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Files in Exif 6

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CHANGES.txt CHANGES.txt // $Id: FAST GALLERY MODULE CHANGES --------------------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- * rapsli (Raphael Schär) CHANGES LOG ----------- 2010/10/08 * Minor Bug with encoding * Bug in XMP #935220 by silvio * Fixed exif_location…
exif.class.php exif.class.php
exif.css exif.css .tag_type{ background-color: gray !important; } name = Exif description = "Display Exif metadata on image nodes." dependencies[] = content dependencies[] = text dependencies[] = exif_helper package = Image core = 6.x
exif.install exif.install the install part of the module
exif.module exif.module implementing the drupal api exif_helper/ ; $Id: name = Exif Helper description = "Some helper functions." package = Image core = 6.x
exif_helper.module exif_helper/exif_helper.module Intention of this little module: exif.module needs to have a weight of -10 at least it has to be processed before CCK is processed, so that EXIF information can be taken from the fields and be written into the CCK fields. exif_location/ name = EXIF Location description = "Sets a node location based on EXIF info in image." core = 6.x version = "6.x-0.1" dependencies[] = exif
exif_location.install exif_location/exif_location.install This is the exif location install part
exif_location.module exif_location/exif_location.module
README.txt README.txt // $Id: README file for the Exif Drupal module. Description *********** The Exif module allows to display Exif metadata on image nodes. Exif is a specification for the image file format used by digital cameras. The metadata tags defined in the…

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