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Functions in Facet API 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
facetapi_sorts_get ./facetapi.module Invokes hook_facetapi_sort_info(), returns all defined sorts. 3
facetapi_sort_active ./ Sorts by whether or not a facet is active. 1
facetapi_sort_count ./ Sorts by facet count. 1
facetapi_sort_display ./ Sorts by display value. 1
facetapi_sort_indexed ./ Sorts by raw indexed value. 1
facetapi_sort_weight ./facetapi.module Useful as a uasort() callback to sort structured arrays by weight. Loose backport of the D7 drupal_sort_weight() function. 6
facetapi_theme ./facetapi.module Implementation of hook_theme().
facetapi_theme_hooks_set ./facetapi.module Recursive function that sets each item's theme hook dependent on whether the item is active or inactive. 1
facetapi_timestamp_format ./facetapi.module Returns a formatted date based on the passed timestamp and gap. 1
facetapi_timestamp_gap_get ./facetapi.module Determines the best search gap to use for an arbitrary date range. 3
facetapi_uninstall ./facetapi.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
facetapi_vocabulary_hierarchical ./facetapi.module Tests whether a vocabulary is hierarchical. 1
facetapi_widgets_filter ./facetapi.module Filters widgets by invoking their access callbacks. 1
facetapi_widgets_get ./facetapi.module Invokes hook_facetapi_widget_info(), returns all defined widgets. 2
facetapi_widget_checkboxes ./ Builds items as checkbox form elemets. 1
facetapi_widget_links ./ Builds items as array of links that can be passed to theme_item_list(). 1 1
facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes ./ Renders facets as links with checkboxes, useful for facets using the OR operator. 1
facetapi_widget_multiselect ./ Builds items as a multiple value select list element. 1
facetapi_widget_radios ./ Builds items as radio for elements. 1
facetapi_widget_select ./ Builds items as a select list element. 1
facetapi_widget_textfield ./ Builds items as a textfield element. 1
hook_facetapi_adapter_info ./ Defines Facet API adapters that abstract various functionality of the search backend.
hook_facetapi_adapter_info_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the adapter definitions.
hook_facetapi_facets_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the built facets prior to being returned by facetapi_realm_build().
hook_facetapi_facet_info ./ Defines facets.
hook_facetapi_facet_info_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the facet definitions.
hook_facetapi_facet_QUERY_TYPE_build ./ Gets facet data from the backend and returns an initialized render array of facet items.
hook_facetapi_query_QUERY_TYPE_prepare ./ Allows the adatper to set up the facet queries.
hook_facetapi_realm_info ./ Defines realms that facets can be built in.
hook_facetapi_realm_info_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the realm definitions.
hook_facetapi_sort_info ./ Allows modules to define custom sorting routines for facet items.
hook_facetapi_sort_info_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the sort definitions.
hook_facetapi_value_QUERY_TYPE_alter ./ Allows modules to parse and extract information from facet values passed through query string. For example, range queries can extract the start and end values from the raw range.
hook_facetapi_widget_info ./ Defines display widgets the block realm uses to theme facets.
hook_facetapi_widget_info_alter ./ Allows modules to alter the widget definitions.
theme_facetapi_admin_settings_form ./ Themes the facet form into a draggable table.
theme_facetapi_count ./ Themes the count for the facet item. For example, this number shows how many results will be returned after clicking on a link.
theme_facetapi_facet_settings_form ./ Themes the facet sort form into a draggable table.
theme_facetapi_item_list ./ Wrapper around theme_item_list(), accepts render array as an argument.
theme_facetapi_link ./ Themes a facet link for a value that is currently being searched.
theme_facetapi_link_active ./ Themes a facet link for a value that is currently being searched.
theme_facetapi_link_inactive ./ Themes a facet link with an optional count.
theme_facetapi_title ./ Themes the facet title.


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