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function exif_helper_settings_form in Exif 6

Form definition for the admin of the helper module

1 string reference to 'exif_helper_settings_form'
exif_helper_menu in exif_helper/exif_helper.module
@file Intention of this little module: exif.module needs to have a weight of -10 at least it has to be processed before CCK is processed, so that EXIF information can be taken from the fields and be written into the CCK fields.


exif_helper/exif_helper.module, line 59
Intention of this little module: exif.module needs to have a weight of -10 at least it has to be processed before CCK is processed, so that EXIF information can be taken from the fields and be written into the CCK fields.


function exif_helper_settings_form() {
  $form['exif_helper'] = array(
    '#value' => t('When a user creates a node by default the CCK information will not be shown.
    This doesn\'t make any sense and would only confuse the user. The values for those fields
    is taken from the picture it-self. Nevertheless the information is visibile when you display
    the node just plain or through views or whatever. We are just talking here about the actual
    creation form'),
  $form['exif_helper_show_on_creation'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Show CCK Fields on Node-Creation form'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('exif_helper_show_on_creation', 0),
  $form['exif_helper_show_on_update'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Show CCK Fields on Node-Update form'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('exif_helper_show_on_update', 0),
  return system_settings_form($form);