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Widget callbacks and building functions.

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 * @file
 * Widget callbacks and building functions.

 * Builds items as array of links that can be passed to theme_item_list().
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_links(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'facetapi') . '/js/facetapi.block.js');

  // Captures facet information for code readability,
  $facet_name = $build['#facet']['name'];
  $field_alias = $build['#facet']['field alias'];

  // Sets key to facet name since facets shoudln't be grouped by alias.
  $key = $build['#facet']['name'];

  // Adds theme functions to each item dependent on whether it is active or not.
  facetapi_theme_hooks_set($build[$field_alias], 'facetapi_link_active', 'facetapi_link_inactive');

  // Converts the array to something that can be read by theme_item_list().
  $build['#theme'] = 'facetapi_item_list';
  $build[$field_alias] = facetapi_item_list_build($build[$field_alias]);

  // Adds "soft limit" to the javascript settings.
  $searcher = $build['#adapter']
  $limit = facetapi_setting_get('soft_limit', $searcher, $build['#realm_name'], $build['#facet']['name']);
  $settings['limit'] = NULL === $limit ? 10 : $limit;

 * Renders facets as links with checkboxes, useful for facets using the OR
 * operator.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'facetapi') . '/js/facetapi.checkboxes.js');
  facetapi_widget_links($build, $key, $settings);

 * Builds items as checkbox form elemets.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_checkboxes(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  $build['#type'] = 'checkboxes';
  $build['#default_value'] = $build['#adapter']
  $build['#options'] = array_map('check_plain', facetapi_form_options_get($build));
  $build['#prefix'] = '<div class="criterion">';
  $build['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  unset($build[$build['#facet']['field alias']]);

 * Builds items as radio for elements.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_radios(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {

  // Gets the default value, on;y one can be passed for radio widget.
  $active_values = $build['#adapter']
  if (!empty($active_values)) {
    $build['#default_value'] = array_shift($active_values);
  else {
    $build['#default_value'] = '__all__';

  // Builds radio element.
  $build['#type'] = 'radios';
  $build['#options'] = array_map('check_plain', facetapi_form_options_get($build, TRUE));
  $build['#prefix'] = '<div class="criterion">';
  $build['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  unset($build[$build['#facet']['field alias']]);

 * Builds items as a select list element.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_select(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  $build['#type'] = 'select';
  $build['#default_value'] = $build['#adapter']
  $build['#options'] = facetapi_form_options_get($build, TRUE);
  $build['#prefix'] = '<div class="criterion">';
  $build['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  unset($build[$build['#facet']['field alias']]);

 * Builds items as a multiple value select list element.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_multiselect(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  $build['#type'] = 'select';
  $build['#multiple'] = TRUE;
  $build['#default_value'] = $build['#adapter']
  $build['#options'] = facetapi_form_options_get($build);
  $build['#prefix'] = '<div class="criterion">';
  $build['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  $build['#size'] = 10;
  unset($build[$build['#facet']['field alias']]);

 * Builds items as a textfield element.
 * @param &$build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param &$key
 *   A string containing the key the facet's render array will be appended to.
 * @param &$settings
 *   An array containing the JavaScript settings.
function facetapi_widget_textfield(array &$build, &$key, &$settings) {
  $build['#type'] = 'textfield';
  $build['#default_value'] = drupal_implode_tags($build['#adapter']
  $build['#prefix'] = '<div class="criterion">';
  $build['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  $build['#size'] = 30;
  unset($build[$build['#facet']['field alias']]);

 * Returns data for the "list" operation of hook_block().
 * @return
 *   An array of block information.
function facetapi_block_info() {
  $blocks = array();

  // Gets "delta map", iterates over available searcher modules.
  $map = facetapi_delta_map_get();
  foreach (facetapi_adapter_info_get() as $searcher => $definition) {
    $facets = facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher, 'block');
    foreach ($facets as $facet_name => $facet) {

      // Gets the delta from the delta map.
      $string = $searcher . ':block:' . $facet_name;
      $delta = array_search($string, $map);

      // Defines the block.
      // @todo explore more efficient caching options.
      $blocks[$delta] = array(
        'info' => sprintf('Facet API: %s: %s', $searcher, $facet_name),
        'cache' => BLOCK_NO_CACHE,

  // Returns available blocks.
  return $blocks;

 * Returns data for the "view" operation of hook_block().
 * @param $delta
 *   A string containing the identifier for the block.
 * @return
 *   An array containing the block subject and content.
function facetapi_block_view($delta = '') {
  static $builds = array();

  // Bails if delta isn't mapped.
  $map = facetapi_delta_map_get();
  if (!isset($map[$delta])) {
    return array();

  // Extracts the searcher, realm name, and facet name from $delta.
  list($searcher, $realm_name, $facet_name) = explode(':', $map[$delta]);
  $group = $searcher . ':' . $realm_name;

  // Bails if a search hasn't been executed.
  if (!($adapter = facetapi_adapter_load($searcher)) || !$adapter
    ->searchExecuted()) {
    return array();

