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README.txt in Exif 6

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  1. 5 README.txt
  2. 7 README.txt
// $Id: 

README file for the Exif Drupal module.


The Exif module allows to display Exif metadata on image nodes. Exif is a
specification for the image file format used by digital cameras.

The metadata tags defined in the Exif standard cover a broad spectrum including [1]:

 * Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and
   time and save this in the metadata.
 * Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model
   and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation,
   aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and film speed
 * Location information, which could come from a GPS receiver connected to the
 * Descriptions and copyright information.

Administrators can choose via CCK fields which Exif information are read.

At this time, this module supports Exif information only with JPEG files.

[1] Reference:

Requirements and Constraints

CCK with at least textfields enabled.
If you use a module like imagefield. It's only possible to have one image per node!! 
If there are more than one images per node, only the exif data of one image is read!

IMPORTANT: If you are using imagefield, do not call the content type "image"!!! Image
is reserved for using the Image module. If you call your content type image and you are
using imagefield, the module is not going to work.


After installing it you can go to your CCK nodetype. It supports both the image module 
aswell as the imagefield module. Let's say you have an content type "photo". Go to your
cck settings and add a new field. For the name of the field you need to follow the following
naming conventions:

#1 field_exif_exposuretime -> this would read the ExposureTime of the image and save it
in this field.

#2 field_ifd0_datetime ->	this would read the date time (2009:01:23 08:52:43) of the image.
as a field_type you can take for example a normal textfield, but also a date field would be

General rule is: [field]_[section]_[name] 

Under admin/settings/exif you can see a list of all possible information. These informations
are taken from the image "sample.jpg". I may not contain all tags available. If you are looking
for some specific tags you can just replace this image with your own image.


View source
  1. // $Id:
  2. README file for the Exif Drupal module.
  3. Description
  4. ***********
  5. The Exif module allows to display Exif metadata on image nodes. Exif is a
  6. specification for the image file format used by digital cameras.
  7. The metadata tags defined in the Exif standard cover a broad spectrum including [1]:
  8. * Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and
  9. time and save this in the metadata.
  10. * Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model
  11. and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation,
  12. aperture, shutter speed, focal length, metering mode, and film speed
  13. information.
  14. * Location information, which could come from a GPS receiver connected to the
  15. camera.
  16. * Descriptions and copyright information.
  17. Administrators can choose via CCK fields which Exif information are read.
  18. At this time, this module supports Exif information only with JPEG files.
  19. [1] Reference:
  20. Requirements and Constraints
  21. ****************************
  22. CCK with at least textfields enabled.
  23. If you use a module like imagefield. It's only possible to have one image per node!!
  24. If there are more than one images per node, only the exif data of one image is read!
  25. IMPORTANT: If you are using imagefield, do not call the content type "image"!!! Image
  26. is reserved for using the Image module. If you call your content type image and you are
  27. using imagefield, the module is not going to work.
  28. Usage
  29. ************
  30. After installing it you can go to your CCK nodetype. It supports both the image module
  31. aswell as the imagefield module. Let's say you have an content type "photo". Go to your
  32. cck settings and add a new field. For the name of the field you need to follow the following
  33. naming conventions:
  34. Example:
  35. #1 field_exif_exposuretime -> this would read the ExposureTime of the image and save it
  36. in this field.
  37. #2 field_ifd0_datetime -> this would read the date time (2009:01:23 08:52:43) of the image.
  38. as a field_type you can take for example a normal textfield, but also a date field would be
  39. possible.
  40. General rule is: [field]_[section]_[name]
  41. Under admin/settings/exif you can see a list of all possible information. These informations
  42. are taken from the image "sample.jpg". I may not contain all tags available. If you are looking
  43. for some specific tags you can just replace this image with your own image.