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function farm_area_generate_bbox_geometries in farmOS 7

Generates a set of rectangle geometries running horizontally to fill a bounding box.


array $bbox: An array containing bounding box information (in the same format that GeoPHP generates).

int $count: The number of rectangles to fit into the box.

Return value

array Returns an array of rectangle geometries that fit into the bounding box.

1 call to farm_area_generate_bbox_geometries()
farm_area_generate_geometries in modules/farm/farm_area/farm_area_generate/farm_area_generate.module
Generate geometries within a polygon at a given orientation.


modules/farm/farm_area/farm_area_generate/farm_area_generate.module, line 446
Farm area generate module.


function farm_area_generate_bbox_geometries($bbox, $count) {

  // Load GeoPHP.

  // Set BCMath scale.

  // Calculate how wide each rectangle needs to be.
  if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
    $total_width = bcsub($bbox['maxy'], $bbox['miny']);
    $geom_width = bcdiv($total_width, $count);
  else {
    $total_width = $bbox['maxy'] - $bbox['miny'];
    $geom_width = $total_width / $count;

  // Fill the bounding box with rectangles.
  $geometries = array();
  $starting_point = new Point($bbox['minx'], $bbox['maxy']);
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
    $points = array();
    $points[] = $starting_point;
    if (geoPHP::bcmathInstalled()) {
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['maxx'], bcsub($bbox['maxy'], bcmul($geom_width, $i - 1)));
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['maxx'], bcsub($bbox['maxy'], bcmul($geom_width, $i)));
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['minx'], bcsub($bbox['maxy'], bcmul($geom_width, $i)));
    else {
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['maxx'], $bbox['maxy'] - $geom_width * ($i - 1));
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['maxx'], $bbox['maxy'] - $geom_width * $i);
      $points[] = new Point($bbox['minx'], $bbox['maxy'] - $geom_width * $i);
    $points[] = $starting_point;
    $geometries[] = new Polygon(array(
      new LineString($points),
    $starting_point = $points[3];

  // Reset BCMath scale.

  // Return the geometries.
  return $geometries;