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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Entity Translation 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
EntityTranslationCommentHandler class includes/ Comment translation handler.
EntityTranslationCommentTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Basic tests for comment related things.
EntityTranslationContentTranslationTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Basic tests for nodes using both content and entity translation.
EntityTranslationDefaultHandler class includes/ Class implementing the default entity translation behaviours. 4
EntityTranslationHandlerFactory class includes/ Class implementing the entity translation handler factory.
EntityTranslationHandlerInterface interface includes/ Interface for enabling entity translation. 1
EntityTranslationHierarchyTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Tests that entity translation handler hierarchy works properly.
EntityTranslationHookTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Test CRUD hook invocation.
EntityTranslationIntegrationTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Tests for integration of Entity Translation with other modules.
EntityTranslationMenuTranslationTestCase class entity_translation_i18n_menu/entity_translation_i18n_menu.test Tests for the translation of menu items on entity forms.
EntityTranslationNodeHandler class includes/ Node translation handler.
EntityTranslationTaxonomyAutocompleteTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Tests for the taxonomy autocomplete translation modes.
EntityTranslationTaxonomyTermHandler class includes/ Taxonomy term translation handler.
EntityTranslationTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Base class for entity translation module tests. 10
EntityTranslationToggleFieldsTranslatabilityTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Tests for enabling fields to use Entity Translation or disabling them.
EntityTranslationTranslationTestCase class tests/entity_translation.test Basic tests for the translation creation/editing workflow.
EntityTranslationUpgradeTestCase class entity_translation_upgrade/entity_translation_upgrade.test Tests for the upgrade translation process.
EntityTranslationUserHandler class includes/ User translation handler.
entity_translation_handler_field_field class views/ @file This file contains a field handler for entity translation that shows field content translated into a specified language.
entity_translation_handler_field_label class views/ This handler shows the entity label for entities in the entity_translation table.
entity_translation_handler_field_translate_link class views/ This handler adds translate link for all translatable entities.
entity_translation_handler_filter_entity_type class views/ This handler shows all available entity types that are enabled for entity translation as options.
entity_translation_handler_filter_language class views/ Extends the locale language filter in order for it to work with the entity translation table structure.
entity_translation_handler_filter_translation_exists class views/ This handler determines if a translation exists for a particular translation.
entity_translation_handler_relationship class views/ Add a relationship to the entity translation table.
MigrateTranslationEntityHandler class includes/ Destination handler implementing translatable fields.

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