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11 calls to FaqHelper::taxonomyTermCountNodes() in Frequently Asked Questions 8

FaqCategoriesBlock::build in src/Plugin/Block/FaqCategoriesBlock.php
Implements \Drupal\block\BlockBase::blockBuild().
FaqController::faqPage in src/Controller/FaqController.php
Function to display the faq page.
FaqController::_getIndentedFaqTerms in src/Controller/FaqController.php
Return a structured array that consists a list of terms indented according to the term depth.
FaqHelper::getChildCategoriesFaqs in src/FaqHelper.php
Helper function for retrieving the sub-categories faqs.
FaqHelper::viewChildCategoryHeaders in src/FaqHelper.php
Helper function to setup the list of sub-categories for the header.
OrderForm::buildForm in src/Form/OrderForm.php
Form constructor.
template_preprocess_faq_category_hide_answer in includes/
Create categorized FAQ page if set to show answer when question is clicked.
template_preprocess_faq_category_new_page in includes/
Create categorized FAQ page if set to show answer in a new page.
template_preprocess_faq_category_questions_inline in includes/
Create categorized FAQ page if set to show/hide the questions inline.
template_preprocess_faq_category_questions_top in includes/
Create categorized questions for FAQ page if set to show questions on top.
template_preprocess_faq_category_questions_top_answers in includes/
Create categorized answers for FAQ page if set to show the questions on top.