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function bootstrap_cdn_provider in Express 8

Retrieves a list of available CDN providers for the Bootstrap framework.

// Before.
$providers = bootstrap_cdn_provider();
$jsdelivr = bootstrap_cdn_provider('jsdelivr');

// After.
use Drupal\bootstrap\Bootstrap;
use Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\ProviderManager;
$theme = Bootstrap::getTheme();

// Get provider definitions, the "equivalent" for bootstrap_cdn_provider().
$provider_manager = new ProviderManager($theme);
$providers = $provider_manager
$jsdelivr = $provider_manager

// You should, however, use the the fully initialized classes made
// available through a theme instance.
$providers = $theme
$jsdelivr = $theme


string $provider: A specific provider data to return.

bool $reset: Toggle determining whether or not to reset the database cache.

Return value

array|FALSE An associative array of CDN providers, keyed by their machine name if $provider is not set. If $provider is set and exists, it's individual data array will be returned. If $provider is set and the data does not exist then FALSE will be returned.


Will be removed in a future release.

See also





themes/contrib/bootstrap/deprecated.php, line 621
This contains deprecated functions that will be removed in a future release.


function bootstrap_cdn_provider($provider = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  $provider_manager = new ProviderManager(Bootstrap::getTheme());
  if ($reset) {
  if (isset($provider)) {
    if ($provider_manager
      ->hasDefinition($provider)) {
      return $provider_manager
    return FALSE;
  return $provider_manager