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function facetapi_item_list_build in Facet API 6

Recursive function that converts the render array into an array that can be passed to theme_item_list().

NOTE: In Drupal 6 theme_item_list() does not accept an array, so the wrapper function theme_facetapi_item_list() must be used.


$build: The render array for the facet's items.

Return value

An array that can be passed the theme_item_list().

See also



1 call to facetapi_item_list_build()
facetapi_widget_links in ./
Builds items as array of links that can be passed to theme_item_list().


./, line 298
Widget callbacks and building functions.


function facetapi_item_list_build($build) {
  $items = array();
  foreach ($build as $value => $item) {
    $row = array();
    $options = array(
      'attributes' => array(),
      'query' => drupal_query_string_encode($item['#query'], array(

    // We don't display children unless the parent is clicked.
    if (!empty($item['#item_children'])) {
      if ($item['#active']) {
        $row['class'] = 'expanded';
        $row['children'] = facetapi_item_list_build($item['#item_children']);
      else {
        $row['class'] = 'collapsed';

    // Gets theme hook, adds last minute classes.
    if ($item['#active']) {
      $options['attributes']['class'] = 'active';

    // Themes the link.
    // @todo Change #value to #markup in D7.
    $row['data'] = theme($item['#theme'], $item['#value'], $_GET['q'], $options, $item['#count']);

    // Adds links to array.
    $items[] = $row;
  return $items;