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Functions in Exif 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
exif_admin_settings ./ Just some help page. Gives you an overview over the available tags 1
exif_admin_settings_form ./ The form definition for the admin settings 1
exif_date_formats ./exif.module Date API hook.
exif_date_format_types ./exif.module Date API hook.
exif_helper_form_alter exif_helper/exif_helper.module implementation of hook_form_alter
exif_helper_menu exif_helper/exif_helper.module @file Intention of this little module: exif.module needs to have a weight of -10 at least it has to be processed before CCK is processed, so that EXIF information can be taken from the fields and be written into the CCK fields.
exif_helper_settings_form exif_helper/exif_helper.module Form definition for the admin of the helper module 1
exif_install ./exif.install Implementation of hook_install().
exif_location_form_alter exif_location/exif_location.module Implementation of hook_form_alter
exif_location_install exif_location/exif_location.install
exif_location_nodeapi exif_location/exif_location.module implementation of hook_nodeapi
exif_location_update_6001 exif_location/exif_location.install
exif_menu ./exif.module @author: Raphael Schär -
exif_nodeapi ./exif.module implementation of hook_nodeapi
exif_requirements ./exif.install
fast_gallery_token_list ./exif.module Implementation of hook_hoken_list
fast_gallery_token_values ./exif.module implementation of hook_token_values
_exif_check_for_exif_data ./exif.module Let's check if this node type contains an image field. 1
_exif_date_handler ./exif.module Helper function to handle all date values from exif header. This is designed for the date_api and date modules, but is compatible if these aren't enabled. 1
_exif_DMS2D ./exif.module Helper function to change GPS co-ords into decimals. 1
_exif_get_class ./exif.module Helper function to get the exif class 5
_exif_get_image_path ./exif.module From a given node we are going to get the imagepath of the image. if it's an image node it's just going to be images[IMAGE_ORIGINAL]. If it's an imagefield node, we have to go through the fields and look if there is an imagefield and… 2
_exif_reformat ./exif.module Helper function to reformat fields where required. 2

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