3 | Update 7005 stage 3: Assign animals to new group assets. |
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage4 | Update 7005 stage 4: Convert egg logs to harvest logs. |
_farm_livestock_update_7005_stage5 | Update 7005 stage 5: Clean up. |