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function entity_translation_translation_exists_ctools_access_summary in Entity Translation 7

Provide a summary description based upon the checked node_languages.

1 string reference to 'entity_translation_translation_exists_ctools_access_summary' in plugins/access/
Plugin to provide access control on entities based on translations.


plugins/access/, line 120
Plugin to provide access control on entities based on translations.


function entity_translation_translation_exists_ctools_access_summary($conf, $context) {
  $languages = array(
    ENTITY_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGE_CURRENT => t('Current site content language'),
    ENTITY_TRANSLATION_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT => t('Default site language'),
    LANGUAGE_NONE => t('Language neutral'),
  $languages = array_merge($languages, locale_language_list());
  if (!isset($conf['language'])) {
    $conf['language'] = array();
  $names = array();
  foreach (array_filter($conf['language']) as $language) {
    $names[] = $languages[$language];
  if (empty($names)) {
    return t('@identifier is in any language', array(
      '@identifier' => $context->identifier,
  return format_plural(count($names), '@languages translation exists for @identifier', '@languages translations exists for identifier', array(
    '@languages' => implode(', ', $names),
    '@identifier' => $context->identifier,