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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Frequently Asked Questions 8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
CategoriesForm class Drupal\faq\Form src/Form/CategoriesForm.php Form for the FAQ settings page - categories tab.
FaqCategoriesBlock class Drupal\faq\Plugin\Block src/Plugin/Block/FaqCategoriesBlock.php Provides a simple block.
FaqController class Drupal\faq\Controller src/Controller/FaqController.php Controller routines for FAQ routes.
FaqHelper class Drupal\faq src/FaqHelper.php Contains static helper functions for FAQ module. 8
FaqViewer class Drupal\faq src/FaqViewer.php Controlls the display of questions and answers. 3
GeneralForm class Drupal\faq\Form src/Form/GeneralForm.php Form for the FAQ settings page - general tab.
OrderForm class Drupal\faq\Form src/Form/OrderForm.php Form for reordering the FAQ-s.
QuestionsForm class Drupal\faq\Form src/Form/QuestionsForm.php Form for the FAQ settings page - questions tab.

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