  // Builds and caches the entire realm.
  if (!isset($builds[$group])) {
    $builds[$group] = facetapi_realm_build($searcher, $realm_name);

  // Returns the individual block.
  if (isset($builds[$group][$facet_name])) {
    return array(
      'subject' => NULL,
      'content' => drupal_render($builds[$group][$facet_name]),
  return array();

 * Returns a "delta map", because sometimes our deltas are longer than 32 chars
 * and need to be passed to md5(). Due to the block table's schema, deltas
 * cannot be longer than 32 characters.  However, md5 hashes are nasty as CSS
 * IDs, so we can use the map to convert the md5 back to a nicer value in
 * facetapi_preprocess_block().
 * @param $reset
 *   A boolean flagging whether the static should be reset.
 * @return
 *   An array containing the delta map.
function facetapi_delta_map_get($reset = FALSE) {
  static $map;
  if (NULL === $map || $reset) {
    if ($data = cache_get('facetapi:delta_map')) {
      $map = $data->data;
    else {
      $map = array();

      // Calculates deltas for each facet in each realms for each searcher.
      foreach (facetapi_adapter_info_get() as $searcher => $definition) {
        foreach (facetapi_realms_get() as $realm) {
          foreach (facetapi_enabled_facets_get($searcher, $realm['name']) as $facet) {
            $string = $searcher . ':' . $realm['name'] . ':' . $facet['name'];

            // NOTE: We don't need drupal_strlen() becuase there will be no UTF8
            // characters in this string, and strlen() is much faster.
            $key = strlen($string) <= 32 ? $string : md5($string);
            $map[$key] = $string;

      // Caches the map so we don't have to do this repeatedly.
      cache_set('facetapi:delta_map', $map, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  return $map;

 * Recursive function that converts the render array into an array that can be
 * passed to theme_item_list().
 * NOTE: In Drupal 6 theme_item_list() does not accept an array, so the wrapper
 * function theme_facetapi_item_list() must be used.
 * @param $build
 *   The render array for the facet's items.
 * @return
 *   An array that can be passed the theme_item_list().
 * @see theme_item_list()
 * @see theme_facetapi_item_list()
function facetapi_item_list_build($build) {
  $items = array();
  foreach ($build as $value => $item) {
    $row = array();
    $options = array(
      'attributes' => array(),
      'query' => drupal_query_string_encode($item['#query'], array(

    // We don't display children unless the parent is clicked.
    if (!empty($item['#item_children'])) {
      if ($item['#active']) {
        $row['class'] = 'expanded';
        $row['children'] = facetapi_item_list_build($item['#item_children']);
      else {
        $row['class'] = 'collapsed';

    // Gets theme hook, adds last minute classes.
    if ($item['#active']) {
      $options['attributes']['class'] = 'active';

    // Themes the link.
    // @todo Change #value to #markup in D7.
    $row['data'] = theme($item['#theme'], $item['#value'], $_GET['q'], $options, $item['#count']);

    // Adds links to array.
    $items[] = $row;
  return $items;

 * Builds array of options, pulls values from the facet's "values callback"
 * function or builds from the facet's items of the callback is not set.
 * NOTE: The option values are return unescaped. It is the responsibility of the
 * widget to escape the values.
 * @param $build
 *   The facet's render array.
 * @param $all_option
 *   A boolean flagging whether to append an "include all" option.
 * @param
 * @return
 *   An array containing the FAPI options.
function facetapi_form_options_get(&$build, $all_option = FALSE) {
  $field_alias = $build['#facet']['field alias'];

  // Initializes options.
  if (!$all_option) {
    $options = array();
  else {

    // @todo The text should be a setting.
    $options = array(
      '__all__' => t('<All>'),

  // Builds options.
  if (!empty($build['#facet']['values callback']) && function_exists($build['#facet']['values callback'])) {
    $options += $build['#facet']['values callback']($build['#facet']);
  else {
    foreach ($build[$field_alias] as $value => $item) {
      $options[$value] = $item['#value'];
  return $options;


Namesort descending Description
facetapi_block_info Returns data for the "list" operation of hook_block().
facetapi_block_view Returns data for the "view" operation of hook_block().
facetapi_delta_map_get Returns a "delta map", because sometimes our deltas are longer than 32 chars and need to be passed to md5(). Due to the block table's schema, deltas cannot be longer than 32 characters. However, md5 hashes are nasty as CSS IDs, so we…
facetapi_form_options_get Builds array of options, pulls values from the facet's "values callback" function or builds from the facet's items of the callback is not set.
facetapi_item_list_build Recursive function that converts the render array into an array that can be passed to theme_item_list().
facetapi_widget_checkboxes Builds items as checkbox form elemets.
facetapi_widget_links Builds items as array of links that can be passed to theme_item_list().
facetapi_widget_link_checkboxes Renders facets as links with checkboxes, useful for facets using the OR operator.
facetapi_widget_multiselect Builds items as a multiple value select list element.
facetapi_widget_radios Builds items as radio for elements.
facetapi_widget_select Builds items as a select list element.
facetapi_widget_textfield Builds items as a textfield element.