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Deprecated in Entity Translation 7

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Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
EntityTranslationHandlerInterface::getFormLanguage includes/ function in 7.x-1.0-beta6, will be removed before 7.x-1.0. Use ::getActiveLanguage() instead. 1
EntityTranslationHandlerInterface::isTranslating includes/ function This is no longer used and will be removed before the first stable release. 1
EntityTranslationHandlerInterface::setFormLanguage includes/ function in 7.x-1.0-beta6, will be removed before 7.x-1.0. Use ::setActiveLanguage() instead. 1
EntityTranslationHandlerInterface::setTranslating includes/ function This is no longer used and will be removed before the first stable release. 1
entity_translation_current_form_get_handler ./entity_translation.module function This is no longer used and will be removed in the first stable release.
entity_translation_form_language ./entity_translation.module function This is no longer used and will be removed in the first stable release.

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