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public static function FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes in Frequently Asked Questions 8

Count number of nodes for a term and its children.


int $tid: Id of the tadonomy term to count nodes in.

Return value

int Returns the count of the nodes in the given term.

11 calls to FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes()
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FaqController::faqPage in src/Controller/FaqController.php
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... See full list


src/FaqHelper.php, line 52


Contains static helper functions for FAQ module.




public static function taxonomyTermCountNodes($tid) {
  static $count;
  if (!isset($count) || !isset($count[$tid])) {
    $query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select('node', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
      ->join('taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'n.nid = ti.nid');
      ->join('node_field_data', 'd', 'd.nid = n.nid');
      ->condition('n.type', 'faq')
      ->condition('d.status', 1)
      ->condition('ti.tid', $tid);
    $count[$tid] = $query
  $children_count = 0;
  foreach (FaqHelper::taxonomyTermChildren($tid) as $child_term) {
    $children_count += FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes($child_term);
  return $count[$tid] + $children_count;