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26 calls to Bootstrap::deprecated() in Express 8

bootstrap_cdn_provider in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves a list of available CDN providers for the Bootstrap framework.
bootstrap_element_smart_description in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Converts an element description into a tooltip based on certain criteria.
bootstrap_get_cdn_assets in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves CDN assets for the active provider, if any.
bootstrap_get_theme_info in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Return information from the .info file of a theme (and possible base themes).
bootstrap_include in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Includes a file from a theme.
bootstrap_setting in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves a setting for the current theme or for a given theme.
SettingBase::getElement in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Plugin/Setting/SettingBase.php
SettingBase::getGroup in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Plugin/Setting/SettingBase.php
Theme::getSettingPlugins in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Theme.php
Retrieves the theme's setting plugin instances.
ThemeSuggestions::addEntitySuggestions in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Plugin/Alter/ThemeSuggestions.php
Adds "bundle" and "view mode" suggestions for an entity.
ThemeSuggestions::getEntity in themes/contrib/bootstrap/src/Plugin/Alter/ThemeSuggestions.php
Extracts the entity from the element(s) passed in the Variables object.
_bootstrap_add_class in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Adds a class to an element's render array.
_bootstrap_colorize_button in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Adds a specific Bootstrap class to color a button based on its text value.
_bootstrap_colorize_text in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Matches a Bootstrap class based on a string value.
_bootstrap_file_scan_directory in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Wrapper for the core file_scan_directory() function.
_bootstrap_get_attributes in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves an element's "attributes" array.
_bootstrap_get_base_themes in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Returns a list of base themes for active or provided theme.
_bootstrap_get_classes in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Retrieves an element's "class" attribute array.
_bootstrap_glyphicons in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Returns a list of available Bootstrap Glyphicons.
_bootstrap_glyphicons_supported in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Determine whether or not Bootstrap Glyphicons can be used.
_bootstrap_icon in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Returns a specific Bootstrap Glyphicon.
_bootstrap_iconize_button in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Adds an icon to button element based on its text value.
_bootstrap_iconize_text in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Matches a Bootstrap Glyphicon based on a string value.
_bootstrap_is_button in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Determines if an element is a button.
_bootstrap_is_simple_string in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Determines if a string of text is considered "simple".
_bootstrap_remove_class in themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php
Removes a class from an element's attributes array.